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Full Version: V4 beta Nov-27-2017 available now

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From: Unknown user
29 Nov 2017   [#22]
Hi Michael.
One more trouble. Buttons box.
To watch the video.
From: Michael Gibson
29 Nov 2017   [#23] In reply to [#22]
Hi Vladimir, thanks for posting that video, I can reproduce that here. It will happen if you generate a degenerate rectangle for the base of the box. MoI v3 would just exit the command in that case and I will tune up V4 to behave the same instead of generating a script error.

- Michael
From: Unknown user
29 Nov 2017   [#24] In reply to [#21]
I also repeated this.
From: r2d3
29 Nov 2017   [#25]

does not work in V4 but in V3.

This script should set the cam to point 50,50,50 and the target to point 0,0,0

script: camPt=moi.VectorMath.createPoint(50,50,50);targetPt=moi.VectorMath.createPoint(0,0,0);moi.ui.getActiveViewport().reset();moi.ui.getActiveViewport().setCameraAndTarget(camPt,targetPt);

(copy script, in moi hit tab and paste, hit enter)

From: BurrMan
29 Nov 2017   [#26] In reply to [#1]
Hi Michael,

Have you thought about some kind of setting for MoI regarding available RAM to the app as a user setting?

So now with 64 bit, if i crank some model meshing parameters, MoI can quickly gobble up all my RAM.

With tge 32 bit version, i could max out MoI and the worst would be i lock up MoI abd have to force quit it...

With the new 64 bit version, i can lock up the entire system and it can be problematic.

So if i know i have 16 or 32 gigs of RAM, i could set MoI to know to use 12 or 30 gigs, type of thing....

From: Michael Gibson
29 Nov 2017   [#27] In reply to [#25]
Hi Ralf, re: setCameraAndTarget() in v4 , thanks for reporting this bug I've got it fixed up for the next beta.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
29 Nov 2017   [#28] In reply to [#26]
Hi Burr,

> Have you thought about some kind of setting for MoI regarding available RAM to the app as a user setting?
> So now with 64 bit, if i crank some model meshing parameters, MoI can quickly gobble up all my RAM.

I had not really thought about that, but it should not be too hard to add a moi.ini setting for that. Something like:


- Michael
From: BurrMan
29 Nov 2017   [#29] In reply to [#28]
That would probably be a good setting to have....

Thanks again!
From: Michael Gibson
29 Nov 2017   [#30] In reply to [#29]
Hi Burr, that memory limit setting will be in the next beta. It will be for Windows only though, I can't seem to find a way to do it on Mac.

- Michael
From: BurrMan
30 Nov 2017   [#31] In reply to [#30]
So righteous! Thanks!
From: Unknown user
1 Dec 2017   [#32]
Hi Michael.

From: Michael Gibson
1 Dec 2017   [#33] In reply to [#32]
Hi Vladimir, thanks for reporting these bugs.

I can repeat the command button staying stuck on, I should be able to fix that for the next beta.

I can't repeat the Text one though, so the problem is that you get 0 by default for those 2 values? EDIT: it was a locale dependent bug that's why it wasn't happening here.

Thanks, - Michael
From: Michael Gibson
1 Dec 2017   [#34] In reply to [#32]
Hi Vladimir, ok I see why I can't repeat the text one, it's because it was a locale dependent bug. This should be fixed now for the next beta, thanks!

- Michael
From: Unknown user
1 Dec 2017   [#35] In reply to [#33]
Hi Michael. I'm late with the answer and still answer. This error arises from the first beta. If you remember I wrote to you about the script Rebuild so Maksim Smirnov checked it on Mac and Windows and it manifests itself only in Windows.
From: Michael Gibson
1 Dec 2017   [#36] In reply to [#35]
Thanks Vladimir, now I finally understand about the Rebuild problem too - yes it's this same issue. Since the bug was triggered only if your operating system locale uses commas for the decimal separator it wasn't happening here and I thought you were talking about a different thing then.

It will be fixed for the next beta and should fix the default values for both Rebuild and Text commands and possibly others.

- Michael
From: pixelhouse
1 Dec 2017   [#37]

I've try to import a Stp-file from Solid Works to Moi, but it's dosn't work.
The import process is stopped without a message and i get an empty scene.
The file is 192mb big. I try the newest build from Moi 4.0 beta Nov 27.
smaller files are imported witout problems.

The import to Rhino works fine.

Best regards
From: Marc (TELLIER)
1 Dec 2017   [#38] In reply to [#30]
Hi Michael,

Conrcerning the memory limit on Mac, there might be a hint there :

It's the "Answer" comment


Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2017-12-01 at 9.39.52 AM.png 

From: JOOK187 (JAMSOG)
1 Dec 2017   [#39] In reply to [#20]
Hi Michael

Have you any idea how i can bypass my virus scanning to enable me to install v4.0 beta?

Avast says its a virus and will get back to me

From: Michael Gibson
1 Dec 2017   [#40] In reply to [#37]
Hi Jörg,

> I've try to import a Stp-file from Solid Works to Moi, but it's dosn't work.

Is it possible for you to send me the file? With a file that large you'd need to use a file sharing service like dropbox or OneDrive and send me a link at . There isn't much I can do without being able to test the file over here, I will keep any file you send me private and confidential.

Thanks, - Michael
From: Michael Gibson
1 Dec 2017   [#41] In reply to [#38]
Hi Marc,

> Conrcerning the memory limit on Mac, there might be a hint there :
> It's the "Answer" commen

I've also seen a lot of people saying that ulimit is not working as it's supposed to on Mac as well though. I guess I can give it a try though.

- Michael

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