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Full Version: V4 beta Dec-12-2017 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
21 Dec 2017   [#70] In reply to [#68]
Hi Barry,

> not sure if this as already been mentioned but I cannot copy and paste into Moi V4 shortcut keys.
> From either inside the options shortcut keys or from outside of Moi.

It should work ok if you use a keyboard shortcut like Ctrl+V to do it, it's the right-click menu that doesn't work and it's on my bug list to fix that up.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
21 Dec 2017   [#71] In reply to [#69]
Hi Metin, well I'm not planning some comprehensive emulation of 3DS Max, all I'm going to be doing is reverting the change to use Alt+MMB for rotate and put in an option in moi.ini like:
that can be set to turn it back to that.

There are already an awful lot of ways you can control view navigation in MoI, for example to Pan you can use any of:

- middle mouse button (no modifiers just click down and drag).
- Shift + RMB
- Shift + Alt + LMB (as in Maya I think).

You can also set the "Rotate with middle button" option under Options > View > Rotate/Pan/Zoom options which will then make plain MMB do rotation instead of panning and plain RMB do pan.

Since there are 3 ways to do each thing already, trying to make it fully customizable would probably involve some big mess of options that I don't really want to try and work out.

But if you can figure out a strategically targeted option (like AltMiddleMouseRotate=y to enable 3DS Max type rotation behavior), it's a lot more feasible for me to put in a couple of those.

> Also, in MoI, panning differs between the perspective view (Shift + RMB) and
> the orthographic views (only RMB), which I find a bit confusing.

The way it works is shift+RMB will do pan in both the 3D and ortho views. Plain RMB does rotate, and since there is no rotation in the ortho views instead of doing nothing there it will do Pan, so that's actually a 4th way to do panning.

If you want one that will always pan in either perspective or ortho views, you can use any of plain MMB, Shift +RMB, or Shift+Alt+LMB , any of those 3 will do panning consistently in both 3D and ortho views.

- Michael
21 Dec 2017   [#72] In reply to [#67]
Ah yes so MMB does pan for me in v4. Would be great to have the option to use ALT + MMB for pan if possible. For me it makes it simpler for muscle memory, in that you always hold alt to adjust the camera, but just use a different button for rotate, move and zoom.

Thanks Michael
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
22 Dec 2017   [#73] In reply to [#71]
Hi Michael,

Thanks for taking the time for your elucidation, appreciated. I understand your arguments.

Actually, the single most important viewport hack I'd love to see in MoI.ini or the preferences is being able to use Alt + RMB to pan at all times, particularly in the perspective viewport. A second or alternative option I'd very much welcome is being able to use MMB for panning in all viewports.

Many thanks in advance.
From: Michael Gibson
22 Dec 2017   [#74] In reply to [#73]
Hi Metin,

> Actually, the single most important viewport hack I'd love to see in MoI.ini or the
> preferences is being able to use Alt + RMB to pan at all times, particularly in the
> perspective viewport.

That should be doable.

> A second or alternative option I'd very much welcome is being able to use MMB for
> panning in all viewports.

This part confuses me though because MMB does already do panning in all viewports.

You don't need to set any option for it, that's the regular default behavior already.

- Michael
From: r2d3
22 Dec 2017   [#75]
Hi Michael,

i was wondering about that: I know that you are still working on the text display for the snappoints (this little texts like Tang. Quad. Center...) for V4.
Do you think this new feature could get a user interface? At the moment you can only use the text factory to insert text into the drawing....
Just thinking...
From: Michael Gibson
22 Dec 2017   [#76] In reply to [#75]
Hi Ralf, yes I do expect to work on some type of "annotation text" as part of the work on dimensions as well.

- Michael
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
22 Dec 2017   [#77]
Hooray! Dimensions and text too.
From: r2d3
23 Dec 2017   [#78] In reply to [#76]
Wow you are the best!
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
24 Dec 2017   [#79] In reply to [#74]
Hi Michael,

Many thanks in advance for the Alt + RMB option for panning in all viewports.

Regarding panning using MMB: my mistake, sorry, I hadn't updated my Wacom settings yet for the latest beta, and forgot for a moment that MMB already pans the viewports.

A minor remark: after setting MMB to one of my Wacom pen buttons for the MoI beta, I noticed that you need to left-click to activate a viewport before MMB pans it. This is not the case when using RMB (assigned to an other Wacom pen side button). You can use RMB to pan an orthographic viewport or orbit the perspective viewport by simply hovering over it and using RMB.
From: Michael Gibson
24 Dec 2017   [#80] In reply to [#79]
Hi Metin,

> A minor remark: after setting MMB to one of my Wacom pen buttons for the MoI beta, I noticed
> that you need to left-click to activate a viewport before MMB pans it. This is not the case when
> using RMB (assigned to an other Wacom pen side button). You can use RMB to pan an orthographic
> viewport or orbit the perspective viewport by simply hovering over it and using RMB.

I can't repeat this over here - here the MMB behaves the same as RMB and no additional left click is required.

Is it possibly only something that happens when you use the Wacom instead of a regular mouse? Or only in certain situations like the first time you switch to MoI from another app?

- Michael
From: Unknown user
25 Dec 2017   [#81]
Hi Michael.

Still error.
Windows 7.


From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
26 Dec 2017   [#82] In reply to [#80]
Hi Michael,

I've tried it again, and I consistently have to left-click (tap on tablet with pen tip) before I can pan a viewport with MMB (assigned to one of my Wacom pen side-buttons). This might be a Wacom pen only issue, I can't test that because I only work with the Wacom tablet for navigation, and I've got no mouse anymore.

You'd think though that if a pen-assigned RMB does work for panning as soon as you hover over a viewport, a similarly pen-assigned MMB should (be able to) behave the same way.
From: Michael Gibson
26 Dec 2017   [#83] In reply to [#82]
Hi Metin, do you have the most recent drivers from Wacom installed?

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
26 Dec 2017   [#84] In reply to [#81]
Hi Vladimir, thanks for reporting that shutdown bug. It looks like MoI v3 also has a similar bug with that same sequence. I've got a fix for the next beta release.

- Michael
From: mkdm
26 Dec 2017   [#85] In reply to [#1]
Hello Michael!

How are you ? I hope fine.

I SHALL START BY SAYING THAT I DON'T KNOW IF I'M DOING SOMETHING WRONG...but I think that now we have a serious problem with this V4.

I explain.

As you said some times ago, in order to get commands/scripts execution faster than V3, now all the code is executed into the MAIN thread.

And this is OK.

But now I'm experiencing a very serious problem.

When, for example, I try to perform a Fillet or any other command that for some reason takes long time and never ends,
I get Moi frozen and I can't do anything to CANCEL the command!
All I can do is to close Moi with task manager.

And if I didn't save my work before I run the command, all my work is lost!!

The problem is that I can't know if a certain command will run into a indefinitely loop, before I execute that command (for example fillet).

Please, add a mechanism that keep the fast command/script execution while prevent this situation.

I stay tuned.

From: Michael Gibson
26 Dec 2017   [#86] In reply to [#85]
Hi Marco, Fillets and other commands that might have a long execution time have a special asynchronous factory where the work for them is still done in a separate process called moi_commandprocessor.exe . When a command like that is running, it should still be cancelable, the work for the fillet calculation itself is not happening on the main thread even in v4, only the script logic is running on the main thread in v4. The difference from v3 is that in v3 both the script code and async factories were running in a 2 different instances of moi_commandprocessor.exe , in v4 it's only the async factories that are doing that.

I just tested over here and I can't reproduce an uncancelable fillet, I'd need to get an example file that demonstrates the problem in order to find out any more about what's going on.

- Michael
From: mkdm
26 Dec 2017   [#87] In reply to [#86]
@You : "...When a command like that is running, it should still be cancelable,...
I just tested over here and I can't reproduce an uncancelable fillet, I'd need to get an example file that demonstrates the problem in order to find out any more about what's going on..."

Hmm....this is strange...
I can confirm that more than a couple of times I found myself into the problem I described...

Ok. ASAP I try to recover one of those files where I had the issue and I will let you know.

Stay tuned.

From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
26 Dec 2017   [#88] In reply to [#83]
Hi Michael,

Yes, latest Wacom tablet drivers are installed. Wacom tablet type is Wacom Intuos Pro Medium size.
From: Michael Gibson
26 Dec 2017   [#89] In reply to [#88]
Hi Metin, do you know the specific model number of your Wacom?

I see for the Wacom Intuos Pro that there's a new model number PTH660 that's out and the older model number is PTH651 . I'd like to try and get the exact same model you have so I can test it over here.

Thanks, - Michael

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