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Full Version: Guitar neck and arch top methods

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From: Michael Gibson
31 Oct 2018   [#156] In reply to [#154]
Looks fantastic Neil, thanks for posting the pictures of your finished project! You've got up to speed on 3D CAD quickly.

- Michael
From: ed (EDDYF)
1 Nov 2018   [#157] In reply to [#154]
Looks great Neil!

Yes - when it comes to design decisions - the customer is always right. (Unless you can talk them out of it :)

Ed Ferguson
1 Nov 2018   [#158] In reply to [#157]
Thanks very much! Now I need to learn how to make this design an arch top with two f-holes . . . f-holes no problem - arch top - don't have a clue :)
From: Michael Gibson
1 Nov 2018   [#159] In reply to [#158]
Hi Neil, here is a strategy that may help:

- Michael
26 Nov 2018   [#160] In reply to [#157]
Here's a couple photos of the guitar and the guy I built it for, John Acosta of the "Bee Gees Gold" show.

Image Attachments:
JohnAcostawithguitar.jpg  Thebandandguitar.jpg 

From: mkdm
27 Nov 2018   [#161] In reply to [#160]
Great things!!

27 Nov 2018   [#162] In reply to [#161]
Thanks Marco!
30 Nov 2018   [#163]
Here's the first 3D body done with the new machine - of course it will look better after finishing. Ruined a few pieces of cheap wood before getting the CAM portion correct. The neck was not cut for the contoured heel but rather a standard heel - will do the contoured one in the model shortly.

Image Attachments:
Ionehumscontours1.jpg  Ionehumscontours2.jpg  Ionehumscountours2.JPG 

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From: Michael Gibson
26 Jun 2020   [#165]
(removed spam)
15 Aug 2020   [#166] In reply to [#165]
Latest guitar modeled in Moi - small body semi-hollow arch top coming soon.

Image Attachments:
StardustGH3.jpg  StardustGH3backmed.jpg 

From: Michael Gibson
16 Aug 2020   [#167] In reply to [#166]

- Michael
From: Anthony (PROP_DESIGN)
16 Aug 2020   [#168]
that's really nice. you seemed to have got the hang of MoI. you're website is nice too. i hope you have a lot of success.
From: ed (EDDYF)
16 Aug 2020   [#169]
Great work Neil! Something very satisfying about creating an object in MoI and bringing it to reality via CNC (and a lot of hand finishing :)

Ed Ferguson
From: Mik (MIKULAS)
17 Aug 2020   [#170] In reply to [#169]
Amazing work and professional photo lighting.
27 Aug 2020   [#171] In reply to [#170]
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Can't take credit for the photo as the pictures are by a professional photographer who is also a customer.

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25 Dec 2020   [#174] In reply to [#33]
Great advice - thanks!
From: Michael Gibson
26 Dec 2020   [#175] In reply to [#173]
Hi Neil,

> There is a guy selling tutorials on how to model guitars in Moi3D here:

That's great, I didn't know about this one! I've added a link from the MoI resources tutoriuals page.

That would easily be worth it to get very specific information on a complex area like this.

- Michael

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