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MoI discussion forum

Full Version: V4 beta Dec-12-2017 available now

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From: bemfarmer
10 Feb 2018   [#171] In reply to [#170]
Thank you Michael.
From: mkdm
10 Feb 2018   [#172] In reply to [#168]
Thank you very much Michael for this very good news !!
Today I will try with V4 following your suggestion :)

...Moi it's an endless source of good surprise!!!

We'll catch up and I will let you know.

From: mkdm
10 Feb 2018   [#173] In reply to [#170]
Hello Michael!

All is OK with V4!!!

I have generated a 350 megapixel image (with export AI) with a final resolution of : 24694x14174

The operation took about 12.3 Gb ram!!
(My config i7-7700K nvidia gtx 1080 Ti 32Gb Ram 3000 Mhz Windos 10 Pro 64bit)

All is OK!

I have used this 3dm scene :

From: Engimur67 (ENGIMUR)
13 Oct 2020   [#174] In reply to [#98]
I use MOI Software all the time to create 3D bases for my paintings. It's a really great piece of software. I can do basic building block-ins in minutes, no keyboard needed.

It has a bit of a learning curve to figure out the most efficient way of doing things, but once you learn it, it's super quick.

MoI - > Zbrush works great for getting quick block-ins with a bit of textural detail sculpting in Zbrush.

But Moi3D is really fun using with a XP-Pen drawing tablet, I find I can work faster because I dont have to "drag" the cursor around. I can only describe using a tablet with Moi3d as being a more fluid and visual experience versus and mechanical one when using a mouse and keyboard.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Oct 2020   [#175] In reply to [#174]
or this other combo ;)
From: Flowgun
5 Mar 2022   [#176] In reply to [#134]
Hello Max.
First of all, thank you for all the great addons.
Is it possible to share the cloth addon (or any other addon) updated with the requestanimationframe?
I checked your website and it seems not updated. I tried to do it by myself but I'm no programmer.
Thank you.

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