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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: James (JFH)
23 Nov 2017   [#762] In reply to [#761]
OK Pilou, I've attached my NE directory.
Let me know if problems persist.

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
24 Nov 2017   [#763] In reply to [#761]
Hi Pilou

It's a bad idea to keep old files in extensions directory.
NE loads all extensions automatically. So it loads basicFunctions first, and then loads basicFunctionsOLD which replaces a new functions with old ones.
From: James (JFH)
24 Nov 2017   [#764] In reply to [#763]
Hi Max & Pilou

<< It's a bad idea to keep old files in extensions directory.>>

Sorry, that's on me. I had already removed it before uploading complete NE folder.

Pilou, did my NE folder work for you?

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Nov 2017   [#765] In reply to [#764]

Perfect and the magic is that : Nodes's titles & Functions (that I have yet translated) are preserved!
What is this prodigy ? You have a French version or Max put it inside it own code ?

Excellent! V 3 : Truchet & Dodeca & truncated... ok !

For V4 Truchet OK ! Dodeca & truncated...
a little bug! And only one volume calculated!

Ps A little graphic glitch "?" inside blue square ! (surely an image missing inside the data image of the V4)

From: speedy (AL2000)
24 Nov 2017   [#766]
yesterday, November 23 was the Fibonacci
day (11/23 as the numbers contained in its progression),
with pride I can say a "Great Italian "
I send a small tribute to this ingenious mind-
File this link:
To all script experts, I suggest you enter
a series of Fibonacci (see tool Progression ) -
Have a Great Weekend to all
From: mkdm
24 Nov 2017   [#767] In reply to [#766]
Hi AL (Ciao AL!)

@You : "...with pride I can say a "Great Italian "..."


Ciao a tutti! (Hi everyone)
From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
24 Nov 2017   [#768]

Image Attachments:

From: r2d3
30 Nov 2017   [#769]
Just playing with nodes i came to a funny thing....

This thing not only moves - it collects the incoming points to draw a curve...

Because i was not able to do this with a existing node i made my own... Stream2Array (just put stream.js into the extension folder and you will find it listed under ArraysExt)

it works on MoiV4 and @y@0.99

This is my first extension so HANDLE WITH CARE ;-)

Perhaps someone can add some physics to this :-)


EDIT:WOW in 3D! Or is it 2.5D? >>pentagraf3D.nod


Image Attachments:
pentagraf.gif  pentagraf.png 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Nov 2017   [#770] In reply to [#769]

I will test the translation on an extension!

Seems perfect !
You must precise precise inside extensions/ Libs/...

Ok for the translation (not for the nodes because I believe that I have not used the last version of Max Smirnov! )

I have 2 red nodes! :)
SplitPts & ArrayLogger
Does these 2 nodes are from the nodeeditor modified and not from the native original?

From: mkdm
30 Nov 2017   [#771] In reply to [#769]
Thanks a lot r2d3!!!

Huge...great...amazing contribution!!!

Thanks again :)
From: r2d3
30 Nov 2017   [#772] In reply to [#770]
Hi Pilou,

Merciii! You translate faster then i program... :-)

the splitPts and ArrayLogger are actualy in the 0.99 from MAX site... build in..
The logger you dont need > delete
the splitPts just takes the X and the Y from the bbox center - pretty sure ther is a similar one which can do it..

most important the "Trame flot2" is NOT red :-)

Just made a nice vase with the pentagraph....


Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
30 Nov 2017   [#773] In reply to [#769]
That's a really cool one Ralf! - Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Dec 2017   [#774] In reply to [#772]
<< the splitPts just takes the X and the Y from the bbox center - pretty sure ther is a similar one which can do it..

Sorry i don't see it! Have you renamed the tittle of this node ?
What is this mystery? :)

The only Split i see is this one! (and it's not SplitPts ! :)

From: r2d3
1 Dec 2017   [#775] In reply to [#774]
The splitPts is in the point2 extension..

ore you can use the basic/extract node (two of them)

These are the newest extensions by MAX



From: r2d3
1 Dec 2017   [#776]
I start to like vases... :-) made by pentagraf...


Image Attachments:
vase-pentagraf.jpg  vase2-pentagraf.jpg 

From: mkdm
1 Dec 2017   [#777] In reply to [#776]
Hello Ralf!

I echo the words I said yesterday.


Very fascinating and interesting.

My congratulation :)
From: speedy (AL2000)
1 Dec 2017   [#778]
Welcome among us Ralf ,Nice entrance.....
nice node, and beautiful Extension "Stream"Script
I just uploaded the file in V3 and launched in v 0.99
Max's last version, all right, I noticed a single drawback ,
all outputs are locked ...
I can not unload them with the usual click....
Someone has the same problem....
or, maybe i have badly installed v 0.99?
Very most welcome your info-
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Dec 2017   [#779]
Ok I have all nodes this time! :)
If i good undertstand now there is no necessary to have a Nodeditor modified just extentions enable or not
and of course the new nodes, libs...

But Now I need the manual! For 2D first! :)
Curve? Lines ? ... names them ... the big fog! :)
Because nothing Pentographing for the moment! (2 Get Name are pinky! :)

From: r2d3
1 Dec 2017   [#780] In reply to [#779]

dont think about the pinkys - they are only colored to identify the axes..


1:open the pentagraf.3dm
2:oben nodeditor
3:load the pentagraf3D.nod (much more funnyer :)
4:hit run and enjoy

these settings makes vases:

you can also make your own pentagraf (actualy this things are called PANTOGRAPH..)
important is only that you name the axes and levers like the original (i just made one only with just circles and lines)


Image Attachments:

From: r2d3
1 Dec 2017   [#781] In reply to [#777]

but take care... its edictive! ;-)


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