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Full Version: V4 beta Dec-12-2017 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
21 Jan 2018   [#135] In reply to [#134]
Hi Max,

> I tested all my scripts with MacOS 10.13.2 - everything works great (except the scripts which
> uses setInterval). I noticed significant performance increase!
> For example, Cloth simulation script works about two times faster than before. I'm impressed.

Great! I wasn't really sure exactly how the 64-bit build work out for script performance.

The one other v4 performance regression that's been reported is Extrude giving lagging feedback in the Mac version. I've got a fix for that for the next beta.

- Michael
From: pafurijaz
23 Jan 2018   [#136]
Hi I was wondering if in the future there will be a native version for linux? Thanks :)
From: Michael Gibson
23 Jan 2018   [#137] In reply to [#136]
Hi pafurijaz,

> Hi I was wondering if in the future there will be a native version for linux? Thanks :)

Right now there isn't any set plans for that, but it could be possible in the future if there is an increase in demand for it.

It takes a substantial amount of work for each additional platform. I'm stretched pretty thin as it is just supporting Windows and Mac native builds.

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
24 Jan 2018   [#138]
Hi Michael,

Is there a way for a script to tell if it is running in MoI3 or MoI4? A version tag or flag?

- Brian
From: pafurijaz
24 Jan 2018   [#139] In reply to [#137]
Thanks, I hope for you and for me but especially for Linux, that there is an increase in demand, I will do propaganda in my little;)
From: Michael Gibson
24 Jan 2018   [#140] In reply to [#138]
Hi Brian,

> Is there a way for a script to tell if it is running in MoI3 or MoI4? A version tag or flag?

Try moi.majorVersionNumber, that will be a numeric value of 3 or 4 for v3 or v4.

There is also moi.version which returns a longer string like "4.0 Beta Dec-12-2017".

- Michael

Message 8731.141 was deleted

From: AlexTesting
2 Feb 2018   [#142]
Hi, Michael Gibson, I am a user of trial version now, but I want to purcase the program. Seems like you improve the V4 a great deal, and I really like version 3, but there is a minor (in terms of implementation) thing, that can have a very huge impact, since I know people who tried MoI and basically because of a single thing decided to use other program. This thing is interface. In particular, line weight on the model and on the grid. See, because of thick lines the whole model or scene can look dirty. And, increasing the complexity it will look dirtier and dirtier. It's about anti-aliasing as I understand. Will you implement thin and elegant lines insetead of thick lines? Thank you.
And, maybe, make options to change the UI colour (light-blue and orange), built in MoI, not through external ways. Maybe, change the icons to more minimalistic and clean, maybe with more sharp edges. You will see, more people will be willing to use clean and pretty looking program.

Besides UI, there is a fillet thing that MoI can't do, it seems. Is it possible to improve filleting?

Thank you.

Image Attachments:
1.JPG  2.JPG 

From: Michael Gibson
2 Feb 2018   [#143] In reply to [#142]
Hi Alex, there is an option you can set to use thinner antialiasing, see here for more information:

I'm sorry but I don't really view the look of the icons to be very significant, it's just not something that is a priority right now. It is possible to customize them yourself if you want by editing the PNG files in the \ui sub-folder.

Filleting is something that I would like to improve in the future but I'm not sure when it will happen, there is a lot of work involved. If difficult filleting is a priority for you, some other CAD program would probably work better than MoI for that type of use.

- Michael
From: AlexTesting
2 Feb 2018   [#144] In reply to [#143]
Thank you, Michael, it looks very nice now.
Understandable about icons.
Sometimes fillets can be difficult, but no program can be so fast as MoI, it seems, with all the hotkeys, snapping and no splitting between solid and sketch modules. I like MoI.
Have a good day.
From: Michael Gibson
2 Feb 2018   [#145] In reply to [#144]
Hi Alex, I'm glad that helped!

Some people like to use MoI in combination with other CAD programs for handling filleting that MoI isn't able to do on its own yet.

Some good candidates for that type of use are ViaCAD, OnShape, and Fusion 360.

- Michael
From: mkdm
2 Feb 2018   [#146] In reply to [#145]
Hello Michael!

How are you ? I hope fine :)

Did you plan to release a new beta soon ?

From: Michael Gibson
2 Feb 2018   [#147] In reply to [#146]
Hi Marco, doing fine here, thanks! Yes probably not too much longer for the next beta. Maybe Sunday, we'll see.

- Michael
From: mkdm
2 Feb 2018   [#148] In reply to [#147]
From: Michael Gibson
5 Feb 2018   [#149] In reply to [#148]
Hi Marco - a couple more days yet for the next beta.

- Michael
From: mkdm
5 Feb 2018   [#150] In reply to [#149]

Thanks a lot!
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
5 Feb 2018   [#151] In reply to [#149]
Great news ...
Thanks Michael.
From: Rudl
5 Feb 2018   [#152]

Can we hear what will be the innovations in the next beta.
From: Michael Gibson
5 Feb 2018   [#153] In reply to [#152]
Hi Rudl, well there are a lot of various bug fixes, it will take me a while to collect up all the information so I'll do that after it's ready.

But hopefully it will be a turning point where I'll be able to focus mostly on brand new features after this release.

- Michael
From: mkdm
9 Feb 2018   [#154]
Hello Michael!

When you can start to work on "new things", please add this little but very very useful feature :

The chance to capture Moi's viewport, like already Moi does, but with the addition of a flag or a scripting variable, to get a transparent background.
This feature would be perfect for everyone like me is often engaged in creation of 2D/3D image composition in print quality resolution.

Thanks a lot!

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