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Full Version: how to set up the object library

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From: Subroto
14 Feb 2018   [#3] In reply to [#2]
Hi, I cant seem to find 'Object Library'itself? how do you locate it?
From: r2d3
14 Feb 2018   [#4] In reply to [#3]
You mean the Object Library from the CustomUi or?
From: Subroto
14 Feb 2018   [#5] In reply to [#4]
I can see the Obj library folder but it has nothing in it and i cant seem to add anything to it. there is no + sign that appears.
From: bemfarmer
14 Feb 2018   [#6] In reply to [#5]
When customUI is installed, at the bottom of the MoI screen, (command bar), the Obj Library icon shows.
Click the icon, and hover over Object Library text, in the popup window, for the + sign.

- Brian
From: Subroto
14 Feb 2018   [#7] In reply to [#6]
Hi Brian,

I followed your instructions however i see no + sign popping up.

I'm attaching a screenshot.

Just to be sure if i installed the custom ui properly:

- i placed the 'custom ui' folder that I unzipped into the 'ui' folder in MOI.

is there anything else I should have done because I dont see Max's Objects in the object library. Its empty. And also the previous problem that it doesnt let me add anything?


Image Attachments:

From: moritzbock (MORITZ)
14 Feb 2018   [#8] In reply to [#7]
Hi Subroto,

my objects directory is located in (Mac OS X)

/Users / YourName / Library / Application Support / Moi /customui


Image Attachments:
Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-14 um 22.22.42.png 

From: bemfarmer
14 Feb 2018   [#9] In reply to [#7]
Hi Subroto,

In Windows 7, MoI3
Before the switch to using the AppData/Roaming/Moi folder, the objects folder goes under c:\ProgramFiled(x86)\Moi3.0\objects. (your path may vary, maybe you call it MOI, not Moi3.0. (MOI is ok)

\objects folder does not go in Moi3.0\ui.
Both \objects folder and \ui folder and \commands folder, and snapshots folder, appear under \Moi3.0.

customui folder does go in Moi3.0\ui


For the AppData install,
my path is c:\Users\(mycomputername)\AppData\Roaming,
which contains customui folder, and objects folder and snapshots folder, as well as files moi.ini, and license key(s).


Do you have Apple computer?
From: Michael Gibson
14 Feb 2018   [#10] In reply to [#7]
Hi Subroto,

> - i placed the 'custom ui' folder that I unzipped into the 'ui' folder in MOI.

Yeah I think the problem is you're unzipped one level too deep - the CustomUI (except for the brand newest one for v4) is expecting to be unzipped in the main MoI program folder, not inside of UI.

It should have 3 folders inside the .zip - objects, snapshots, and ui.

The ui part gets added in to the already existing MoI ui folder and objects and snapshots are siblings to the ui folder, not nested inside it.

- Michael
From: Subroto
14 Feb 2018   [#11]
Ah, Thanks Michael. You solved it. I had unzipped it a level deeper. Its working fine now.

You guys are great!

From: Subroto
17 Feb 2018   [#12] In reply to [#11]

So i can see the object library and the '+' sign, but I cant seem to save the objects. I select the object i want to save, I click the + sign, enter the name I want but nothing saves.
I checked the object library folder and its not saving it in that for some reason.
I can see Max'x default objects in the folder only.

Is there another place its saving these objects?

From: Michael Gibson
17 Feb 2018   [#13] In reply to [#12]
Hi Subroto, are you running on Windows? Does it work ok if you start MoI up with elevated privileges? That's when you right-click on the shortcut you're launching MoI with and choose "Run as Administrator".

- Michael
From: Subroto
17 Feb 2018   [#14] In reply to [#13]
Hi Michael,

I'm on windows and it worked with the 'Run as admin'.

Whats does that mean? and how do i enable this permanently?

From: Michael Gibson
18 Feb 2018   [#15] In reply to [#14]
Hi Subroto - there's a security measure in newer versions of Windows that prevents programs that are run at the regular privilege level from modifying the contents of the Program Files directory. That's what was preventing your object writing from working.

When you choose "Run as Administrator", that runs the program at a higher privilege level and then it's allowed to modify things in Program Files.

You can enable it permanently by right-clicking on that shortcut and choosing "Properties". Then on that properties dialog go to the Compatibility tab and near the bottom there's a "Privilege Level" section with a checkbox for "Run this program as an administrator". If you set that then it will run like that by default.

I think Max has an updated version of CustomUI for version 4 which moves these things over into the AppData folder which does not require elevated privileges.

- Michael
From: Anton Kapelyushnik (ANTON)
18 Feb 2018   [#16]
Hi all.

If you go to [MoI installation folder]\ui\customui\mods and edit ObjLibrary.cfg you'll be able to type in new path.


[NAME that will appear in the UI for that library][COMMA or SEMICOLON][PATH in quotes]

Example from my ObjLibrary.cfg:

Object Library;"D:\OneDrive\nurbs\objlib"

Also you can have multiple object libraries. And they will be separated by line in UI. I believe for new entry you also need to separate it with comma or semicolon.
All above is true for MoI v3.

And yes, you have to edit ObjLibrary.cfg with administrator privileges. So in win search you type 'notepad' (or any other text-editor of your choice). Click on it with right mouse button. Choose 'Run as Administrator'. Then in notepad you open ObjLibrary.cfg, edit it and save it.
From: Subroto
19 Feb 2018   [#17]
Thanks to both of you.
I'm currently runnin as admin, and its working fine.

I will try what Anton suggested too.
From: albehany
20 Oct 2018   [#18]
Hello guys anyone please can help when I try to add object from my object library the pivot point for the object in difrint place not in the object center anyone have idea why? Thank you in advance

Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2018-10-20 at 6.45.32 PM.png 

From: bemfarmer
20 Oct 2018   [#19] In reply to [#18]
Load object, set a cplane, and re-save?
From: albehany
20 Oct 2018   [#20] In reply to [#19]
Thank you bemfarmer.
From: Specktech
27 Feb 2021   [#21] In reply to [#10]
Hi MOI users, I am having the same problem where the object folder won't let me add anything to it. I had a bit of a struggle just getting the Custom UI to work. So I am trying to figure out what I did wrong. In reading this post on. How to set up the object library. Sure sounds like I un-zipped the file one layer to deep. Wonder if anyone could explain what I should do. I read this post over and over. But just wanted to see if anyone could steer me in the right direction. Thank you for any tips.
From: Michael Gibson
27 Feb 2021   [#22] In reply to [#21]
Hi Specktech, can you show a screenshot of the directory structure that you've set up?

Also what operating system are you running on?

- Michael

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