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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
23 Nov 2017   [#756] In reply to [#755]
Hi James,

this error caused by Infos/GetBBoxes BoundingBoxes (infonodes.js)
line 477: bbox.pushPoint(input.item(i).getBoundingBox().center);

You need to set boolean parameter for getBoundingBox() function
change this line to: bbox.pushPoint(input.item(i).getBoundingBox(false).center);
From: James (JFH)
23 Nov 2017   [#757] In reply to [#756]
Thanks Max

That has fixed the problem.
I have attached ""
with fixed infonodes.js included

Thanks again

PS Attempt to run "pentakisDodeca&TruncIcosa.nod" (attached)
gives the error message in red box, however does generate result
albeit with pentakisDodecahedron in default colour rather than red.

Generally, I get the main error alert showing when navigating in
NE interface.

Hope this helps!

Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Nov 2017   [#758]
About Truchet above
Seems it's these red nodes who give problem! (Windows 10, NE modified, Moi V 3)

<< Also requires most recent NE mod (Karsten's cleanup menu)
Hum hum ... so need them ? Give me a zip package! :)
If i have not an easy way (for me), how do you want i can help for other French people! :)

From: Michael Gibson
23 Nov 2017   [#759] In reply to [#756]
Hi Max & James,

> You need to set boolean parameter for getBoundingBox() function
> change this line to: bbox.pushPoint(input.item(i).getBoundingBox(false).center);

This is a bug where v4 has that marked as a required argument while v3 had it as optional with a default value of false. I've updated it so it will behave the same as v3 in the next beta.

- Michael

Message 7777.760 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Nov 2017   [#761] In reply to [#760]
hum hum :)

After some reinstalls of all ! (Windows 10 - V3 ) with editor.js & last editor.css

I have that who works fine for the Penta node...but not for the truchet.nod !

Some different authors for differents trees for differents versions goes naturally to some mess! :)

I dont understand why each new node is not posted with its entiere nodeeditor folder ?
That avoid all this mess for simple user! Not ecologic but efficient! :)

From: James (JFH)
23 Nov 2017   [#762] In reply to [#761]
OK Pilou, I've attached my NE directory.
Let me know if problems persist.

From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
24 Nov 2017   [#763] In reply to [#761]
Hi Pilou

It's a bad idea to keep old files in extensions directory.
NE loads all extensions automatically. So it loads basicFunctions first, and then loads basicFunctionsOLD which replaces a new functions with old ones.
From: James (JFH)
24 Nov 2017   [#764] In reply to [#763]
Hi Max & Pilou

<< It's a bad idea to keep old files in extensions directory.>>

Sorry, that's on me. I had already removed it before uploading complete NE folder.

Pilou, did my NE folder work for you?

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Nov 2017   [#765] In reply to [#764]

Perfect and the magic is that : Nodes's titles & Functions (that I have yet translated) are preserved!
What is this prodigy ? You have a French version or Max put it inside it own code ?

Excellent! V 3 : Truchet & Dodeca & truncated... ok !

For V4 Truchet OK ! Dodeca & truncated...
a little bug! And only one volume calculated!

Ps A little graphic glitch "?" inside blue square ! (surely an image missing inside the data image of the V4)

From: speedy (AL2000)
24 Nov 2017   [#766]
yesterday, November 23 was the Fibonacci
day (11/23 as the numbers contained in its progression),
with pride I can say a "Great Italian "
I send a small tribute to this ingenious mind-
File this link:
To all script experts, I suggest you enter
a series of Fibonacci (see tool Progression ) -
Have a Great Weekend to all
From: mkdm
24 Nov 2017   [#767] In reply to [#766]
Hi AL (Ciao AL!)

@You : "...with pride I can say a "Great Italian "..."


Ciao a tutti! (Hi everyone)
From: Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
24 Nov 2017   [#768]

Image Attachments:

From: r2d3
30 Nov 2017   [#769]
Just playing with nodes i came to a funny thing....

This thing not only moves - it collects the incoming points to draw a curve...

Because i was not able to do this with a existing node i made my own... Stream2Array (just put stream.js into the extension folder and you will find it listed under ArraysExt)

it works on MoiV4 and @y@0.99

This is my first extension so HANDLE WITH CARE ;-)

Perhaps someone can add some physics to this :-)


EDIT:WOW in 3D! Or is it 2.5D? >>pentagraf3D.nod


Image Attachments:
pentagraf.gif  pentagraf.png 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
30 Nov 2017   [#770] In reply to [#769]

I will test the translation on an extension!

Seems perfect !
You must precise precise inside extensions/ Libs/...

Ok for the translation (not for the nodes because I believe that I have not used the last version of Max Smirnov! )

I have 2 red nodes! :)
SplitPts & ArrayLogger
Does these 2 nodes are from the nodeeditor modified and not from the native original?

From: mkdm
30 Nov 2017   [#771] In reply to [#769]
Thanks a lot r2d3!!!

Huge...great...amazing contribution!!!

Thanks again :)
From: r2d3
30 Nov 2017   [#772] In reply to [#770]
Hi Pilou,

Merciii! You translate faster then i program... :-)

the splitPts and ArrayLogger are actualy in the 0.99 from MAX site... build in..
The logger you dont need > delete
the splitPts just takes the X and the Y from the bbox center - pretty sure ther is a similar one which can do it..

most important the "Trame flot2" is NOT red :-)

Just made a nice vase with the pentagraph....


Image Attachments:

From: Michael Gibson
30 Nov 2017   [#773] In reply to [#769]
That's a really cool one Ralf! - Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Dec 2017   [#774] In reply to [#772]
<< the splitPts just takes the X and the Y from the bbox center - pretty sure ther is a similar one which can do it..

Sorry i don't see it! Have you renamed the tittle of this node ?
What is this mystery? :)

The only Split i see is this one! (and it's not SplitPts ! :)

From: r2d3
1 Dec 2017   [#775] In reply to [#774]
The splitPts is in the point2 extension..

ore you can use the basic/extract node (two of them)

These are the newest extensions by MAX



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