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MoI discussion forum

Full Version: PBR pipeline for MOI3D using 3D COAT and KEYSHOT

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From: Michael Gibson
16 Jan 2017   [#76] In reply to [#74]
Hi Mauro,

> This way it doesn't force the whole browser (and other messages) to go wide. Once someone
> 'clicks' on the image it will open in a new tab at full resolution. Thanks!
> Yes!This is a feature should be implemented by default Michael... ;)

I've managed to modify the forum so that wide images will automatically be shrunken down, when it happens a text label "Image has been resized, click for full size." will appear below the image and if you click on the image the full sized image should open up in a new tab.

If you want the old behavior of no size limiting, you can disable it under forum Options > "Display" section > disable "Resize images and reflow page to prevent horizontal scrolling." checkbox.

- Michael
From: mkdm
17 Jan 2017   [#77] In reply to [#76]
Hi Michael.

> You wrote : "I've managed to modify the forum so that wide images will automatically be shrunken down..."

Thanks a lot for adding this very necessary feature to the forum.

See you.
From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
17 Jan 2017   [#78]
Thanks Michael ! :)
From: amur (STEFAN)
17 Jan 2017   [#79]
Thank you very much Michael!

From: Michael Gibson
17 Jan 2017   [#80]
You're all welcome! I also added in a link to the "light" version on the forum login page to use for mobile. That one uses no frames and simplified text output.

- Michael
From: mkdm
18 Jan 2017   [#81] In reply to [#1]
Hi Chipp and everyone!

Just another very interesting workflow involving in this case, not MOI, but only Rocket3F, 3D-Coat, InstantLight and Affinity Photo.

This workflow complements the other one that I'm already testing and using with very good results, that is Moi->3DCoat.

Look at this resources :

A Realtime recorded video with water and rain effects!
The original video was recorded in FullHD but I made a mistake during Youtube upload and the final
quality is very bad (360p).

See you.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
18 Jan 2017   [#82]
Last image is very cool!
From: mkdm
18 Jan 2017   [#83] In reply to [#82]
Thanks Pilou!

It's only thanks to InstantLight and its realtime VFX.

From: chippwalters
19 Jan 2017   [#84]
Good for you. Looks like you're enjoying Instant Light :-)
From: mkdm
19 Jan 2017   [#85] In reply to [#84]
Hi Chipp!

Yes! I'm exploring the various possibilities offered by this new and very peculiar realtime renderer coupled with 3D-Coat.

If only I had a more powerful Nvidia Quadro card... (my good old Quadro K3100M 4Gb seems to mark time).

And you ?

What are you experimenting with 3D-Coat ? Let us know :)

For the moment I'm trying to improve my hard surface workflow : Moi -> 3DCoat.

See you.
From: chippwalters
20 Jan 2017   [#86] In reply to [#85]
Hi Marco,

I'm currently exploring similar pipelines. I've been hired by a large east coast consumer products company to help create their AR/VR product visualization strategy. I'm now working on bringing CAD files into a virtual environment and being able to view it on a Vive headset. In particular, I'm exploring workflows and pipelines into Unity and UE4. I suspect there may be some tutorials along those lines, as well as CAD (in my case MoI) -> 3D Coat -> Marmoset (optional) -> UE4 and/or Unity.

Stay tuned for what I hope is an interesting discussion :-)
From: mkdm
20 Jan 2017   [#87] In reply to [#86]
Hi Chipp and everyone!

@chippwalters "CAD (in my case MoI) -> 3D Coat -> Marmoset (optional) -> UE4 and/or Unity."

A very interesting and effective workflow !

If I think about that only 5-7 years ago all these kind of stuff where the exclusive preserve of super pro users with a very high knowledge and super hardware...

Instead now, with some weeks spent to learn the Retopo/Uv/Baking/Texturing fundamentals with the help of some good online course and a fairly decent hardware, with all this very cheap software we can create decent things with a good 3d quality! And only with some hours of work!!

Incredible ...

Of course all these PBR realtime technologies can't absolutely reach the photorealistic quality of a classical Biased/Unbiased render engine,
and in fact for the moment the only thing that I really don't love too much of PBR is that often all the renderings have a 3D Game quality.

Or, at least, for the moment I'm not able to obtain better results :)

But...we can't have everything we want :)

@chippwalters "Stay tuned for what I hope is an interesting discussion :-)"

Certainly !

See you and a nice day to everyone!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Jan 2017   [#88]
Unity and UE4 are magic programs but maybe their learning curves are not so easy! :)
From: Rich (-RB-)
20 Jan 2017   [#89]
Hey Chipp - I've just picked up a Vive - really interested to see your workflow to get everything cracking in VR. BTW Jama is busily working away in Medium for Oculus. You should try it out, like a super basic voxel environment in VR...I'm guessing he'll be sharing this on Learn Squared soon.


- Rich
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
20 Jan 2017   [#90]

Strata is looking for beta testers who have a VR ready computer and the full HTC Vive set to help test Strata's upcoming VR app for visualizing projects on the HTC Vive.

If you, or someone you know, might be interested, send an email to

-- MindSet
From: chippwalters
21 Jan 2017   [#91]
Thanks all for your ideas and suggestions.

My primary goal is to try and create as real as possible virtual environments where product models can be loaded in one of many use-case scenes. I'd like to try and see if the Vive controllers can be used to interact with the scene elements.

Yes, I've heard of the voxel based Occulus modeler. It looks pretty cool and I'm interested in what Jama will come up with. I haven't had the time lately to don my Rift and check it out-- and I probably won't any time soon as I'm pretty much booked with the Vive project right now. I'll keep folks posted as I figure things out.
From: chippwalters
23 Jan 2017   [#92]

New video baking high quality normal tangent space from voxelized high rez objects onto low poly objects. This is good for games and VR.
24 Jan 2017   [#93] In reply to [#92]
Hi Chipp,
Thanks for the video, its quite interesting, for me, your workflow/founds, going from Moi to PBR texturing in 3D Coat.
From: keith1961
8 Feb 2017   [#94] In reply to [#27]
As nobody else has mentioned this it may not be an issue for everyone, but I have had trouble using auto retopo on Moi exported obj even after voxelizatio. I have had much better results by importing via the "Repair Scanned Mesh" option. I have no real idea why this is but its worked with a few test obj. I posted just incase its a tip that could prove useful for others.
From: Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
13 Oct 2017   [#95]
Interesting discussion! I've read all posts, and now that I've bought 3D Coat, I'm going to check out all tips and video tuts. Thanks!

Have a nice weekend,

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