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Full Version: V4 beta Feb-9-2018 available now

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From: Unknown user
30 Mar 2018   [#128]
Hi, Michael. It's me again and MoI error.

This time the problem of the cursor and the text field.

From: Michael Gibson
30 Mar 2018   [#129] In reply to [#128]
Hi Vladimir, thanks for reporting this and showing it. I can't seem to get it to happen over here but I will keep trying.

Does it happen only to that particular text field or have you seen it happen with other ones too?

- Michael
From: Unknown user
31 Mar 2018   [#130] In reply to [#129]
About all I can't say, but where I watched there it was.
This is well seen where one input field.
Perhaps a shift in focus of the cursor relative to the input fields?

If possible, I would like to know what program you use to create a video from the screen?

From: Michael Gibson
31 Mar 2018   [#131] In reply to [#130]
Hi Vladimir, I use Camtasia by TechSmith for doing screen captures.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
31 Mar 2018   [#132] In reply to [#130]
For little part of screen (for not big files result to send on the Net) you have little free true gem!

From: bemfarmer
31 Mar 2018   [#133] In reply to [#128]
The reluctance of the little popup window to appear also occurs on my Windows7, with wireless logitech mouse. Nice keyboard mouse combo, MK735, from Costco.
(Same reluctance with USB wired mouse.)
- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
31 Mar 2018   [#134] In reply to [#133]
Hi Brian,

> The reluctance of the little popup window to appear also occurs on my Windows7, with
> wireless logitech mouse. Nice keyboard mouse combo, MK735, from Costco.
> (Same reluctance with USB wired mouse.)

Sounds like this might be a different bug? The problem that Vladimir is showing in that video is that the mouse cursor isn't changing to the "text field" I-beam shape.

Could you please give a little more description of what you're seeing?

Is the "little popup window" you're talking about the "Edit size" one that normally shows up when you click on the size line in the properties panel?

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
31 Mar 2018   [#135] In reply to [#134]
Hi Michael,

In MoI4FebBeta: Select a line. In the upper right of the screen, left or right click on the Length field, (not on cm). The Edit box appears. So far everything is OK.

Right clicking in the Edit box only occasionally brings up the box with (cut/copy/paste/delete/select all) (Which I guess are Windows7 commands.)

(Similar result for circle or ellipse Edit box.)

In MoI3 Right clicking in the Edit box brings up the cut/copy/... box right away.

- Brian

(I do get the I-beam shape OK.)
From: Michael Gibson
31 Mar 2018   [#136] In reply to [#135]
Hi Brian, yup I can reproduce yours over here - thanks for the additional details! I will investigate it.

I can also get part of what Vladimir showed which is the Cut/Copy/Paste context menu shows even when clicking slightly outside the edit field.

- Michael
From: Unknown user
31 Mar 2018   [#137] In reply to [#131]
Hi, Michael.
> I use Camtasia by TechSmith for doing screen captures

I meant the appearance of the context menu when clicking right mouse button, but in the study delineated the problem of the change of kosora. This problem is not stable and is rare. All this is not critical and you can work.

Michael I have a request for you. A small lesson or a link to such a lesson as insert video GIF animation with start / stop buttons. I do not insist, and sorry to distract from the Affairs of this request.

From: Michael Gibson
31 Mar 2018   [#138] In reply to [#137]
Hi Vladimir, thanks for the additional information. I will investigate that, it appears that particular kind of text field is having mouse coordinates offset when in a flyout menu.

> Michael I have a request for you. A small lesson or a link to such a lesson
> as insert video GIF animation with start / stop buttons.

Usually the way I do it with Camtasia is after the video is uploaded, it displays a dialog that contains some "embed code" which is some HTML you can paste into your message here and then the player controls will show up.

I don't think there is any automatic way to make a web browser show start/stop controls for an animated .gif . There may be for a .mp4 video file though.

- Michael
From: schneich
8 Apr 2018   [#139]
i have a problem, which has kind of stopped me from using moi on my Macbook pro, which I thought would be because of the low performance. yesterday I bought my new iMac pro but
iam having the same problems still. whenever I navigate in my scene, the video performance is very choppy, which makes it hard for me to concentrate on modeling. my old z820 with windows 10 doesn't show that problem at all...

cheers from cologne

From: Michael Gibson
8 Apr 2018   [#140] In reply to [#139]
Hi torsten, do you mean a kind of "tearing" effect? I'll see about putting in an option to limit the display to the display refresh and see if that helps.

- Michael
From: schneich
8 Apr 2018   [#141] In reply to [#140]
yes that effect... please it would really help me.... :-)


From: Michael Gibson
8 Apr 2018   [#142] In reply to [#141]
Hi torsten, does it also happen in MoI v3 or does it behave differently between v4 and v3 ?

- Michael
From: schneich
8 Apr 2018   [#143] In reply to [#142]
in moi 3 everything seems to be somehow slower as if the machine can only produce a limited amount of frames per sec.

moi 3.2:


From: Michael Gibson
8 Apr 2018   [#144] In reply to [#143]
Hi torsten, so no tearing in v3 though? Is that preferable for you to have it slower and no tearing rather than faster with tearing?

- Michael
From: schneich
8 Apr 2018   [#145] In reply to [#144]
the tearing drives me more crazy, but why does anything have to be "slow" on the newest machine money can buy :-(


From: Michael Gibson
8 Apr 2018   [#146] In reply to [#145]
Hi torsten,

> but why does anything have to be "slow" on the newest machine money can buy :-(

I think it's related to the huge increase in display density.

I do have some other tune ups for the next v4 release that were impacting display speed in some situations on newer iMac pros so hopefully that will help.

- Michael
From: schneich
9 Apr 2018   [#147] In reply to [#146]
there is an option where I can choose to run the app in low resolution, but this also doesn't change things...

i am looking forward to the next release :-)



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