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From: Cemortan_Tudor
16 Aug 2020   [#218]
scale/rotate/move gizmo
move - holding shift has a snapping direction, will be nice also for scale snapping direction
From: Cemortan_Tudor
16 Aug 2020   [#219]
found a solution for move -> copy

added C -> move copy (duplicate origin with move hotkeys options), works before 1'st picked point


From: Michael Gibson
16 Aug 2020   [#220] In reply to [#218]
Hi Tudor,

> scale/rotate/move gizmo
> move - holding shift has a snapping direction, will be nice also for scale snapping direction

Shift is already being use there for a different function, it does a 2D scale instead of a 3D scale.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
16 Aug 2020   [#221]
Hi again !
So a question about pointpicker -> Is any option to force update ?
I've noticed in move commands - where I swap axis by hotkeys & it won’t update until I'll do a mouse move - seems that forces to update factories
now I'm working in combining rectangles under 1 script - needs also a pointpicker update (I'm updating factory - but since pointpicker haven't changed -> no updates) have a basept, need to update second pt or waitable pointpicker pt
From: Michael Gibson
16 Aug 2020   [#222] In reply to [#221]
Hi Tudor,

> So a question about pointpicker -> Is any option to force update ?

Not currently but I have added in a pointpicker.recalc() function for the next beta to do that.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
19 Aug 2020   [#223]
I wonder if it will possible to hide edges between faces with same continuity* ex: fillet
From: Michael Gibson
19 Aug 2020   [#224] In reply to [#223]
Hi Tudor, can you show an example?

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
19 Aug 2020   [#225] In reply to [#224]
left all in
right - desired

Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
19 Aug 2020   [#226] In reply to [#225]
Hi Tudor, there is a new function for edge curves in the next beta: edge.getIsTangentEdge() , it should help for making a script that would hide things like you want.

The way you will be able to use it is like this:

 var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getBReps();
 for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i )
	var edges = breps[i].getEdges();
	for ( var j = 0; j < edges.length; ++j )
		if ( edges[j].getIsTangentEdge() )
			edges[j].hidden = true;

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
19 Aug 2020   [#227]
awesome ! thanks !
From: Cemortan_Tudor
25 Aug 2020   [#228]
I have a modelling question (used sweep to spiral)
needs to be spiral, i've tried different shapes, all awkward


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Aug 2020   [#229] In reply to [#228]
Generally when you use the Sweep function it's a good thing to put 2 rails for control each side of the profil on the Helix...

From: Michael Gibson
25 Aug 2020   [#230] In reply to [#228]
Hi Tudor, I think you want the "Twist = Flat" option and also use "Set flat direction" along your axis:

The "Twist = Flat" option means the profile will not rotate freely around the rail tangent, it will be limited to only pivot around the "flat direction".

The default "Flat direction" is the world z axis, so when you have some other direction you need to click "Set flat direction" to set it.

Another way you can make this kind of thing is by extruding your profile out straight and then use Transform > Deform > Twist on it.

- Michael

Image Attachments:
tudor_sweep_flat1.jpg  tudor_sweep_flat2.jpg 

From: Cemortan_Tudor
25 Aug 2020   [#231] In reply to [#229]
i need Mike result, the way u are showing come to same issue that I have
From: Cemortan_Tudor
25 Aug 2020   [#232] In reply to [#230]
@Michael Gibson
I haven't used twist modifier so deeply, can u explain step by step how I can reach such result ?
mb gif animation
From: Michael Gibson
25 Aug 2020   [#233] In reply to [#232]
Hi Tudor, the Twist way goes like this - you start out with a straight extrusion:

Select the straight extursion block and then run Transform > Deform > Twist .

At the prompts where it asks you for the start and end point of the twist access, pick these 2 points on your cylinder's axis:

Then you input an angle value, each 360 degrees will be one turn, so you could type in 5*360 to do 5 turns for example:

- Michael

Image Attachments:
tudor_twist1.jpg  tudor_twist2.jpg  tudor_twist3.jpg 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
25 Aug 2020   [#234] In reply to [#232]

Will be the same with only one turn...depending of what result you want...
In fact the "Flat Direction"
= the Rotation of the Profil depending of it's original position: the Flat Direction change artificially it's position! :)
Here Horizontal or Vertical

A Twist or a Sweep to an Helix will give the same this case...
From: Cemortan_Tudor
26 Aug 2020   [#235]
thanks both !
I always tried to avoid twist or flow, unpredictable results .. Boolean or fillets could not execute (since v3 haven't tried new ones)
From: BurrMan
26 Aug 2020   [#236] In reply to [#235]
you can also explore placing a centerline up a helix, then lofting the 2. Shell the result and pipe the centerline with what you wish.

So easier to create the 2 curves and flow those into a shape, that can then be made into a solid with the other steps.
From: Cemortan_Tudor
27 Aug 2020   [#237] In reply to [#236]
))) can u make a gif for that ! I'd appreciate 3'd method

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