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Full Version: V4 beta Nov-13-2017 available now

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From: mkdm
14 Nov 2017   [#106] In reply to [#103]
Ok. Got it!

Tested! No problem for me at all. All worked fine.
No problem of "Multitasking" or other kinds of issues.

From: Michael Gibson
14 Nov 2017   [#107] In reply to [#91]
Hi Dinos, thanks for testing it!

> The only thing that i noticed is that the scripts that use moi.ui.createDialog will not return focus to
> the main Moi window after i close the Dialog if Moi is running full screen.

Yeah I think I've seen this also happen after the file dialog is used as well when placing a background image, it's on my bug list.

The moi.ui.createDialog one might be related to MoI doing some stuff to keep the dialogs above the main window, I had to fight with things for a while to make that happen , macOS seems to want to allow dialogs to go underneath a "main window" by default.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
14 Nov 2017   [#108] In reply to [#93]
Hi Mik,

> only detail... changing of Style of grid and accented grid lines doesn't work. Color and Width work normally.
> I'm not sure if it's problem only on my computer or it is the general problem.

Dashed and dotted line styles are not implemented quite yet so no matter what you set them to you'll only get solid lines for right now. They will be coming back though.

- Michael
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
14 Nov 2017   [#109] In reply to [#105]
Hi Michael,

You're very welcome. Thank you for making the V4 beta publicly available.

I'd welcome having Alt as a keyboard shortcut option, because a lot of commands share the same first letter (Rotate, Revolve, RailRevolve, etc.), but it's not important.

Regarding the Loft issue: you might be right. I'll do some more tests.

The blocks in stead of viewport labels might be due to my slightly dated NVidia card. I've got the last iMac model that had an NVidia graphics card, before Apple completely switched to AMD graphics cards.

As an extra bit of information: I'm using the latest NVidia Web drivers for my NVidia GeForce GTX 780M.

Good luck with everything!
From: Michael Gibson
14 Nov 2017   [#110] In reply to [#104]
Hi Metin,

> Maybe it'd be more clear if non-present commands would give a "Command not found" message,
> in stead of an "error in line 1", because that suggests an error in the command in stead of the
> command not being there.

The tricky part about this is that in addition to command names you can also put script code directly in a keyboard shortcut. When you get "error in line 1", it's because when it saw that the text in there didn't match an available command name it tries to execute it as literal script code to try and get it to do something.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
14 Nov 2017   [#111] In reply to [#109]
Hi Metin,

> I'd welcome having Alt as a keyboard shortcut option, because a lot of commands share the
> same first letter (Rotate, Revolve, RailRevolve, etc.), but it's not important.

It could be possible that it's an option that you can enable if you don't need to keep things compatible with V3.

But the thing I'm not sure about is if they can be enabled and also maintain compatibility with V3 at the same time.

- Michael
From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
14 Nov 2017   [#112]
>> Max's FatLines script returns an error
I'll check all my scripts today evening

I fixed sBridge, sScale and sSplit scripts yesterday. Not published yet.

to all:
Dear friends, if you noticed any compatibility problems with my scripts, please post your bugreports to this thread:
From: mkdm
14 Nov 2017   [#113] In reply to [#112]
Hi Max!

@You : "...I'll check all my scripts today evening..."


Moi without your scripts is like a sword without the blade :)

From: daniii (DANILIESCUDSG)
14 Nov 2017   [#114] In reply to [#100]
Thank you for the reply.
I've attached an image that shows recent filenames.
Turning hidden lines on fixed the snapping.
I tried setting the nvidia x-server to override application anti-aliasing to no anti-aliasing. It was letting the app configure it by default. Nothing changed regarding the selection. After that I tried on the Noveau driver and selection works. I've also attached the winelogs for both runs(I don't know if that helps).

A bit off-topic: performance on my main rig (new GTX 1080) is way worse than on my laptop (GTX 1050), I'm thinking something else is causing the trouble hardware-wise (motherboard maybe?). Do you have any experience with that? I just ordered another PC for my office and I will start testing with it as soon as it arrives.


Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
14 Nov 2017   [#115] In reply to [#114]
Hi daniii, so that screenshot looks really good, everything there looks exactly as it's supposed to right now.

So with the recent filenames showing the native paths (with / separators and not Wine paths which would look like z:\home\dan\Test2.3dm) , that means that MoI is recognizing that it's running under Wine and is translating those paths and so it should be using OpenGL there.

Do you mean everything works ok using Noveau or are there still problems?

re: performance on desktop worse than laptop the only thing that's really coming to mind there is if the particular motherboard slot you've got the card in doesn't have as many lanes on it as another one. There's usually one or two heavily loaded slots and you want the graphics card to go into there. Or maybe if you've got other cards in there as well they are ending up robbing your video card slot of bandwidth.

- Michael
From: daniii (DANILIESCUDSG)
14 Nov 2017   [#116] In reply to [#115]
Everything works except for very slow performance. I hope to get it running with nvidia drivers because it's faster and I can use CUDA for rendering.
From: moritzbock (MORITZ)
14 Nov 2017   [#117] In reply to [#65]
Hi Michael,
thanks for trying to help.

I have tried your description but I can't get my CustomUi to run.

I give up and stay with V3.1 for Mac until someone writes a routine that makes the necessary changes.

From: Finema
14 Nov 2017   [#118] In reply to [#112]
Thanks a lot Max !
Where could we download scripts updated ?
From: moujiik
14 Nov 2017   [#119]
Hi Michael. About the construction line problem:

Image Attachments:
Moi3d V3.gif  Moi3d v4.gif 

From: Martin (MARTIN3D)
14 Nov 2017   [#120]
Hi Michael,

I confirm the experience of Michel, VIP (VINC)

A simple extrude in the new version from NOV 13 still calculates infinitely.
I also use OS X 10.9.5
And I have a non-retina display

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
14 Nov 2017   [#121] In reply to [#118]
>>Where could we download scripts updated ?
You can check my file archive
All updates will be there ;)
From: Finema
14 Nov 2017   [#122] In reply to [#121]
Thanks a lot Max :)
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
14 Nov 2017   [#123]
Many thanks Max and Michael!

Michael, an option to switch off V3 compatibility and get the Alt key for keyboard shortcuts in return would be nice, but it's not a priority to me personally. A higher priority level for me would be more navigation customization options, particularly being able to set Alt + RMB for panning.

From: Michael Gibson
14 Nov 2017   [#124] In reply to [#119]
Hi moujiik, thanks for the screencaps for the construction line problem. Can you also please post the 3DM file so I can follow along with the same data you were showing?

Thanks, - Michael
From: Michael Gibson
14 Nov 2017   [#125] In reply to [#120]
Hi Martin,

> I confirm the experience of Michel, VIP (VINC)
> A simple extrude in the new version from NOV 13 still calculates infinitely.
> I also use OS X 10.9.5
> And I have a non-retina display

Thanks for reporting this - that you're both using 10.9.5 is probably the clue I needed. It could be something simple like I forgot to set the minimum allowed OS version just on one particular module. I have a partition of 10.9 over here so I'll check it out.

- Michael

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