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From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor, re: #2:
> 2. pointpicker.addSnapPoint( startpt, moi.ui.getText('Closed') ) I dont see text toolbox- is any trick behind
When you call moi.ui.getText( 'textid' ); that looks up text in the current language's string table for the text of the given id value.
There is no id value for "Closed" so your call there is going to return an empty string.
To fix it you could just pass some text directly instead of calling moi.ui.getText(), or use a valid textid like 'Closed snap'.
- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor,
> 1. construction lines + align on surface + rect center
> drag construction lines & place the first point, second point I think should be autoaligned to surface
It's a bug where snap plane alignment is not happening when the base point is on a center object snap. I've got it on my list to get fixed up for v5.
- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
ohayo !
Wanna ask if in cad is such thing like keep same edge fillet distance (similar to subd will be bevel). I know there's pipe and cut, blend surfaces, but can this be done automatically ?
left - current fillet, right- desired
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From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor, try the "constant distance" type fillet shape.
The regular one called a "rolling ball" fillet generates arcs all of the same radius, with the arc length being longer or shorter depending on the angle between surfaces.
The constant distance method makes the fillet rails to be a given distance apart from each other instead.
- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
it very often fails
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor, yes unfortunately it's a pretty buggy area in the geometry library. It should work on the type of case that you showed though:
- Michael
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From: Cemortan_Tudor
curves/lines -> merge. It should cut objects like one with circle, it doesn't
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From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor, boolean difference seems to do what you want on #3 and #4, but seems to be buggy on #1 and #2, I'll put it on my list to investigate.
- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
is it possible when exporting to have a specific folder(now it exports at saved file location) ?
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor,
> is it possible when exporting to have a specific folder(now it exports at saved file location) ?
Sorry I don't understand the question, can you please describe it with a little more detail?
Thanks, - Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
let's say I have folder on c:/moi_proj where are all moi projects
& have second - bridge folder, that will be on d:/bridge
moi now is configured to save & exports at same file location, and it will be on c:/moi_proj
i'm asking for export location folder → d:/bridge, or even further export by last export type format(fbx/step) → that will be d:/bridge/fbx or d:/bridge/step
From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor, the way it works now is that if you do a "SaveAs", and there is a file currently open, it will start in the folder where that file is at.
If you do an Export or a "SaveAs" without any current active file opened, then it will start in the directory that a file dialog was last used in.
> i'm asking for export location folder → d:/bridge, or even further export by last export
> type format(fbx/step) → that will be d:/bridge/fbx or d:/bridge/step
There isn't a good way to do this currently but I will see about adding in a method to make it possible to have a keyboard shortcut script that would make the file dialog start in a specific directory.
- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
earlier idea for moi, realization in blender -> intuitive
moi doesn't have pie menu, but it could have some after shortcuts, s for align, and s + w -> top , s + d -> right, s +a -> left, s + s -> down
ps: i wans't in blender when i've posted
in blender it's must to have for hard surface, anyway up to scripting moi's "point's scriptable" won't be reason to implement
From: Cemortan_Tudor
some futures that i'd like to have inside moi
towards 2d workflow*
recently i was studying marvelous designer & captures will be from there
fillets/chamfers - at least 2d should be interactive
1. fillets radius - awesome visualization, ai should be similar
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From: Cemortan_Tudor
another awesome future ! MD
smooth curve - could be applied to any closed curve
select 2 points, select part that u wanna cut, adjust curvature
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From: Michael Gibson
Hi Tudor,
> another awesome future ! MD
> smooth curve - could be applied to any closed curve
> select 2 points, select part that u wanna cut, adjust curvature
If you want a smooth curve it's kind of strange to start out with a rectangle instead of just drawing a smooth curve right from the start.
But you can do something similar in Moi if you want, draw in a line, use the Trim command cut away the part you don't want, then use Edit > Add pt to add a point to the middle of the line and turn on edit points and adjust the point.
Adding in a special tool to do that would not be good, that's exactly how bloat happens.
I do have some ideas for having different draw modes to make draw commands intersect and cut away pieces without needing to do a separate Trim step.
- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
mb it was such a script made, polyline with offset, wanna combine in polyline option (pressing O)
From: Cemortan_Tudor
PolyCut updated, solved random issues
select one curve/solid - run the script
will change perspective to isometric
1. for solids/breps -> works in all views
2. curves - only in orto (moi doesn't perform booleans of random plane/frame curves)
right click to close the curve, or u can close manually
From: Cemortan_Tudor
select last created is not working after deleting any object
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