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Hello jopo,
That looks excellent - very nice transition! Thanks for sharing. Well done - can't wait to try that.
Here's a neck using Barry's trim and blend method and basic networking - all basic commands. Everything on this one checks out - so I feel I can move on to Barry's other method of using trimming spheres. And jopos networking and trimming example.
Thanks jopo,
I tried your method but obviously need to work on it - not sure how you're drawing the lines between the spliced arc and the headstock back - but the way you draw makes the network very smooth.
From: Grant (G_NICHOLSON)
3d objects on cnc are machined using a ball-ended bit.
Similar to a topographical map, tool paths are mapped over the undulating surface of the 3d object. The finishing quality is achieved by placing these tool paths as close to each other as to create 90 percent overlap of the tool, which means it takes a long time.
Whenever profiling bits can be used, they are great because they are fast and require minimal sanding. The profile of something like a guitar neck is not consistent the way a profile bit is, unfortunately, leaving no choice but to go for 3d machining.
I hope this helps?
I use cnc to produce artwork and architectural elements - this is why I am learning MOI.
I use different bits for roughing and finishing - but always a ball end for finishing.
From: jopo
could you pleas mark the lines you mean.
Hello Jopo,
Please show me how you draw these highlighted (yellow) lines so that you end up with a rounded surface - when I try it leaves a crease.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Neil,
> when I try it leaves a crease.
If you can please post the 3DM model file with your creased result in it, that could make it easier for someone to figure out what went wrong when you tried it.
- Michael
Been working on neck transitions since March and really in general still am below novice at this program. Lol. Have received a generous (and gracious) amount of world class help and can't express how much it is sincerely appreciated. I continue to make the most basic mistakes. Maybe should hire someone to make the neck models? As I'm improving very slowly. Jopos are nice and round - I can't seem to duplicate that with this neck shape.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Neil, thanks for posting the file.
So it looks like you're using a different command than what Jopo used for this piece here:
Note how this area here swoops upwards? :
Looks like that was probably made using Network? The steps said to use Blend (between 2 edges) to make it, that would look more like this:
- Michael
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From: jopo
Hi Neil,
Michael is right. You have to use the blend command. It works only on edges if you like to model surfaces not on curves. I recommend you to hide curves under the "Types" browser. The lines you mean are edges of the surface which is the result oft the blend command. So you don't have to draw the lines. I hope I could help.
Thank you for the help. The reason I used network - because being a novice - that's what it looked like in the pictures. My only experience with blend is trim and blend - which seems different. Can you show how to blend this within the outlines of the neck profile - you can see here where the blend is behind the neck profile line in this file? Perhaps use network for that side maybe?
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Screenshot (82).png
This one uses blend for the left side and sweep for the right side and middle sections - the middle looks very good - but the right side has an edge.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Neil, the edge comes from using Sweep instead of Blend, when I review jopo's post here:
that was using all Blends. So you're getting a different result since you're doing different things.
There is a problem with the all Blends method though which is in this area here:
That's going to be generated as a "side wall" of the blend and it won't be guaranteed to be close enough to join in that spot, although it may be close enough if you're lucky.
One way to ensure that spot will join is to make the blend:
Then use Construct > Curve > Iso to extract several curves from the blend surface like this:
Also duplicate the top edge of the blend by selecting it and using Copy/Paste. Then you can do a Network like this:
That will then be guaranteed to join. The downside is that it's no longer guaranteed to be smooth. But it will be very very close to smooth since most of its shape is coming from the blend.
So you could try that if there are joining problems in that spot.
- Michael
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Thank you very much Michael & Jopo - tried all blends first but found (as you pointed out) the right side didn't fit the way it needed to. Good to know how to use the Iso curve command (in this context). The one attached uses two blends and one network - as I couldn't get the blend on the right side within the profile of the neck. Still working on this but pretty happy with it so far. After blending the middle changed the shape of the back of the neck and used the planer command.
Image Attachments:
Screenshot (83).png
Starting to get it (famous last words) - after blending everything - on this one - deleted the original headstock back and created a new back based on the edge of the middle blend then used the planar command - looks pretty good. :) Next after learning to blend consistently - then the trick will be getting the entire neck solid. Many thanks again to Michael and Jopo for all the help with this method. This is a good method for a beginner - not too complicated.
From: Michael Gibson
Looking good Neil!
- Michael
From: Finema
Looks good !
From: jopo
That's it. Very nice!
From: ed (EDDYF)
Looks great! I'd like to see a photo of that area as it comes straight off the CNC router (before sanding). Looks like you'll have minimal sanding to do.
Ed Ferguson
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