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From: Cemortan_Tudor
26 Jun 2020   [#110]
why is so ?

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From: Michael Gibson
26 Jun 2020   [#111] In reply to [#109]
Hi Tudor,

> import obj -> is relocating the object as rescales it

The ImportOBJ plug-in automatically resizes objects when it imports them, this can be disabled by passing in an additional parameter, see here:

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
26 Jun 2020   [#112] In reply to [#110]
Hi Tudor,

re: why is so ?

The point that your mouse picks is done by an intersection between the screen ray and the construction plane. In the 3D view if you are looking at the construction plane at an steep angle it is pretty easy to have a point far off towards the horizon with only a small movement in screen space:

- Michael

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From: Cemortan_Tudor
26 Jun 2020   [#113] In reply to [#112]
i'm trying also via move
pointpicker.restrictToPlane( moi.ui.getActiveViewport().targetFrame , true );
am I doing smt wrong ?
same result
I want a screen move*
From: Michael Gibson
26 Jun 2020   [#114] In reply to [#113]
Hi Tudor, one method you can use for that is the script here which sets the construction plane to the view frame:

> i'm trying also via move
> pointpicker.restrictToPlane( moi.ui.getActiveViewport().targetFrame , true );
> am I doing smt wrong ?

Can you post the full script?

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
26 Jun 2020   [#115]
move + a
*about history, I dont have enough time to go deep into it, I thought will be welcome some kind of history - *Notes
*smallest fillets i'll work on it more, found some scripts and posts on v4 version that might help - curve explorer and ordered curves
*point position - yes, x,y,z somewhere in moi explorer without scripting
*about normals - seems smt new to v4, like it, when offsetting u getting notification of a normal plane to extrude ~ it's the same as perpendicular to a point, normals for me sounds more familiar - was searching for that terminology

some more that i'm interested
moi htlm functions if there's a collection of them - aka moi:options; moi:text; moi:Numeric .. so on
hidden moi factories xD discovered that arrow and might be others same category (aka - dimensions arrowhead)

ctrl clone -> to pick last duplicate todo modifications - as an option ? often it comes that i have to change position/size so on
there's a script
script:var a = moi.command.lastCommandRevisionStart; var b = moi.command.lastCommandRevisionEnd; var objects = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects(); for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i ) { var obj = objects.item(i); if ( obj.databaseRevision> a && obj.databaseRevision <= b ) obj.selected = true; }
I dont understand it - doesn't respond to ctrl clone/dublicate as well - only to scripts ?

~ buggy
alt + right click - shouldn't repeat last command -> It's supposed to be zoom

and Thanks !
From: Michael Gibson
26 Jun 2020   [#116] In reply to [#115]
Hi Tudor, sorry it's hard for me to follow what parts you are just describing and what parts you are asking questions about.

> move + a

It seems to be working ok over here - I push a when picking the target point and it then tracks along the view plane. Can you tell me what steps you are using where you're seeing a problem?

> moi htlm functions if there's a collection of them - aka moi:options; moi:text; moi:Numeric .. so on

There isn't any documentation for these currently, sorry. But if you have questions about a particular one I can tell you about it. For <moi:option> that's like a regular HTML <option> except it gets the inner text to display by a textid="" value that is looked up from the current language's string table.

<moi:Text> is like a <span> tag but it fills in its text by the given textid="" value looked up from the current language's string table.

<moi:NumericInput> is similar to an HTML <input> but for numeric values.

> wishes
> ctrl clone -> to pick last duplicate todo modifications - as an option ? often it comes that i have to change position/size so on
> <...>
> I dont understand it - doesn't respond to ctrl clone/dublicate as well - only to scripts ?

Hmm, yes it's because object dragging doesn't run as a regular command does and so it's missing some of the setup/cleanup type things that happen with regular commands. I'll see about fixing this.

> ~ buggy
> alt + right click - shouldn't repeat last command -> It's supposed to be zoom

Any right click will repeat the last command, (or push the "Done" button if that is visible), it's only an Alt + Right drag that does a zoom, not a click without dragging.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
28 Jun 2020   [#117]
O hayo !
used same script
I'll give a preview as file
It should act like viewport cplane


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From: Michael Gibson
28 Jun 2020   [#118] In reply to [#117]
Hi Tudor, and when are you pushing the 'a' key to trigger your restrict to the view plane? Your code only handles it for the second point pick.

- Michael

Message 8665.119 was deleted

From: Cemortan_Tudor
28 Jun 2020   [#120]
thanks ! I was missing ordering !
From: Cemortan_Tudor
1 Jul 2020   [#121]
I know in config it's possible to turn project orto, is it possible to script toogle without restarting ?
From: Michael Gibson
1 Jul 2020   [#122] In reply to [#121]
Hi Tudor, do you mean this setting in moi.ini ? :


That property can be set by script at runtime at moi.drawingAids.objectSnapProjectInOrthoViews so to toggle it try this:

moi.drawingAids.objectSnapProjectInOrthoViews = !moi.drawingAids.objectSnapProjectInOrthoViews;

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
1 Jul 2020   [#123] In reply to [#122]
From: Michael Gibson
1 Jul 2020   [#124] In reply to [#123]
Hi Tudor, the runtime script property for that one is moi.drawingAids.disableOnSrfInOrtho

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
2 Jul 2020   [#125]
Thanks !
script: /* SurfaceInOrtho */ moi.drawingAids.disableOnSrfInOrtho = !moi.drawingAids.disableOnSrfInOrtho

Message 8665.126 was deleted

From: Cemortan_Tudor
2 Jul 2020   [#127]
Align Hotkeys
w - top
s - bottom
a - left
d - right
q - Vertical Center
e - Horizontal Center


From: Cemortan_Tudor
2 Jul 2020   [#128]
wanna improve the align script !
my question is how do i get pointpicker.basept(or value of pointpicker after alignment without clicking) when I'm pressing second hotkey ( let's say I've aligned top, now I need right side -> not to run script twice )
From: Michael Gibson
2 Jul 2020   [#129] In reply to [#128]
Hi Tudor, the current point for the pointpicker can be accessed using the .pt property on it.

There is also a .cplane property for getting the construction plane (the grid plane) for the pick, and also .ptframe for getting a coordinate frame with its origin at the current point and the frame's axes in the cplane directions.

- Michael

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