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From: Cemortan_Tudor
mb it was such a script made, polyline with offset, wanna combine in polyline option (pressing O)
From: Cemortan_Tudor
PolyCut updated, solved random issues
select one curve/solid - run the script
will change perspective to isometric
1. for solids/breps -> works in all views
2. curves - only in orto (moi doesn't perform booleans of random plane/frame curves)
right click to close the curve, or u can close manually
From: Cemortan_Tudor
select last created is not working after deleting any object
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor,
> select last created is not working after deleting any object
Yes that's normal. Select last created (by using moi.geometryDatabase.selectLastCreated();) selects whatever geometry was created by the last run command.
When you run the Delete command, that becomes the last run command and so then select last created will select whatever was created by the Delete command which will be nothing if you deleted an entire object, but other cases like the result of deleting only some faces or control points will be selected.
- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
any tips how to use shrink trimmed surface, or where it can be used ?
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor, if you start with a complex surface and then boolean or trim away a large portion of it:
the original full surface is still there as the "underlying surface":
If you apply ShrinkTrimmedSrf to this, it will shrink down the underlying surface and cut out areas outside of the trim curve boundaries:
This can reduce surface complexity in cases like this and sometimes there can be problematic things like self intersections in other areas of the underlying surface that could interfere with some kinds of calculations.
Usually it is good to keep the full original surfaces because it makes repair operations by untrimming easier but if it's a very complex surface it can carry a lot of data size.
- Michael
Image Attachments:
From: Cemortan_Tudor
problems with export as fbx/obj
fillets are not native
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor, it looks like maybe the object is inside-out. Try selecting it, then run Edit > Separate followed by Edit > Join. That seems to get its orientation set up ok.
Also your object is at a very small scale of only 0.02 units across. Try scaling it up by 100 times before meshing it, that will avoid some points from getting merged together.
From: Cemortan_Tudor
constant fillet fails on curves and not on surfaces, weird
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor,
> constant fillet fails on curves and not on surfaces, weird
Prior to v4, constant radius fillet was not available for curves at all, as of v4 it works on line segments:
Update curve filleting - Enable "Constant distance" fillet mode for curves, currently only works for line segments.
- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
could be implemented in next version ?
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor,
> could be implemented in next version ?
Sorry, no probably not, it's not supported by the geometry library currently.
- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
can't find script for "select similar edge length"
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor,
> can't find script for "select similar edge length"
Is it one in this thread? :
- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
not quite that i'm searching for
there's a filter for curves biggest, smallest, or min/max , but I'm searching for edges
example - extrude taped, select one side edge of taped - run the script -> fillet/chamfer
or draw a rectangle, extrude by x amount, select 1 edge of height - run the script, or select the edge of original rectangle run the script
i've forgot lots of moi's scripting
select desired edge
moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getEdges().item(0).getLength(); get's edge selection length
get parent object(want only for current selection, in case there are duplicates of same object), get edges, loop through edges, if there's similar length - select
or if i Have a selected edge how can i get object numEdges count for the loop
by my understanding it should be ~ moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getTopLevelObjects().item(0).getEdges().numEdges
moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects() -> selected
.getTopLevelObjects() -> object itself
.item(0) - object nr
.getEdges() - all the edges
.numEdges - count edges
that doesn't work
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor, the problem in your script there is this part:
> .getTopLevelObjects() -> object itself
All the " getXXXXX()" methods on an object list do are filtering mechanisms, they make a new list that only contains the given types that are already present in the current list.
So if you had an object list with 2 objects in it, an edge and a brep, when you call getTopLevelObjects() it would return a list with just the brep in it, that's the only top level object currently in the list.
If you have an object list with just one edge in it, calling getTopLevelObjects() on it will return an empty list because there are no top level objects directly in the list currently.
You need to instead do something like this:
var objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects(); if ( objs.numEdges == 1 ) { var edge = objs.item(0); var edges = edge.getParentBRep().getEdges(); moi.ui.alert( edges.length); }
So get the edge object, call getParentBRep() on it to get the parent brep, then call getEdges() on that.
- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
thanks !
/* select similar length edge*/
var edgeSelected = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getEdges().item(0).getLength();
var objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects();
var tollerance = 1000;
if ( objs.numEdges == 1 ) {
var edge = objs.item(0);
var edgeL = objs.item(0).getLength();
var min = edgeL - edgeL/tollerance;
var max = edgeL + edgeL/tollerance;
var edges = edge.getParentBRep().getEdges();
for ( var i = 0; i < edges.length; ++i ) {
var edgeLoopL = edges.item(i).getLength();
if ( edgeLoopL> min && edgeLoopL< max)
edges.item(i).selected = true;
From: Cemortan_Tudor
idk if fillets will be changed for v5
~ an addition - last created on fillet failed, but building the supported faces - to select new created faces
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor, you can select faces that were created by the last run command by using this script in v4:
script: /* Select fillet surfaces */ moi.geometryDatabase.deselectAll(); var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getLastCreated().getBReps();
for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) { var faces = breps.item(i).getFaces(); for ( var j = 0; j < faces.length; ++j )
{ var f = faces.item(j); if ( f.isNew ) f.selected = true; } }
So for example after doing a fillet that will select all the fillet surfaces.
- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Cool !
And something for select only "Flat Faces" ? (not especially after the last function)
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