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From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Hi Michael,
Thank you for an information about new functions. Sorry, right now I have no time for a detailed answer, I’ll write it today evening.
I fixed this bug yesterday (updated version not published yet)
Line 3, remove space after slash.
From: Michael Gibson
No problem Max, I'll be here. I'm glad you found what was wrong with the scripts menu. I think the HTML parser changed quite a bit in this WebKit version it's some algorithm that's detailed in the official HTML standard, the old one might have been more tolerant of malformed tags.
Oh also if you want to make keyboard shortcuts for the node editor, it should be possible now for a dialog to handle key events that will be sent to it when the dialog has focus, see the new ShortcutKeyDialog.htm that's used by the shortcut key editor for information on that.
- Michael
From: Finema
Thanks Max
I've remove space after slash and font is ok now but Options and Help are still near Ext.scripts
From: moujiik
Hi, some stranges behaviors: sometimes when selecting an object, nothing shows , no style name, no dimension. And the construction lines often cannot find a point or a line.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Moujjik, thanks for reporting these bugs. Let me try and focus on the construction line one first - is it possible for you to make a simple example file where it happens reliably when creating a construction line between 2 specific points? That may help me to repeat it over here. Also do you see any different behavior if you set View > "Display hidden lines" ? - Michael
From: bemfarmer
Is it my imagination, or has the font for MoI3 changed to the font for MoI4?
Especially for Ext.Scripts.
- B
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Finema,
> I've remove space after slash and font is ok now but Options and Help are still near Ext.scripts
Try switching the inserted script tag line in CommandBar.htm to have a closing </script> tag like this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="customui/CustomInit.js"></script>
It looks like the newer parser is more strict about not allowing self-closing script tags anymore.
- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Brian,
> Is it my imagination, or has the font for MoI3 changed to the font for MoI4?
> Especially for Ext.Scripts.
Can you post a screenshot?
Hmmm, looking through it here I can see a bug that would cause that - looks like v4 reads the font name from moi.ini from a new UIFontNameV4 value to try and keep it separate from v3 but writes it back out as just plain UIFontName which is the same one used by V3. So if you happen to have Open Sans installed in your system font folder that would indeed show up in v3.
I'll fix it up so v4 will both read and write to UIFontNameV4 to keep it separate from V3.
- Michael
From: Finema
i've delete function LlamaMode() code in commandBar and it's Ok now
see my screenshot and the commandbar file
From: bemfarmer
Michaels mod to CommandBar.htm moved the Options and Help buttons back over to the right, where they belong.
(I did not remove Llama)
- Brian
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
<< French accents
For me seems all is ok!
Problems arrive when Notepad++ save in bad format Ansi / UTF (I never remember what is the good one!
For the moment seems its's coo! :)
For the moment the unic mini problem is that the classic Windows NotetPad don't take in count the "Line(s) Break (s)" !
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Windows 10
Helper lines are not dashed! Does it normal ?
From: mkdm
Hello Michael.
Your're welcome!
@You : "...At this level what is the approximate 3D view performance in MoI v3? You can enable the time display in v3 by:
script: moi.ui.showViewportDisplayTime = true;..."
Perfect. I will make this test this evening or night and I will let you know the results.
Clearly I will make this test with the same machine (my desktop PC).
Could you please collect in one single new thread or a single downloadable pdf file, all the little changes that we have to make to
the V4 UI' files in order to make it works with custom UI or in order to update custom html/js plugins written fo V3 ?
A simple "to-do" list where you collect all the little html/js changes that we have to make.
So, in this way we are not forced to search through this thread ("V4 beta Nov-13-2017 available now") all the posts related to that argument.
Thanks a lot.
Have a nice day.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Windows 10 - 13 Nov 2017
Suddenly Freezing of some function(s) !
Does exist a trick for reccord artificially like a "rapport error" ?
Here I have just the file 3dm! (simple is not it ! :)
From: mkdm
Hi Pilou.
@You : "...Suddenly Freezing of some function(s) !..."
I have downloaded the file and have no issues.
Which "functions" are you referring to ?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
PS Does it possible when you engage the Extrude function to keep the last option when you recall it by Right Click?
for example when you choose Set Dir, this one is not recalled and kept when you remake the Right Click for another Extrude!
In testing
Repeat the freezing!
I just draw a box Select an edge/ Extrude / Set Dir/ Extrude... Right Click Select an Edge / Set Dir/ Extrude etc...
Go to the forum in the same time (multi task)
Return to Moi ...freezing all functions!!! (I can save the file)
Seems the exit time of Moi makes the freeze functions of modeling!
My V3 works fine for the same thing! (Moi/ Forum/ Moi)
From: daniii (DANILIESCUDSG)
Hello Michael,
Congrats on the release.
I'm testing in Wine. I know it's not a priority and I'm not looking to get it fixed now, but I hope you will be able to help getting things going under Linux with Wine too later on.
My experience so far (I will test further as soon as I get the chance):
1.Installs fine, no problem.
2.Fonts look OK. No more changing registry keys to make them look good.
3.Snapping isn't working at all
4.Selection isn't working. I can't select curves and edges, and no matter where I click it can only select one solid (the first created) or, on second click, one of the faces (the bottom one)
5.Slight performance improvement in a bigger model
1.Draw curve and draw solid all work as expected.
2.Edit/view/select: can't test curve editing (can't select curves), everything else seems to work fine
3.Construct: can't really test, Transform: seems to work fine
You mentioned a while ago that it can work with OpenGl or DirectX. Is there an OpenGl mode?
As far as I can tell it still uses DirectX.
From: mkdm
@You : "...I just draw a box Select an edge/ Extrude / Set Dir/ Extrude... Right Click Select an Edge / Set Dir/ Extrude etc..."
Pilou, I don't get any issues but I didn't fully understand what you described.
Please make a video.
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Pilou,
> Windows 10
> Helper lines are not dashed! Does it normal ?
Yup - from the first message of this thread:
"The only known areas still not quite working yet are snap text labels and dotted/dashed line styles in viewports and Mac trackpad gestures aren't fully functional yet."
But don't worry they will be coming back.
- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
No need video : all functions are freezed : impossible to click on button Cancel etc...
So some ennoyous! :)
Ps And I can't Make video as I must exit of Moi for that! So that freeze it! :)
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