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Full Version: Moi + Affinity : Moi for 2D workflows

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From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
20 Oct 2017   [#35]
Cool, thanks Marco! Also for the Affinity beta links!

Have a nice weekend everyone,
From: mkdm
20 Oct 2017   [#36] In reply to [#35]
Hi Metin.

You're welcome!

Regarding the new betas of Affinity suite for what I've seen it should be a minor upgrade with a lots of bug fixes an maybe some new features,
but I'm not sure about this point.

I asked to Affinity team about some very important missing feature in Designer and they told me that this is in their roadmap.
Their plan it's to include new substantial features during all 1.X period or when 2.X will be released.

Anyway...I will test this new betas.

P.S. In the Affinity forum they say : " is definitely worth noting that files created in Affinity 1.6 may not open in 1.5..."

The say "MAY". For what I've tested so far all files are compatible but anyway it's good to know that could be some incompatibility.

From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
20 Oct 2017   [#37] In reply to [#36]
Hi Marco,

Thanks for the additional info. Maybe I'll wait for the official release after all. Right now I'm too busy enjoying my exploration of 3D Coat anyway. :)
From: mkdm
20 Oct 2017   [#38] In reply to [#37]
Hi Metin.

@You : "...Maybe I'll wait for the official release after all..."

I think I'll do so!

From: mkdm
22 Oct 2017   [#39]
Hi everyone!

I'm back with a new quick and dirt tutorial about Moi with Affinity Designer

This time...."Dot circles vector image"!

Here's the video :

For this tutorial I have used a simple but very useful external tool : Halftoner 1.7
These are the links :
Zip file :
Home page :

We'll catch up.

From: amur (STEFAN)
23 Oct 2017   [#40]
Hi Marco,

nice looking tiger!

Here is one more abstract image from me, done with MoI (lot's of trimming and joining)
and the help of Vector Raster and Art Text 3. Have to explore this workflow a bit more.

Good thing is that with Art Text 3 you can generate really quick poster sized images,
without loosing sharpness etc.

Best regards

Image Attachments:
me.jpg  me_abstract.jpg 

From: mkdm
23 Oct 2017   [#41] In reply to [#40]

Thanks a lot for sharing!

Very interesting for Mac users.

If you want to remain within Moi without using any external tool you can use the great Max's "HeightMap" commands!

It generates curves (or point) from an input b&w or greyscale image.

Although the resulting curves needs to be a tweaked a little bit with the "rebuild" command to make them "lighter" ,
before export them to PDF, for importing into Affinity Designer or any other vector graphic software.

You can get the Max's command here :
N.B. In windows you need to run Moi in Administrator mode in order to make HeightMap works.

This is a brief video I made :

From: amur (STEFAN)
23 Oct 2017   [#42]
Hi Marco,

Max's Script, in this case, is IMHO not good, because it gives you jaggies!

I use for this task the super cool free Zsurf4 in combination with Photoshop,
which runs also under Wine, for OS X users :-)

Best regards

Image Attachments:

From: mkdm
23 Oct 2017   [#43] In reply to [#42]

Oh yeah...ZSurf is very useful and in many cases is the right choice!

I have used it sometimes in the past with good results.


But because here I'm trying always to find "old and new" workflows for Moi and Affinity I'm more interested in playing with curves rather than surfaces.

Anyway, you're right. In many cases ZSurf generates surfaces with a good smoothness, and the Iso curves that I can extract are better than those
generated from "HeightMap" script.


Stay tuned for new stuff involving Moi and Affinity :)
From: amur (STEFAN)
31 Oct 2017   [#44]
Hi Marco and all,

just took your tiger drawing into Art Text 3. I really like what one can do with it. :-)

P.S. i added also one Penrose tiling image, done with MoI and Art Text 3, to the MoI Gallery.

Best regards

Image Attachments:

From: mkdm
31 Oct 2017   [#45] In reply to [#44]
Hi Stefan!

Very nice!

@You "...your tiger drawing..."

As I said in my original post the tiger is not mine. I get it in

Thanks for sharing!

Stay tuned...I hope to upgrade soon my scripts for 2D Workflows. (bug fixing)

From: mkdm
31 Oct 2017   [#46] In reply to [#44]
P.S. I only tweaked the tiger a little bit with Affinity Designer to make some cleanup, then I exported it in PNG and then I have used the png for
my 2D Workflow tutorial (original post :

From: amur (STEFAN)
31 Oct 2017   [#47]
Thanks for the info Marco!

I overlooked that the original image was from there...

Best regards
From: mkdm
4 Nov 2017   [#48]
Hi Michael.

I'm pretty sure that you already answered me a long time ago, about this question, but I don't remember where is your answer.
I've searched trough the forum by I didn't find what I'm looking for.

The question is this :

If we simply take into account the "speed of execution" factor, can we state that the code executed inside a the "hmtl" page of a command
or inside a script placed into the "scripts" folder, is faster (and many times faster) the the execution of "js code" present in the "js" counterpart of command's html ?

I ask you this because I have in mind to turn the next version of my "script for 2D workflow" from "script" into "command" just in order to
handle more easily the various working mode of that scripts.

For what I've experienced and learned I've seen that the "js" code executed inside the Hml file of command is much more faster that the counterpart executed into the "js" file of the command :

For example consider the "ScaleIndividual" commands that Max wrote times ago :

1) the original version of Max Smirnov :
get it at

2) A version that I have modified and that do the main task into the "js" code inside the Html file of the command :
get it at

Why the 2nd version, is much more faster than the first (to make a good test you have to select many objects, I tested with hundreds) ?

This is the code of the original version of ScaleIndividual.js and ScaleIndividual.htm :

#include "GetObjects.js"
#include "WaitForDialogDone.js"

function ScaleObject( obj, factor )
	var center = obj.getBoundingBox().center;
	var list = moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList();
	list.addObject( obj );

	var factory = moi.command.createFactory( 'scale' );
	factory.setInput( 0, list );
	factory.setInput( 1, center );
	factory.setInput( 2, factor );

function DoIndividualScale()
	var objectpicker = moi.ui.createObjectPicker();
	if ( !GetObjects( objectpicker ) )
	var objects = objectpicker.objects;
	moi.ui.hideUI( 'SelectPrompt' );
	moi.ui.showUI( 'OptionsPrompt' );
	moi.ui.showUI( 'options' );
	if ( !WaitForDialogDone() )
	var scalefactor = moi.ui.commandUI.factor.value;
	for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i )
		var obj = objects.item(i);
		ScaleObject( obj, scalefactor );


	<body class="commandbody">
		<div class="commandheader">
			<div id="SelectPrompt" class="commandprompt">Select objects to scale</div>
			<div id="OptionsPrompt" class="hiddencommandprompt">Scale options</div>
		<div id="options" class="hiddencommandoptions">
					<td>Scale factor:</td>
					<td><moi:NumericInput id="factor"/></td>

		<moi:CommandDoneCancel />

And this is the code of my modified version of ScaleIndividualMainThread.js and ScaleIndividualMainThread.htm :

#include "GetObjects.js"
#include "WaitForDialogDone.js"

function DoIndividualScaleInit() {
	var objectpicker = moi.ui.createObjectPicker();
	if ( !GetObjects( objectpicker ) )
	var objects = objectpicker.objects;
	moi.ui.hideUI( 'SelectPrompt' );
	moi.ui.showUI( 'OptionsPrompt' );
	moi.ui.showUI( 'options' );
	if ( !WaitForDialogDone() )


			function ScaleObject( obj, factor ) {
				var center = obj.getBoundingBox().center;
				var list = moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList();
				list.addObject( obj );

				var factory = moi.command.createFactory( 'scale' );
				factory.setInput( 0, list );
				factory.setInput( 1, center );
				factory.setInput( 2, factor );

			function DoIndividualScale(objects) {
				var scalefactor = moi.ui.commandUI.factor.value;
				for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; ++i ) {
					var obj = objects.item(i);
					ScaleObject( obj, scalefactor );
	<body class="commandbody">
		<div class="commandheader">
			<div id="SelectPrompt" class="commandprompt">Select objects to scale</div>
			<div id="OptionsPrompt" class="hiddencommandprompt">Scale options</div>
		<div id="options" class="hiddencommandoptions">
					<td>Scale factor:</td>
					<td><moi:NumericInput id="factor"/></td>

		<moi:CommandDoneCancel />

Thanks a lot for the support :)

Have a nice day.


Marco (mkdm)
From: mkdm
4 Nov 2017   [#49]
P.S. Michael, I will read your answer in five-six hours because now I have to go :)

From: Michael Gibson
4 Nov 2017   [#50] In reply to [#48]
Hi Marco,

> If we simply take into account the "speed of execution" factor, can we state that the code
> executed inside a the "hmtl" page of a command or inside a script placed into the "scripts"
> folder, is faster (and many times faster) the the execution of "js code" present in the "js"
> counterpart of command's html ?

For V3 yes that's true - the .js code is run in a separate process and uses inter-process communication on every MoI API call. The reason for this is it makes it impossible for the script to freeze MoI if it runs in an endless loop or something like that, the worker process can be torn down independently from the script's cooperation.

But the inter-process communication has a performance penalty. The regular default commands in MoI never use script to do heavy calculations in loops or things like that, and so are ok with that.

Code in the HTML side runs in the main process thread and so it doesn't have that same overhead.

For V4 this will be different though, in V4 the .js script will be run on the main thread and not on a worker thread anymore and so in v4 there won't be any difference for which file the code is contained in.

- Michael
From: mkdm
4 Nov 2017   [#51] In reply to [#50]
Thank you very much Michael for reminding me this behaviour.

Ciao :)
From: mkdm
11 Jul 2018   [#52]
Hello everyone!

I'm sorry for the uppercase but THIS IS THE LONG AWAITED DAY for all passionate pro artists/amateurs of 2D workflow/vector things!!

THE DAY has come :)

AFFINITY DESIGNER is ready for iOS!!!!!!

Still not of App Store but you can download here if you're on iPad:
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
11 Jul 2018   [#53]
Yep the challenger of Procreate! :)

Affinity Designer for iPad - official video from Affinity on Vimeo.
From: mkdm
11 Jul 2018   [#54] In reply to [#53]
This is a GREAT day for all the iPad crowd!!

Anyway, Procreate and Affinity Designer are not competitor at all.
They are focused on very different things.
But...what a wonderful DUO!!!!!
And don't forget Affinity Photo!

Great things for 2d graphics :)

These apps destroys everything on Android/Windows mobile side!

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