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Full Version: V4 beta Nov-27-2017 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
2 Dec 2017   [#50] In reply to [#48]
Hi Max,

> I rewrote customui and nodeeditor, now both this projects can be moved to appdata dir.
> I think it's a best place for all MoI extensions.

Yes, I think so too. The one area of concern I have is how to support extensions that require a particular version of MoI. For example in MoI v5 there will be some new function added and an extension will want to use it, that means that particular extension won't work with v4. So that may be a problem if MoI just tries to load all extensions it finds in appdata.

> I use MoI in portable mode.
> I think it should return ProcessDir path in this case. Or maybe you can give me an advice how can I check the run mode?

Well, there isn't really a distinct mode for portable, it's just inherently portable because it has all its dependencies packaged with it in the same directory and doesn't require anything external to be set up in order to run.

What about if you could customize the appdata directory by an entry in moi.ini ? Maybe with a keyword of "ProcessDir" being recognized since if you're running from a USB drive you might not want to hard code the drive letter?

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
4 Dec 2017   [#51]
The "Nudge" shortcut key scripts do not seem to be working. (?)
- Brian
EDIT: correction, Nudge works fine, if the .js is in the command directory.
From: Michael Gibson
4 Dec 2017   [#52] In reply to [#51]
Hi Brian,

> The "Nudge" shortcut key scripts do not seem to be working. (?)

It seems to be working ok for me over here. There are a few different versions of Nudge though, can you please post the one you're using that doesn't work, and also your shortcut keys setup for calling it?

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
4 Dec 2017   [#53] In reply to [#52]
The error is mine :-)

I did NOT copy the Nudge.js file over to MoI4beta. I guess that Nudge is not a standard MoI command...

I did copy _Nudge.js over, which is a waste of a line in Max's customUI, given that my shortcut keys are for example,

Key: DownArrow command:Nudge Down
Key: LeftArrow command:Nudge Left

Key: PageDown

(Well part of this post disappeared.)
Nudge works fine.
My install method, at the office anyway, was faulty.
I need to check for other missing non _ scripts.

- Brian
From: val2
5 Dec 2017   [#54]
here is a video showing what I was talking about, I'm using win10. I can't get the the text area to respond when I am exporting.
I finally figured it out. A person has to hit "enter" inside the text box to get it to respond. I was hitting "enter " ouside of the box and it would export Funny how one does something everyday and then suddenly can't work out the simplist thing.
From: Michael Gibson
5 Dec 2017   [#55] In reply to [#54]
Hi Val, thanks - yeah I can repeat the "text field requires enter" problem over here too. I'll be working on that in the next couple of days to fix it for the next beta.

- Michael
From: scott (SSHWARTS)
9 Dec 2017   [#56] In reply to [#43]
If I'm not mistaken, with QT (at least previous versions), you can set the stack size of an individual thread. The default it's set to the same size as the main thread. I don't know if you're architecture is such that controlling the thread size in a process would help.
9 Dec 2017   [#57]
Dose anyone know how to get the Custom UI working in V4 BETTA?
From: Michael Gibson
9 Dec 2017   [#58] In reply to [#56]
Hi scott - it's not stack size that I was looking to set, it's a limit on the total amount of committed virtual memory pages for the entire process. There does not seem to be any mechanism on Mac to set this particular kind of limit. The UNIX function to do it, setrlimit, does not do anything for certain areas that are handled by the Mach part of the kernel instead of the BSD part of it, see here: and note that RLIMIT_DATA is not enforced.

But it's not really a big problem though, it's not something that you should need to mess with normally.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
9 Dec 2017   [#59] In reply to [#57]
Hi ogarogar,

> Dose anyone know how to get the Custom UI working in V4 BETTA?

I think Max has said that he's planning on making an updated version of it.

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
9 Dec 2017   [#60] In reply to [#57]
For Windows7:
With the exception of object library, the customui works pretty good in V4Beta, with maximized MoI window.
64 bit MoI4beta located at c:\program files\yourMoi4betaDirectoryName (\ui).

In the MoI4 ui folder, the Command bar must be modified a little bit, as previously described in November posts.

Copy over the customUI for MoI3, to ui folder, and scripts with a _ prefix to MoI's commands folder.
I think that will do it... (?)

Disclaimer, use at your own risk, and make backups...IMHO it is not particularly dangerous.
Or wait for Max's upgrades...

- Brian

Edit, deleted last paragraph.
From: scarab (SPUNAR)
11 Dec 2017   [#61]
Hi All,
I am new here, so hello to everybody. After testing Moi V3 I have already bought it. It is great, thanks Michael. Could you check in this V4 beta, that you are able to change Grid - Style of lines? I have Win 10 version and change of Style from Solid to others don't make any effect. I am sorry for my language, it is not my mother's one.
From: bemfarmer
11 Dec 2017   [#62] In reply to [#61]
Hi Spunar,
On Win7, Grid seems to work fine, re styles/colors, etc.
- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
11 Dec 2017   [#63] In reply to [#61]
Hi scarab, dashed/dotted line styles are not implemented in v4 quite yet. They won't be in the next beta but probably the one after that.

- Michael
From: scarab (SPUNAR)
12 Dec 2017   [#64] In reply to [#63]
OK. Understand. Many thanks for feedback.

- scarab

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