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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9 Feb 2018   [#158]
And using this plugin ? You can put any resolution (following your hard memory avaible)

script: /* Print screen to the Clipboard */ var prev_background = moi.view.viewportBackgroundColor; moi.view.viewportBackgroundColor = 0x000000; moi.view.lineWidth = 4; moi.grid.display = false; moi.grid.showXYAxes = false; moi.ui.getActiveViewport().renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; moi.grid.display = true; moi.grid.showXYAxes = true; moi.view.viewportBackgroundColor = prev_background;
From: mkdm
9 Feb 2018   [#159] In reply to [#158]

But...I'm sorry Pilou...I already know these things and they works very well but I was talking about the chance of having
the "viewport" captures not only in super hires but also with transparent background, and that feature is available only
in export to AI, but it seem that that command can't generate images grater than 110396 x 6795 and I need more.

From: Michael Gibson
9 Feb 2018   [#160] In reply to [#157]
Hi Marco,

re: 11039 x 6795 not adding up to 110 megapixels - I'll take a look at the calculation it's probably related to the aspect ratio of the image.

But if you need such a high resolution you'll probably need to use a rendering program to get it rather than using this feature in MoI.

- Michael
From: mkdm
9 Feb 2018   [#161] In reply to [#160]
@You : "But if you need such a high resolution you'll probably need to use a rendering program to get it rather than using this feature in MoI."

No Michael.
I need exactly Moi for this, because I don't need to have a photorealistic rendering nor any other kind of rendering,
because any kind of "rendering" in so high resolution takes ages, also with very fast computer.

No, I need exactly what I usually do with Moi or Rocket 3F/NVIL.
That is, produce super fast viewport capture at very high resolution.
I'm currently using this kind of graphic to produce a kind of "digital art" not so obvious or common.
Or, at least, this is my actual aim.

I need those kind of hires images to create image composition of 2D/3D/digital painting/image processing.

If you let me use Moi to generate viewport capture up to 16k x 16k or at least 12k x 12k I'm happy :)

Please, let me know.

Thanks for your support.
From: Michael Gibson
9 Feb 2018   [#162] In reply to [#161]
Hi Marco, I'm sorry but no the focus of MoI is not currently on generating super high resolution bitmap images. That's the job that a rendering program is focused on.

MoI is able to generate images for you with a few different methods as you know, but it's for quick and simple jobs. Your need to do a super high resolution 16k x 16k image is not a simple job, so it's not something you should expect to get from MoI's current image generating toolset. At some point I do expect to have some more rendering tools built in though.

- Michael
From: mkdm
9 Feb 2018   [#163] In reply to [#162]
Ok Michael. No problem :)

But...just a final question about this matter before concluding this conversation.

Given that Moi is already capable with the AI export to generate the bitmap representation of the viewport, up to 11039x6795, what is the difficulty to create the same image up to 16k x 16k or at least 12k x 12k ?

I'm not asking you to build a new algorithm or use a new library but only to tune it up to increase the resolution.
(Anyway, I don't know how this request can impact the current Moi's code)

Thanks again for your kind support :)


Marco (mkdm)
From: Michael Gibson
9 Feb 2018   [#164] In reply to [#163]
Hi Marco, I did some testing here and it might be a limit in Windows - do you see any difference if you set a large paging file for the OS ?

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
9 Feb 2018   [#165] In reply to [#163]
Hi Marco, also check if you have set a memory limit in moi.ini under:


I just tested here and was able to make a 20322 x 12303 image. It will consume quite a large amount of memory though.

- Michael
From: mkdm
9 Feb 2018   [#166] In reply to [#165]
Hi Michael and thank you very much for your kind support! Much appreciated as usual.

20322 x 12303 THIS WOULD BE PERFECT!!!!


@You : "...Hi Marco, I did some testing here and it might be a limit in Windows - do you see any difference if you set a large paging file for the OS ?..."

I have to check and I will let you know (tomorrow I hope)

@You : "Hi Marco, also check if you have set a memory limit in moi.ini under:
I just tested here and was able to make a 20322 x 12303 image. It will consume quite a large amount of memory though."

Ok. I've checked my .ini file and I have these settings, so I assume that is OK.

So, if I understood well, the thing that I have to try is only to set a large paging file.

I have actually 32 Gb ram on Windows 10 Pro. How I can set up the page file to make a good test ?
What's your paging file size ?
Also...changing the file paging size will affect the overall performance of my PC ?

I will read your response and I will try all these things tomorrow :)

Thank you again!!

P.S. You are doing these test with V3 or V4. I have used always V3.

Marco (mkdm)
From: mkdm
9 Feb 2018   [#167] In reply to [#165]
P.S. Are you doing these test with V3 or V4 ? I have used always V3.
From: Michael Gibson
9 Feb 2018   [#168] In reply to [#166]
Hi Marco, you have to use V4, images of these sizes will very easily exceed the 32-bit memory limit that V3 has.

Once you use V4 you should find that you can increase the "Canvas megapixel resolution" by quite a bit. I got 20322 x 12303 by using 250 for that value and that was pretty much the limit on my 16GB system and there was some swapping.

You probably won't need to mess with your paging file with 32GB memory, and yes MaxProcessMemoryUseGB= (just blank) is correct. That's the default and means no limit set for memory use.

Don't increase the Canvas megapixel resolution by too much in one step because if you set it high enough to consume all your system memory your system can become pretty sluggish. Increase it in steps of say 50 at a time until you reach the size you want.

But definitely you'll need V4 for doing this. V3 actually has an internal limit of 75.0 for the Canvas resolution.

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
9 Feb 2018   [#169]
Do the Mac retina displays, or Windows 7 with 4K displays permit higher resolution "screensaves"? Or is it not screensaves that are desired in higher resolution?

- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
10 Feb 2018   [#170] In reply to [#169]
Hi Brian, the max resolution of viewport.renderToClipboard() or viewport.render() will be determined by the video card, it's an image generated by the GPU it doesn't really have anything to do with the monitor resolution.

The image generated by saving to .ai format is generated by the CPU, not the GPU so it's only limited by available system RAM (in v4 since it's 64-bit, v3 being 32-bit will have a lower limit).

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
10 Feb 2018   [#171] In reply to [#170]
Thank you Michael.
From: mkdm
10 Feb 2018   [#172] In reply to [#168]
Thank you very much Michael for this very good news !!
Today I will try with V4 following your suggestion :)

...Moi it's an endless source of good surprise!!!

We'll catch up and I will let you know.

From: mkdm
10 Feb 2018   [#173] In reply to [#170]
Hello Michael!

All is OK with V4!!!

I have generated a 350 megapixel image (with export AI) with a final resolution of : 24694x14174

The operation took about 12.3 Gb ram!!
(My config i7-7700K nvidia gtx 1080 Ti 32Gb Ram 3000 Mhz Windos 10 Pro 64bit)

All is OK!

I have used this 3dm scene :

From: Engimur67 (ENGIMUR)
13 Oct 2020   [#174] In reply to [#98]
I use MOI Software all the time to create 3D bases for my paintings. It's a really great piece of software. I can do basic building block-ins in minutes, no keyboard needed.

It has a bit of a learning curve to figure out the most efficient way of doing things, but once you learn it, it's super quick.

MoI - > Zbrush works great for getting quick block-ins with a bit of textural detail sculpting in Zbrush.

But Moi3D is really fun using with a XP-Pen drawing tablet, I find I can work faster because I dont have to "drag" the cursor around. I can only describe using a tablet with Moi3d as being a more fluid and visual experience versus and mechanical one when using a mouse and keyboard.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Oct 2020   [#175] In reply to [#174]
or this other combo ;)
From: Flowgun
5 Mar 2022   [#176] In reply to [#134]
Hello Max.
First of all, thank you for all the great addons.
Is it possible to share the cloth addon (or any other addon) updated with the requestanimationframe?
I checked your website and it seems not updated. I tried to do it by myself but I'm no programmer.
Thank you.

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