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Full Version: V4 beta Nov-13-2017 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
18 Nov 2017   [#212] In reply to [#211]
Hi eric, are they all enabled on the menu? :

And object snap turned on (highlighted in orange on the main button) ?

- Michael

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
18 Nov 2017   [#213]
Ok, I've finally been able to reproduce the UI freezing problem over here, seems to be easier to reproduce on Windows. When it happens it looks like clicks still do stuff but nothing visually updates. I'll be digging into it.

- Michael
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
18 Nov 2017   [#214] In reply to [#212]
Hi Michael
No the object snap icon is not on. That is true of both V3 and V4.
but ...
I tried to turn it on in V4 and it did not work. So I opened V3 ... turned it on there and it was on when I reopened V4 .. and it works just fine.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Nov 2017   [#215] In reply to [#213]
<< Ok, I've finally been able to reproduce the UI freezing problem over here


Maybe difficult to find the solution!
All these operating systems are like a jungle!
Good luck!
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
18 Nov 2017   [#216] In reply to [#214]
Another bit ...
I then tried to save the file and it was frozen again.
I reduced it from full screen ... still would not work.
Back to full screen .. not frozen .. icons all worked and it saved just fine.
I hope that's a working clue.
From: Michael Gibson
18 Nov 2017   [#217]
Ok, so the freezing UI thing is a bug in Qt:

Shouldn't be hard to solve it, I'll see if I can fix it and a few other things and have a new build tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks everyone for reporting it and narrowing it down!

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
18 Nov 2017   [#218] In reply to [#206]
Hi Pilou,

> Seems a replicate variation of my freezing Moi / Forum / Moi! ;)
> So I am not alone in the space! :D

Yup, it's the same one. The tricky part was it had to do with the window being maximized and then not just switching to another app but minimizing the MoI window.

I think the problem on Mac is the same thing as well but I'm not 100% sure about that one, I haven't been able to replicate it there.

Hopefully the same one fix will solve all these.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
19 Nov 2017   [#219] In reply to [#204]
Hi Brian,

> Using LineWeb as an example, MoI3 preserves Build options upon exit of command and right click.
> MoI4 does not preserve Build options upon exit of command, and subsequent right click repeat of
> command, but does preserve closed checkbox.

This was due to a bug in control persistence which would only happen for select or moi:Select elements. Thanks for reporting it, I've got it fixed up now for the next beta.

- Michael
From: colinpartridge
19 Nov 2017   [#220] In reply to [#210]
Thanks for the explanation. Makes sense.
From: Michael Gibson
19 Nov 2017   [#221]
A new Nov-18 beta with some bug fixes is now available. I started a new thread for it here:

Hopefully should fix the frozen UI when restoring a maximized window.

- Michael
From: Karl (KWH2O)
6 Jun 2018   [#222] In reply to [#221]
Hi Michael
I wasn't keeping up with the times but happy to see new V4 Moi !!! I will start some new drawings with it today. So far older files open and work great. One thing I have always wanted to be able to have is Construct and Transform tabs available simultaneously. Is this easy to do ?

Thanks !! Karl
From: Michael Gibson
6 Jun 2018   [#223] In reply to [#222]
Hi Karl, I'm also hoping to release a new beta today hopefully.

re: Construct / Transform tabs, try installing Max's MiniSidepane.js script from here:

You can make that script run at MoI startup by putting it in the MoI appdata startup folder. On Windows this is located at %appdata%\moi\startup .

That script will rearrange the side pane like you're asking.

- Michael
From: Karl (KWH2O)
8 Jun 2018   [#224] In reply to [#223]
I tried putting the MiniSidepane script in the startup folder and it did not change the sidepane.

I then tried putting it in the commands/ folder and pointing a shortcut key at it. Still nothing.

My friend the computer geek then changed "=== 19454" to "!= 19454" and commented out
a couple of ".remove();" lines, and it worked. Mr. Geek thinks the script might need to be
updated for a different version.

(Written by Mr. Geek ...)
From: Michael Gibson
8 Jun 2018   [#225] In reply to [#224]
Hi Karl, yes for now that if statement in MiniSidepane.js may need to be removed for it to work. Max added that to try and make the script bail out if the side pane structure is different from what it was expecting so it would not accidentally scramble up the UI when there are changes to it.

But there have not been any changes to the side pane in this new release, I think the problem is something like the 19454 length figure currently used as a type of "signature" might vary depending on the current language that's set. Until a better signature method is set up you may just have to remove that if statement in the 2nd line for it to work, you can put a // at the start of it to turn it into a comment line instead of deleting it.

Maybe I'll put a version number embedded in it somewhere so the script could look at that instead.

- Michael
From: Karl (KWH2O)
9 Jun 2018   [#226] In reply to [#225]
Hi Michael
Ya, I am not code literate enough to figure out that problem, but was able to follow along and understand my friend as he found what was needed to make the sidepane alteration script work. This script still leaves the heading joined and all the function icons in one group. It would be nice to have groups seperated with separate title blocks, but both open at the same time. IMHO I would like to be able to customize the sidepane layout in this way from the Options window ?
I'm sure you are busy with totally different subject matters so sorry for the distraction !!

Thanks a lot !! Aloha, Karl
From: Michael Gibson
9 Jun 2018   [#227] In reply to [#226]
Hi Karl,

> IMHO I would like to be able to customize the sidepane layout in
> this way from the Options window ?

Yes, I've tried to figure out how to approach doing that. It would be pretty straightforward if the content there was never going to change. The difficult part is when new commands or entire tabs are introduced in the future, and trying to merge those changes in with a customized layout.

- Michael
From: Karl (KWH2O)
9 Jun 2018   [#228] In reply to [#227]
Hi Michael
Got Ya,
I really like the simplicity of the Icon UI layout in Moi. It is not cluttered and makes finding the right function easy and less confusing like CADs that have side panels with 3 or 4 rows of icons , taking more time to search for where you want to go next. I guess I have a simple mind and it is also distracting to have that many icons staring at me all the time too. The motivation behind this suggestion is I am switching between Construct and Transform a lot and there is room to have both open in my UI setting.
Have a great weekend !! Karl
From: Michael Gibson
9 Jun 2018   [#229] In reply to [#228]
Thanks Karl, I'm glad you are liking the UI concept for MoI! I think tends to help a lot to have both icons and text displayed at the same time, it's more "browsable" than a big chunk of just icons alone.

One thing that might work in the future when more tabs are added, I think I can separate Construct and Transform at that time and put the new tabs alongside those instead of just adding new tabs to the bottom only as I had originally planned.

- Michael
12 Jun 2018   [#230] In reply to [#61]
That's an incredible model
12 Jun 2018   [#231]
Anyone having a problem with their mouse? Mine was acting very strange - had to close and reopen. Seems to be working now.

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