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From: Cemortan_Tudor
2 Jul 2020   [#127]
Align Hotkeys
w - top
s - bottom
a - left
d - right
q - Vertical Center
e - Horizontal Center


From: Cemortan_Tudor
2 Jul 2020   [#128]
wanna improve the align script !
my question is how do i get pointpicker.basept(or value of pointpicker after alignment without clicking) when I'm pressing second hotkey ( let's say I've aligned top, now I need right side -> not to run script twice )
From: Michael Gibson
2 Jul 2020   [#129] In reply to [#128]
Hi Tudor, the current point for the pointpicker can be accessed using the .pt property on it.

There is also a .cplane property for getting the construction plane (the grid plane) for the pick, and also .ptframe for getting a coordinate frame with its origin at the current point and the frame's axes in the cplane directions.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
2 Jul 2020   [#130]
is that if clicked?
anything without clicking ? cuz if I click something, scripts ends it's action
otherworlds I need current pointposition without click

if (!wasAnyHotkey) {
moi.command.setOption( 'AlignMode', 'VerticalLeft' );
factory.setInput( 2, 'VerticalLeft' );
wasAnyHotkey = true;
else {
//here i need help ! = pointpicker.ptframe.origin ;
From: Michael Gibson
2 Jul 2020   [#131] In reply to [#130]
Hi Tudor,

> is that if clicked?

No, it's available anytime the pointpicker has been able to get a point, like with mousemove.

> cuz if I click something, scripts ends it's action

Yes, that's how the regular Align command is supposed to work. When you click a point a 'finished' event will be triggered, and this part of the script exits the even loop when it sees that;

	while ( 1 )
		if ( !pointpicker.waitForEvent() )
>>>		if ( pointpicker.event == 'finished' )
>>>			break;

If you don't want the script to end when a point is clicked you would want to modify what it does with the 'finished' event, like ignore it.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
3 Jul 2020   [#132]
Thanks Michael

Align Hotkeys
w - top
s - bottom
a - left
d - right
q - Vertical Center
e - Horizontal Center
align corners
ex: w+a/w+d/s+a/s+d


From: Cemortan_Tudor
4 Jul 2020   [#133]
based on

Convert DesignSpark Mechanical DSM rsdoc file to sat file which can be loaded into MoI3d
Installation -> python3

drag & drop rsdoc file(s) onto file
.sat file(s) will appear in the same directory as rsdoc file(s).

author went via winreg path, i've changed path inside script to full path ~
inside script change path of sabsat to full path of SabSatConverter.exe (it comes with full DSM installation)
sabsat = "C:\\Program Files\\DesignSpark\\DesignSpark Mechanical 4.0\\SabSatConverter.exe"


From: Cemortan_Tudor
4 Jul 2020   [#134]
o hayo !
v4 new future crv.evaluateCurvature
I'm thinking about script for edge loop up to ~ broken curvature on a brep (on curve will be a sharp corner)
if i'm extracting curves, how shall i transfer back to edges ?
From: Michael Gibson
4 Jul 2020   [#135] In reply to [#134]
Hi Tudor,

> if i'm extracting curves, how shall i transfer back to edges ?

Sorry I'm not sure I understand this - you can call curve evaluate methods on an edge curve just like you can on a "standalone" curve.

One thing to be aware of is that a curvature break between 2 edge curves does not mean anything about the continuity of the surface at that point. For example:

- Michael

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From: Cemortan_Tudor
4 Jul 2020   [#136]
Shortcuts for manipulation:
Fillet; Inset; Shell ; Offset(Brep)

Numpad+ -> value + value/2
Shift+Numpad+ -> value + value/10
Numpad- -> value - value /3
Shift+Numpad- -> value + value/10
Numpad* -> value*value
Numpad/ -> value/value


From: Cemortan_Tudor
4 Jul 2020   [#137]
Added additional script interface for Curve and CurveSegment objects.
For both Curves and CurveSegments:

wasn't any mention about edges, will try !
From: Cemortan_Tudor
4 Jul 2020   [#138]
About align - 3d viewport -> I think it should be aligned along camera position - not along axis
From: Michael Gibson
4 Jul 2020   [#139] In reply to [#137]
Hi Tudor,

> wasn't any mention about edges, will try !

Edge curves and "standalone" curves have the same curve interface object.

> About align - 3d viewport -> I think it should be aligned along camera position - not along axis

Can you show an example of what you mean?

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
4 Jul 2020   [#140]
Unified under one command Union and Join ~ they do they same, need more testing


From: Cemortan_Tudor
4 Jul 2020   [#141]
based on camera angle what's left/right/top/bottom

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From: Michael Gibson
4 Jul 2020   [#142] In reply to [#141]
Hi Tudor, that's an interesting idea. But what if your camera angle is right near a switchover spot? That would probably mean that you could get in a situation where you move the camera a slight amount and get a big shift in the result.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
4 Jul 2020   [#143] In reply to [#142]
yes, but at the current align i have to guess what button should i press
for static i could change to orto views !
From: Michael Gibson
4 Jul 2020   [#144] In reply to [#143]
Hi Tudor, you don't have to guess if you look at the x/y/z axis tripod display in the lower left corner:

- Michael

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From: Cemortan_Tudor
4 Jul 2020   [#145]
dont have them xD well, it was a suggestion(intuitively will be right and left - ! all we know what it means xD no x & y's - it was written right side ! why it haves weird xD ))

I'm in another propose script ~ isolate update
now - the way it works it now it isolates objects, next call unhides all
what i want - isolate to update on selected objects(ex: doing some operation on objects, isolate to work further), on deselect - call isolate - unhide all. for that i need a global variable ! as I've read scripts all variables are inside scripts (i'm still learning js)
benefits - hitting twice isolate to work further - not to much ~ clicking saving
From: Cemortan_Tudor
4 Jul 2020   [#146]
options vanilla - save current color style as default
I respect blender for community they've grow

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