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From: Cemortan_Tudor
13 Aug 2020   [#207]
sry but I have and error ..
it's making smt & I can't define where's the error

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From: Michael Gibson
13 Aug 2020   [#208] In reply to [#207]
Hi Tudor, if the input has never been initialized with any value, it will throw an "operation failed" exception.

So you would need something like:

var gotvalue = false;
var value;

try {
value = input.getValue();
gotvalue = true;
} catch(e){}

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
13 Aug 2020   [#209]
factory.getInput(1) - returns object
factory.getInput(1).getValue() - always undefined

my assumption is that
1. cuz it wasnt any init from js (factory.setValue(1)...) it cant read the values from factory
2. factory.getInput(1) - has a different object format
3. curveOffsetDistance internal is returning undefined after execution -> while dragging offset - the value is always 0

I give up

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From: Michael Gibson
13 Aug 2020   [#210] In reply to [#209]
Hi Tudor, if you can post a complete script file that I can run over here I can take a look.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
14 Aug 2020   [#211]
vanilla offset with hotkeys modifications
d -> swap from thought point to distance -> idea is to keep through point to distance value, so on next offset will remember last action -> since distance has already a build-in setOption


From: Michael Gibson
14 Aug 2020   [#212] In reply to [#211]
Hi Tudor, for offset the input index 1 is for a distance value, it is only filled in if you are using offset in its "offset by specific distance" mode, not in through point mode.

So for example if you type in 3 and push enter that input will get initialized to 3 and then your messages would show "3" and "true" when you pick a point for which side to offset on.

There was at one point a "curveOffsetDistance" additional property on the offset factory that would give back the current distance used for "through point" mode, but it's not working currently. I'll take a look and see if I can get that working.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
14 Aug 2020   [#213]
v - swap between u/v
b - both


From: Cemortan_Tudor
15 Aug 2020   [#214]
Hi Michael
another future that i'd like to see -> u might not accept it
ctrl dragging(dublicate) - assign snap during dragging -> shift is straight, alt -> removes snaps, what about 'space' - readjust snapping point (readjust anchor position)
From: Michael Gibson
15 Aug 2020   [#215] In reply to [#214]
Hi Tudor, sorry no I don't think that would be very easy to add. If you want a specific anchor position, use the Transform > Move command instead of object dragging.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
16 Aug 2020   [#216]
I'll put this at wish List
habit for select - apply action -> fillet/chamfer control points
the way it works now if points are selected, u can't apply action instead is returning to object selection
From: Cemortan_Tudor
16 Aug 2020   [#217]
Chamfer hotkeys -> works only with 1 distance

Numpad+ -> value + value/2
Shift+Numpad+ -> value + value/10
Numpad- -> value - value /3
Shift+Numpad- -> value + value/10
Numpad* -> value*2
Numpad/ -> value/2
Ctrl+Shift+Numpad+ -> value +value/100
Ctrl+Shift+Numpad- -> value - value/100
r - reset distance to 0 -> to start new one


From: Cemortan_Tudor
16 Aug 2020   [#218]
scale/rotate/move gizmo
move - holding shift has a snapping direction, will be nice also for scale snapping direction
From: Cemortan_Tudor
16 Aug 2020   [#219]
found a solution for move -> copy

added C -> move copy (duplicate origin with move hotkeys options), works before 1'st picked point


From: Michael Gibson
16 Aug 2020   [#220] In reply to [#218]
Hi Tudor,

> scale/rotate/move gizmo
> move - holding shift has a snapping direction, will be nice also for scale snapping direction

Shift is already being use there for a different function, it does a 2D scale instead of a 3D scale.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
16 Aug 2020   [#221]
Hi again !
So a question about pointpicker -> Is any option to force update ?
I've noticed in move commands - where I swap axis by hotkeys & it won’t update until I'll do a mouse move - seems that forces to update factories
now I'm working in combining rectangles under 1 script - needs also a pointpicker update (I'm updating factory - but since pointpicker haven't changed -> no updates) have a basept, need to update second pt or waitable pointpicker pt
From: Michael Gibson
16 Aug 2020   [#222] In reply to [#221]
Hi Tudor,

> So a question about pointpicker -> Is any option to force update ?

Not currently but I have added in a pointpicker.recalc() function for the next beta to do that.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
19 Aug 2020   [#223]
I wonder if it will possible to hide edges between faces with same continuity* ex: fillet
From: Michael Gibson
19 Aug 2020   [#224] In reply to [#223]
Hi Tudor, can you show an example?

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
19 Aug 2020   [#225] In reply to [#224]
left all in
right - desired

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From: Michael Gibson
19 Aug 2020   [#226] In reply to [#225]
Hi Tudor, there is a new function for edge curves in the next beta: edge.getIsTangentEdge() , it should help for making a script that would hide things like you want.

The way you will be able to use it is like this:

 var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getBReps();
 for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i )
	var edges = breps[i].getEdges();
	for ( var j = 0; j < edges.length; ++j )
		if ( edges[j].getIsTangentEdge() )
			edges[j].hidden = true;

- Michael

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