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Full Version: V4 beta Dec-12-2017 available now

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From: pafurijaz
4 Jan 2018   [#104]
I downloaded V4 today after buy v3 and it also seems to work with Linux in Wine HQ. You're a great one!
From: Michael Gibson
4 Jan 2018   [#105] In reply to [#104]
Hi pafurijaz, that's great - I'm glad v4 is working for you in Linux Wine!

What video driver are you using in Linux?

- Michael
From: pafurijaz
5 Jan 2018   [#106] In reply to [#105]
Hi, Michael, some more clarifications:
In my laptop and desktop PC I have Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS
The Graphics Card on laptop: Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2). Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics 5500 (Broadwell GT2)
In the other desktop machine I have a the little GeForce GTX 750Ti and moi v4 works even with this card. And with this nvidia proprietary drivers
From: Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
8 Jan 2018   [#107]
Michael will be there, in the v.4, a 'move, rotate, scale' gizmo? Something as the 'gumball' in Rhino? Even Zbrush implemented such a gizmo in its latest version. It is something that makes working in 3D space much more intuitive and easy. I you do not have it your plans have it in mind please. It is a much needed thing. Thanks...
From: Michael Gibson
8 Jan 2018   [#108] In reply to [#107]
Hi Dimitri - MoI does already have a move/rotate/scale mechanism for 2D curves, it's called the edit frame:

The focus in general for MoI is trying to make things primarily using 2D curves so that's also why the focus is on a 2D manipulator as well.

I'd like to add in a 3D manipulator at some point as well, I'm not sure if it will be in for v4 or not though - possibly. It hasn't been a priority as of yet because the primary NURBS modeling strategy doesn't involve doing 3D "point sculpting" like poly modeling does.

- Michael
From: Rainydaylover (DIMITRI)
9 Jan 2018   [#109]
Yes it is true that in Nurbs things work in a different way but I still think that such a manipulator is necessary. It plays a very significant role on giving to the user a very intuitive feedback regarding moves in the 3D space. Having such a manipulator for solids too would be very helpful. But anyway, Moi is already great, wish that the v.4 will be ready very soon... : - )
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
15 Jan 2018   [#110] In reply to [#101]
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the update regarding the Wacom issue. My apologies for not responding sooner.

Good to know that it's a Wacom matter. I will send the bug report to them as well.
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
15 Jan 2018   [#111]
Hi Michael,

I've just installed the MoI beta of 12 Dec 2018 on a Mac with high-DPI display. I don't know if this has been reported before, but the viewport indicators ("Perspective", "Front", etc.) are tiny on a hi-DPI display:

If you want me to test anything, just let me know.

Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2018-01-15 at 17.30.15.png 

From: Michael Gibson
15 Jan 2018   [#112] In reply to [#111]
Hi Metin,

> I don't know if this has been reported before, but the viewport indicators
> ("Perspective", "Front", etc.) are tiny on a hi-DPI display:

Yes, that's expected for the moment, I don't have proper in-viewport text working quite yet. It shouldn't be too much longer before I'll be able to work on that.

- Michael
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
16 Jan 2018   [#113] In reply to [#112]
Hi Michael,

Ok, good to know that it's a known thingy. I can very well live with it, so no impatience here. :)
From: alksndr
17 Jan 2018   [#114]
Hey, brand new customer and having a great time using this software. Something about it feels sluggish though, almost like the screen is tearing. Just rotating around will be nice and smooth then all of a sudden a small stop before it resumes. Like it snags on something. The biggest times I notice it are rotating the model and dragging the fillet out. I was wondering if this is a known issue for the V4 beta at this time. If no one is experiencing this let me know and I will try to record a gif! Running 7 GTX 1080Ti's so shouldn't be a hardware issue at all
From: Michael Gibson
17 Jan 2018   [#115] In reply to [#114]
Hi alksndr, no that's not a known issue so it would be good to get some more information about it. What operating system are you running on? You might try updating your video driver to see if that helps.

- Michael
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
17 Jan 2018   [#116] In reply to [#114]
Hi ...
Yes, I am a long time MoI user. I have noticed it, too. It's a big too, though it usually lasts only a few seconds so I have not reported it. I also recently had to acquire a different primary computer and thought it might be a hardware peculiarity.
From: Michael Gibson
17 Jan 2018   [#117] In reply to [#116]
Hi eric & alksndr - a couple of things you could try to see if it behaves any better are to disable anything labeled "threaded optimization" in the nVidia control panel settings, and you also might try setting DisplayThreadLimit=1 in moi.ini, it's in the [View] section.

- Michael
From: alksndr
17 Jan 2018   [#118]
Here is a gif of the "frame skipping" issue -

I'm running windows 10. I'm on drivers from October so I will give updating a shot in a few hours.
From: Michael Gibson
17 Jan 2018   [#119] In reply to [#118]
Hi alksndr, another thing you might try is to open Task Manager, have it show processes from all users and then get it sorted by CPU usage. Then take a look at that while you're rotating the view around and see if some other process is hopping to the top of the list when you see the stuttering.

- Michael
From: alksndr
17 Jan 2018   [#120]
Thanks for the help Michael. There's nothing wrong with the processes, just tried it. Changing the threaded optimization to off for Moi3D in Nvidia settings and setting the thread limit to 1 in the ini file has helped a lot. It still happens but I would say its 2x better now :)
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
17 Jan 2018   [#121] In reply to [#119]
Hi Michael

What seems to happen here is that when MoI is in perspective view full screen and I rotated the 3d image rapidly MoI tries to change the view to another one or more than one subdivision on the screen. This lasts for only a brief time and when it is happening rotation is frozen. This only lasts about a second. I have not reset the Nvidea settings though I did add '1' into the moi view ini settings as you suggested ... did not seem to make any change.

This, for me, is not often enough or serious enough to consider it a nuisance. But it does seem to be a slight glitz.

From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
17 Jan 2018   [#122] In reply to [#121]
I changed the Nvidea setting right after I sent the last post and I couldn't duplicate the glitch again.
Thanks Michael. Your responses are incredibly fast. I have been waiting days for a response about Sim 8.
From: mkdm
18 Jan 2018   [#123] In reply to [#117]
Hi Michael.

Thanks for the tip.

Could you explain more in depth what those settings do (both for Nvidia side and Moi) ?

They do a downgrade of the performance ?


Marco (mkdm)

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