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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: r2d3
5 Dec 2017   [#804] In reply to [#801]
<< ...easy to use your tricky Nodeling ...but maybe not so easy to create it from zero! ! ;)


1. reinvent the cosinus
2. discover javascript
3. enjoy nodeling
4. keep nodeling

There is still a more EASY version:


Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Dec 2017   [#805] In reply to [#804]
>>2: Discover Javascript
Step 2 is maybe the pitfall hurdle obstacle stumbling block! :)

PS Nodes used are all native nodes renamed ?
As I have yet translated all native nodes in French that will be cool if you have a version with only native ones! :)
For example I don't see "CrankL" in my native list!

I follow this guy every day, day after day, but only for the pleasure of the show! ;)
(and i put Speed 2 : because we have only one life (not like cats who have nine! :D

From: r2d3
5 Dec 2017   [#806] In reply to [#804]
same picture different file.. ;-)


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Dec 2017   [#807]
With the Animator 10 in French native

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Dec 2017   [#808]
Animator 11 works very fine!
As you can see i must translate all! :)
Here just translated the "-Limit"!
Look "- Limite" and "+ Limit"

in fact i was too speedy I must translate in French like this "Limite -" :)

Can we have a look of the code of the macro is ?

So a very big metaphysic problem for me : must i translated all nodes or only nodes that please to me! :D
From: r2d3
5 Dec 2017   [#809] In reply to [#805]
<<<(and i put Speed 2 : because we have only one life (not like cats who have nine! :D

var LengthOfLive=moi.GetDistance(birth,death)/speed;

PS translating the nodenames makes only sense for the nodelist... if you have a LOT of nodes you have to give them relating names......
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Dec 2017   [#810]
So the French version :)
But no exactly complete because you hid some nodes that i discovered in moving some ones !!! ;)

<< PS translating the nodenames makes only sense for the nodelist

Sure and for the Anglophobic user who has the illusion to understand a little bit of what's happening on the screen! :) :) :)

PS Thx for the Macro : indeed 2 lines can animated the world! :)

So 2 missing! (will be complete on my site! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Dec 2017   [#811]
Just a silly question! :)
Not for make it, just for info!

How do you attach something to a Macro node ?

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Dec 2017   [#812]
Here the French last! :)

From: James (JFH)
5 Dec 2017   [#813] In reply to [#811]
Hi Pilou,

>> How do you attach something to a Macro node ? <<

A macro node is just an empty container until node circuitry is put inside.
To do something it needs input/s & output/s that may be connected.

Try double clicking on an existing macro to discover what is inside,
or alternatively create a new macro, double click on it, and add some node/s
include input and output from menu drop down, and then click BACK on the nav bar.

It will all become clear,

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Dec 2017   [#814] In reply to [#813]
Aaaaaaaaaaaah damned! :)

Things hidden from the beginning world! :D

So more nodes to translate! :D
I will obtain an Universalis Encyclopedia! :)

And yes all is quasi clear now! :)

PS Can we put a macro inside a macro ?

And does exist something to alert when you create a node with a name yet existing ?

From: bemfarmer
5 Dec 2017   [#815] In reply to [#814]
A macro can contain a macro.
- B
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Dec 2017   [#816]
So Fractal world! :)

Missing a paradigm! :)

Circle is drawn inside the macro, not outside the macro!
What i missed ?

From: James (JFH)
6 Dec 2017   [#817] In reply to [#816]
Hi Pilou

>> What i missed ? <<

Right Mouse Button click on "Out" in macro
select "Objects" (the default is "Numbers", no appropriate for a curve)

Also remove regular "Output" inside macro, as this will create problems.

Hope this helps
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Dec 2017   [#818] In reply to [#817]
Bravo! Excellent!

Now the more difficult will be to not use this marvelous toy before the next year! :D

So the secret was to take "object" on the "output" in the Macro!

From: r2d3
6 Dec 2017   [#819] In reply to [#818]

yes, the secrets of the macros are finally discovered!
And you can save macros for reuse.

In the animator11.nod there are a couple of macros inside a macro inside a macro....

for example i made a if/else macro (f.e.: ><180) which i used for different cases...
Once you figured out a funtion -> save it as macro and reuse it for a different case...

Bon Noël <:-)

Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6 Dec 2017   [#820]
French Translation of the animator11.nod + Mini Manual of a Macro!

then Macro / animator11

From: speedy (AL2000)
6 Dec 2017   [#821]
Hello to all
a little exercise that starts
from a very interesting surface
the Oloid -
Some deformations , a wire that starts from
surface structure.... et voilà .....

How many interested people find the file at this link:
have a nice evening everybody
From: Barry-H
7 Dec 2017   [#822]
Hi All,
I have had this error report when pressing run on my test collision nod.
but after I clear the error report the nod file runs ok.
Not sure if it's a bug or my nod file setup ?
The nod takes 2 objects and checks for a collision and if so moves the second object till clear.
Any thoughts ?


Image Attachments:
Collision.gif  Screenshot (38).png  Screenshot (40).png 

From: r2d3
7 Dec 2017   [#823] In reply to [#822]
For me it looks like there is a value not set in the beginning..
Try to set defaults in the "prototype.onAdded = function()"

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