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Full Version: Marco (mkdm)'s very personal Moi V3 - A gift for all moiers :)

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From: Michael Gibson
26 Feb 2018   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Thanks for sharing it Marco!

- Michael
From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#4] In reply to [#3]
You're welcome Michael!

It's always a pleasure for me when I can share some of the fun and the knowledge I've gained over the years using this amazing piece of software that IMHO has earned the right to be placed permanently at the top ranking of the whole computer software history.

I'm serious about this point.

We'll catch up.

From: Franz
27 Feb 2018   [#5] In reply to [#4]
Hello Marco!

Thank you for your generosity. I don't take it for granted that everyone can benefit from your work.
MoI is a great thing in itself, but even more valuable through many members of this forum.

molti ringraziamenti ancora, viva Italia e marco! (deepl translator)

From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#6] In reply to [#5]
Ciao Franz!

Thank you very much for your kind words :)

@You : "...I don't take it for granted that everyone can benefit from your work..." problem at all for me ;)

I never thought that my very personal config would be really useful for anyone but me...

But maybe my configuration contains in itself some peculiarity that someone could find interesting or some specific tools that someone could take as a ground-level idea.

Furthermore...I forgot to mention in my first post...but clearly please consider all the material I posted to be TOTALLY at your disposal.

It was a gift to any moiers.

Anyone can take it, modify and improve it in any way :)

Only, if someone want to re-post the same material with some improvements or change is sufficient to write into the comments of the source file that the particular modification is not made by me.
This, only in order to keep things organized and clear for the readers of the source code.

I don't know where are you from...I try to guess from your name...maybe "Germany" ?

If this is the case (with the automatic translator) :

English : Long live the Germany!
German : Lang lebe die Deutschland!


From: Rudl
27 Feb 2018   [#7]
Hallo Marco,

I tried to use your personal MOI, but the UI after copying everything in MOI´s installation folder don´t look good.

Image Attachments:

Message 8848.8 was deleted

From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#9] In reply to [#7]
Hi Rudl.

Hmmm...strange thing, I think it should be something related to "UI Size" setup and the position of the "Scene browser" and the "Side Pame"

Try this setup for you Moi V3 and let me know.

Marco (mkdm)
From: Moier (STARDUST)
27 Feb 2018   [#10] In reply to [#2]
Thanks Marco, awesome :)

*Michael for Nobel Prize*
From: Rudl
27 Feb 2018   [#11]
I don´t have the possibiity to come in the option window
From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#12] In reply to [#7]
Yes Rudl!

I can confirm the issue.

You need to set "Scene browser Position" to "Inside" and not "Adiacent".

This is my V3 with "Adiacent" :

And this is with "Inside", the right one :

Try and let me know.

From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#13] In reply to [#11]
I'm sorry :) ... I forgot to mention that in my config you have to hit : Alt+F1 to show the option window.

Try and let me know.
From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#14]
Thanks to Rudl I realized that I forgot to mention that to show the Moi's option windows with my config you need to hit Alt+F1 shortcut.

A couple of minutes and I'm going to update the PDF manual.

From: Rudl
27 Feb 2018   [#15]
Will try it tomorrow again. Greetings to Italy.
From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#16] In reply to [#15]
I'm sure that with the settings I told you you will have no problem :)

Remember that to show the Moi's Option window there's the shortcut "Alt + F1".

Anyway now you will see also a new post with the PDF manual updated.

Thanks for telling me your issue and thanks for the kind words.
From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#17] In reply to [#15]
Hello everyone!

Thanks to the post of Rudl I've updated the original post of this thread.
Please refer always to that post to find all you need to use my config.

You can read it always at :

Anyway this time I repeat also here the updated section :

You can download the updated PDF manual at :

After copied all the stuff into the Moi’s folder, in order to have the correct display of the new config you have to use this setup.
Because now the "option" button is not more present in the UI, in order to open the Moi’s Option window you have to use this shortcut : Alt + F1

The most important and unique option to set is :
"Scene Browser Position" : Inside

All other options are left to you.
Here I show you my other settings.

If you have a display with very high resolution you can play with the setting "UI Size"

From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#18]

I love shortcut and keeping display clean but...
For people who don't like to have the "Save, Undo, Redo, Delete, Option and Help" buttons hidden here's an alternate version of the "CommandBar.htm" file to use with my config.

You can download at :

Copy the file into the Moi's "ui" folder (overwrite = YES)

Marco (mkdm)
From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#19] In reply to [#10]
You're welcome Stardust.

See you.
From: Rudl
28 Feb 2018   [#20]
Dear Marco,

Alt + F1 didn´t function. Coud it be I made something other wrong?

From: mkdm
28 Feb 2018   [#21] In reply to [#20]
Hi Rudl.

:) Very strange.

Did you followed all the steps I've written ?

Maybe you don't have my shortcut settings and so Alt + F1 is not working...

If you want them do this :

If you want to use all my current shortcuts then download this file :
As soon as you unzip it you will have this file : "my_shortcuts.ini"
It contains the "[Shortcut Keys]" section to be placed into your Moi.ini file.
If you don't use my shortcuts you will find that the new UI will show you the wrong shortcut keys.
Anyway you can always change the information displayed by the new UI.

But if you don't want to change you shortcuts no problem.
You can have a more "populated" command bar with the "Option" button and other stuff.

Go here :

Let me know.
From: Rudl
28 Feb 2018   [#22]
I want to use your shortcuts.
Here are screenshots, where I placed the files

Image Attachments:
2.jpg  3.jpg 

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