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From: mkdm
Hi everyone!
New "quick & dirt" little tutorial coming soon...
From this (in Moi)....
To this (in Affinity Designer)
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
Nice! Thanks for creating the tutorials, Marco! Appreciated.
From: mkdm
You're welcom Metin.
Tonight I hope to publish that new little tut and also another one.
Stay tuned.
From: mkdm
Hi everyone!
As promised, here's the second "quick & dirt" video tutorial involving the great duo "Moi & Affinity Designer"
This time I've used only standard Moi commands.
I hope you like it.
This is the video :
From: Mike (MGG942)
I do!
Remarkable - thanks.
From: eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Brilliant! Thanks,
From: mkdm
Thanks a lot Mike and Eric for feedback! Much appreciated!
New tuts will come soon...
I'm trying to explore this 2D workflow without following a predetermined path.
Just the imagination.
From: mkdm
Hi everyone!
Here's the third video tutorial involving the great duo "Moi & Affinity Designer".
This time I've used a bunch of custom commands/scripts.
You can get them here :
Unpack the archive and you will get these commands : PatternSelection and Randomize and these scripts : CenterAtOrigin and RandomDeselect
I hope you like it.
The final results is a little bit messy but I wanted to give you in a few minutes just an example of how to create a "pseudo-3d" geometric background.
This is the video :
P.S. about at position 8:18 of the video you will see my "FilterCurveByLength" command.
I'm almost finished with it and soon I hope to publish the final 0.5 beta version.
Marco (mkdm)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Very creative!
From: mkdm
Hi Pilou.
Thanks a lot for appreciation!
New tutorials soon :)
Have a nice day.
From: ed (EDDYF)
Great tutorials Marco!
And thanks for getting me started on Affinity Photo. After using the trial for a week, I purchased it and have used it for two weeks. My typical workflows for photo retouching have been greatly reduced and simplified. No more Photoshop for me! Affinity kept enough of the basic PS UI so I didn't feel I was learning a new program. But the way they simplified operations makes it fun to use, much in the same way MoI is fun to use. Affinity feels like it was designed by people who actually use and enjoy the program. PS now feels clunky, over complicated, and out-dated.
I'll try Affinity Designer when they get around to adding Offset Contours, a must have for my workflow. Then we'll see if Affinity can tear me away from Corel Draw :)
Ed Ferguson
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Gravit Designer for free 2D Drawing for replace Illustrator! ;)
From: amur (STEFAN)
You mean to replace Affinity Designer... :-)
From: mkdm
Hello Ed!
Thank you very much for your kind words! Much appreciated.
As I said in some of my previous posts, I'm not a professional artist, and computer art isn't my main job,
but I'm a great enthusiast of anything related to CG for may years now, both 2D and 3D,
and for what I've experienced so far I can say that very rarely I've seen a software with all the characteristics of the Affinity suite.
Affinity Designer and Photo are cheap, fun, easy, well designed, with good performance and with modern UI.
For my daily job I often use them coupled with Moi, to design mockup and UI for Android Apps and the results are always very good.
With that said it's also true that Affinity suite is still young and must grow in many aspects.
For example "Symbols" in Designer are not yet bug free, or performances are good but not comparable with PS,
or it lacks Tracing capabilities, or for example Affinity Photo has not so good painting capabilities, and other aspects.
But I've seen here and there on YouTube and web in general, many artists that are getting great results with the Affinity suite.
For example, I don't know if you already knows it, but here you can find state of the art tutorials for Affinity Photo :
Anyway, I will continue to explore the possibilities offered by the "great duo" Affinity Designer + Moi,
because in the last decade I haven't seen no other software under 60 USD capable to be so close, so the unparalleled Moi,
both regarding workflow and easy to use (and fun).
From: mkdm
Hi Pilou.
Thanks for the tip!.
I've tested gravity designer for fun some weeks ago and I can say that it's a very useful and well designed web software.
And it's free.
But for my job I've experienced that it can't really fight against Affinity Designer.
And I think that Illustrator, although it is outdated and very expensive, is still undoubtedly many miles away, in many technical respects.
Ciao :)
From: mkdm
Hi everyone!
Let's go with the fourth tutorial : LETTERING ON STEROIDS!
In this tutorial we will see how to "enrich" a letter using both Moi and Designer,
and how to use Designer's "Symbols" to manage instances.
As usual this is only a very simple example. The possibilities are endless!
For this tutorial I've used only standard Moi commands.
This is the video :
See you for next tutorial!
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
I like all this.
I've swapped the Adobe subscription bloatware for Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo years ago, when Affinity was first released for MacOS. Affinity's workflow is much more streamlined than the ancient Adobe editors.
I'm curious if the imminent Pixelmator Pro will become a serious Affinity competitor:
From: mkdm
Hello Metin.
@You : "...I like all this..."
Thank a lot for your appreciation!
Unfortunately I don't have an iPad Pro 2 but for what I've seen here and there on YouTube it seems that Pixelmator Pro will be a serious competitor
of Affinity Photo for iPad.
Pixelmator pro seem to have many of the the characteristics of both Photo and Designer boundled in one single package and
for sure it will be a great competitor of Affinity.
Although also Designer and Photo have a high degree of compatibility between them and also in Photo you can manage a subset of vector capabilities of Designer and vice versa, and Photo for iPad Pro 2 it's absolutely stunning.
Unfortunately Pixelmator runs only on iOS/Mac while Affinity runs on both systems.
Anyway, finally now we can have a bunch of serious competitors of Adobe under 60 USD!
I think that if you are a freelance or a one person company these products are perfect.
Adobe software are still much powerful and are integrated into a big software eco-system but its price worth only if you are a medium/big company.
Ciao and...stay tuned for new funny tutorials :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
ProCreate for Ipad? (just 10 € 99 :)
Damned I have not an Ipad! :D
From: mkdm
Hi Pilou.
You're right!! I completely forgot the amazing ProCreate !!
For a pure painting experience there's nothing around that can beat it on a mobile device. Nothing!
And for what I've seen so far here and there it also beats many "desktop" apps.
I've seen many video of talented artists that are getting amazing results with it on iPad Pro 2 (12.9 inch).
Although it can't be compared to Affinity suite or PixelMator because it's totally focused "only" on painting.
Unfortunately I have no iPad Pro 2 12.9 and...I'm not a talented artist :)
Marco (mkdm)
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