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Full Version: Concept car design in MOI?

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From: zarkow
27 Feb 2018   [#21] In reply to [#18]
OK, and this:

like this:
From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#22] In reply to [#21]


...please Michael update the wiki page :)

Marco (mkdm)
27 Feb 2018   [#23] In reply to [#14]
Hi Marco,

>> ...not really for everyone :) <<

I did not refer exactly to this software but wanted to share Pilous amazment how accessible in general
digital tools nowadays have become to even modest bugdets ...

"Amazing what "normal" public progs can do today!"

Message 8845.24 was deleted

From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#25] In reply to [#23]
Hi Tom.

To avoid going too off-topic here, I created this new thread :


Marco (mkdm)
From: ed (EDDYF)
27 Feb 2018   [#26]
Another possibility:

I wrote this car modeling tutorial in 2015 shortly after Max Smirnov published his SubD scripts for MoI. The car was modeled 100% in MoI.

Ed Ferguson

Image Attachments:
MoI Car Model.jpg 

From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#27] In reply to [#26]
Hi Ed!


I remember very well your amazing tutorial about sub-d and car modelling in Moi!!

Amazing tutorial!

Personally if I have to go with subd-d, altough Moi+Max's SubDiv is a GREAT tool, I prefer to jump into a classic Poly/SDS modeler and do all the stuff there.
A true sub-d modeler can offer a greater flexibility and many more tools for that kind of operation.

Anyway your tutorial was a mind-blowing piece of "art"!

Thanks a lot.
From: ed (EDDYF)
27 Feb 2018   [#28]
Thanks Marco. Yes - Max's SubD tool is great, but as you say, not a substitute for a dedicated program (nor intended to be I'm sure).

What I like about it is that it's simple, and you stay within MoI. The biggest issue is the lack of ability to specify edges that you want to preserve sharpness. I think if more work was done in this area it would be extremely useful. There are situations where one needs an organic shape and the script is very easy to use.

And thanks again Marco for introducing me to Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer. Inexpensive, very easy to use programs that allowed me to simplify my workflow. I no longer use Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator in my business.

Ed Ferguson
From: mkdm
27 Feb 2018   [#29] In reply to [#28]
@You : "...And thanks again Marco for introducing me to Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer. Inexpensive, very easy to use programs that allowed me to simplify my workflow. I no longer use Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator in my business..."

You're welcome!

With Affinity Designer and Moi I'm experiencing very very powerful 2D workflows!!

At Affinity team, seems that times is ripe for new powerful functions in new releases. Maybe this summer.
I'm talking about some kind of deforming tools for curves and other advanced vector tools.

In this way Affinity Designer will become an even better companion for Moi.

From: zarkow
28 Feb 2018   [#30]
Hello, for this thread I made a Tesla Base Model 3, it takes 2-3 hours:

-Draw the baselines.

-Make simple normal Networks.

Now my old ISO-lines-Recon-Polyline-Straight-Loft-Sub-D Methode:

Reconstruct Curves with polylines.


get the Isocurves.

The advantage vs a normal Polytool, is you get easy a good meshflow with the Isolines.....:

Reconstruct Curves with polylines./Straight-Loft.

...and you can use the base-network-patches to surface-snaps the Poly-Vertices.


The next steps are this way:

Now the first result:

Nice, but the tesla 3 has some sharp lines, they are suddenly stops.

How you can stop the flow and sharp the lines:

Delete a poly-patches where the flow should stop and splite with the subd-split script.

and Repair simply with two lofts, the triangles are welcome in this case.

Now the result, with the first "Stop-Line"


the way there too

Result three

more sharping lines

Now the Final Results for the base shape

with baselines overlay

I think for only 3 houres work ist clean enough

now you can use the main power of MoI and Trim Cut the clearance, windows, lights, and all the things you Need.
From: mkdm
28 Feb 2018   [#31] In reply to [#30]

@You : " takes 2-3 hours: ..."

LOL :) LOL :)

For me it took two days :)
From: zarkow
28 Feb 2018   [#32]
yes, the hardest work is to find the base lines for the right flow, this takes 1 hours, but I have meanwhile a good Feeling for this things.

The rest is assiduity work.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
28 Feb 2018   [#33] In reply to [#32]
And where do you find "BluePrints" ? Have you some favorite sites ?
From: zarkow
28 Feb 2018   [#34]
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
28 Feb 2018   [#35] In reply to [#34]
Big choice indeed! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Mar 2018   [#36]

From: zarkow
1 Mar 2018   [#37] In reply to [#30]
next steps

patch repair.

Trim: clearance, windows, lights


the clearance has now no fillet, this only a test.

Render Test for the flow:






Fast try to rebuild the tesla commerial Image
From: mkdm
1 Mar 2018   [#38] In reply to [#37]


Just a you have a Tesla car ? :)
From: pafurijaz
1 Mar 2018   [#39]
Wow cool this method with the subdivision surfaces fantastic and brilliant idea.
From: chippwalters
4 Mar 2018   [#40]

Thanks for sharing!

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