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Full Version: Rocket 3F polygon modeling with bridge to MoI and 3D Coat

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From: Konni
27 Oct 2019   [#108]
I have installed Rocket 3F. Works great and fast. Really amazed. With shortcuts in Moi and Rocket 3F. Huge time saver.
But have some issues.

#1 - When I exporting model from Moi to Rocket ...i received an artifact (see 4th attached picture) and from Rocket to Keyshot (3rd picture) same artifact retains.
Also I have noticed like then I'm Saving Moi model as obj file, and that file loaded in Keyshot same artifacts appears. With or without bridge.
When I'm importing Moi's obj file to Maya...drop some materials.... and that file I load in Keyshot... NO artifacts... pure model as it was (is) in Moi.
So what / where is a problem?

#2 How to set up different solids in Moi in order in Keyshot set on these solids different materials. What I do have now is 9 solids, but only few of them i wanna have metal material for example on other plastic. But then i add material... same material goes on ALL MODEL. on all solids.

Thanks for a help ^_^

Image Attachments:
Keyshot_02.JPG  Moi_knife.JPG  Rocket_Bridge_Keyshot.JPG  Rocket_knife.JPG 

From: Michael Gibson
27 Oct 2019   [#109] In reply to [#108]
Hi Konni,

> #1 - When I exporting model from Moi to Rocket ...i received an artifact (see 4th attached picture) and from
> Rocket to Keyshot (3rd picture) same artifact retains.
> Also I have noticed like then I'm Saving Moi model as obj file, and that file loaded in Keyshot
> same artifacts appears. With or without bridge.

That looks like the kind of artifact that can happen with a rendering program having difficulty converting complex n-gons into triangles in order to do the render.

To avoid it, when you export out from MoI set the option for "Output: Quads & Triangles" instead of "Output: N-gons" here:

> #2 How to set up different solids in Moi in order in Keyshot set on these solids
> different materials. What I do have now is 9 solids, but only few of them i wanna
> have metal material for example on other plastic. But then i add material... same
> material goes on ALL MODEL. on all solids.

For this you need to assign the objects to different styles in MoI. When you export out to .obj, the styles list in MoI will become the materials list in the .obj file and style assignments will become material assignments.

So to do that select your objects that you want to have on a particular material, and assign them to a style by either clicking on the style's swatch in the scene browser or by using the Style menu in the properties panel:

Hope that helps, let me know if you still have any trouble.

- Michael

Image Attachments:
assign_style1.jpg  assign_style2.jpg  meshing_options_quads_and_triangles.jpg 

From: Konni
28 Oct 2019   [#110] In reply to [#109]
WOW Michael,
So quick, precise and clear answer even with with screens ^_^
HUGE thanks for YOU !!! Very easy to understand and do/make.
Yes - everything works perfect ... in this case I do not need any bridge :)
Thanks again !
(Sorry for beginner level stupid questions :D )
From: Michael Gibson
28 Oct 2019   [#111] In reply to [#110]
That's great Konni, I'm glad things are working well now.

> (Sorry for beginner level stupid questions :D )

Not to worry, that's what the forum is here for!

- Michael

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