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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: speedy (AL2000)
24 Oct 2016   [#74]
Hello friends
I want to share this exercise on using fillet
I hope this will be usefull for someone .......
I understood what you want to tell me how to use
Concatenate2 , You're right it works ....
I agree that we should do a Node Distance and
I suggest , also ;
Vector and Evalutate Curves (Ref. Grasshopper)
I think you all know ....
It could draw a line from one point to one direction
with a given distance and you could use Vector also
in Extrusions , and other applications ....
I know it's hard work, but someone has to do it ! ! ! !
about your madness, I assure you
I'm not joking to say I'm not less crazy
and I'm happy as well



Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
25 Oct 2016   [#75] In reply to [#74]
Hello Al,

thanks for sharing your tests. Beware of the fillet factory - it's a killer (Moi-crash) that I can't tame at the moment!

>>>> Vector and Evalutate Curves (Ref. Grasshopper)
>>>> I think you all know ....
EEhhhm - I'm not. I never used Rhino and so I'm not familiar with Grasshopper. I know nearly nothing about it. Neither the functionality, nor the workflow. I saw one very interesting video and one very long and boring, where someone was clicking hundreds of buttons and options, until I was sleeping.
So what do you want to evaluate at curves?
Am I right about vectors, that you want it as inputs for a direction for e.g. lines, or extrusions ( + input of the length)?

Have a nice day
From: speedy (AL2000)
25 Oct 2016   [#76] In reply to [#75]
Hi Karsten , many thanks...

EvalutateCurves is the ability to insert one or more points
on a curve, and to have as output, the point, the frame
oriented on point into a curve;
therefore a "blend "between your Path_Array and GetCvrS frame

In Extrusions Node you could use the Vector
for direction plus a distance, and , optionally possibly to
draft on the faces-

About Grasshopper, I think you have been Unfortunate to watch the Video ! ! !
Grasshopper , in my opinion , is the First and I still unbeaten program for
Parametric modeling Nodal-
The program is full of fans, and believe me, ABSOLUTELY worth it for you to give a view to the Forum
and the impressive number of plug-ins dedicated to it
I think you should perhaps get some inspiration
from the big old GH-

In any case, I am attaching some picture of how are the nodes
in Grasshopper related to Evalutate Curves and output Vector , and Curve length

Good work, and have a good day

Image Attachments:
Curve Length.jpg  Eva.Curve -Point Vector tangent display.jpg  Evalutate Curve Reparametrize or not.jpg 

From: speedy (AL2000)
28 Oct 2016   [#77]
Hi Friend
I send a hard test on the use of Fillet,
despite all the doubts of Karsten,
it seems quite powerful,
only one clarification ,
>Karsten < could we add a link to
Knob or Slide, into Fillet Node?
See attached Picture-
Best to all


Image Attachments:
CP-TileFillet.jpg  CP-TileFillet2.jpg 

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Oct 2016   [#78] In reply to [#77]
Hello Al,

I have forgotten to change from number to numarray for the input in fillet node. In addition I thought and I still think about your suggestions for the eval Curve. At the moment you can make also a workaround for that with the given nodes. I will add also an update button for the fillet next time. At the moment I rearrange the the nodes to the menuitems, and I hope that old nodefile won't be dirty.

Have a nice weekend

p.s.: Cool result!


From: mkdm
28 Oct 2016   [#79] In reply to [#78]
Hello Al and Karsten and good morning,

I'm running latest Project Elephant (0_85mod) and I downloaded your latest construct2.js file.

When I run the" pa_al.nod" file I get the error displayed by attached image.

What's missing in my Elephant installation ?


Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Oct 2016   [#80] In reply to [#79]
Hello Marco,

I think nothing - but that message comes sometimes up, when nodes have been modified and that is definitively in my installation - please try to replace the nodes and rewire or post, please, a screenshot of the nodeeditor window first.
I will post a new version next days.
Have a nice day
From: mkdm
28 Oct 2016   [#81] In reply to [#80]
I'm sorry Karsten but...I didn't understand this part of your reply :

> "please try to replace the nodes and rewire or post, please, a screenshot of the nodeeditor window first."

Could you please explain ?

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Oct 2016   [#82] In reply to [#81]
Hello Marco,

it means: make a screenshot of the nodeeditors window;-) that I can have a look which node is missing:-)

Have a nice day
From: mkdm
28 Oct 2016   [#83] In reply to [#82]
Ok Karsten,

Here's a medley of my 0.85_mod Project Elephant nodes :
I skipped the standard ones.

From: speedy (AL2000)
28 Oct 2016   [#84] In reply to [#83]
Hi Karsten and Marco

Make no mistake I made as well,
but perhaps it is not the proper way .......

I removed your old Node Costruct2 from the Nodeditor folder
I substitute it with the new ....
Opening the file there were problems
see attached picture ...
then at the end it seems that everything works

Pat array rewritten is cool , very flexible i Think now.........
What are the Extrude nodes, etc, etc. I do not understand the connections
you can make me a picture to understand
thank you, great


Image Attachments:
pa-al nod problem-1.jpg  pa-al node -Evalutate curve-2.jpg  pa-al node 3.jpg 

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Oct 2016   [#85] In reply to [#84]
Hello Marco, Hello Al,

sorry! I have used a not distributed node in it, but the file shows already what it should:-) It is an extract node for bReps that is missing! Attached my last experiments;-)
You can install it also parallel to your existing installation for test with an additional shortcut;-) Subdiv isn't finished!

Have a nice day


From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Oct 2016   [#86] In reply to [#85]
ok-first tests:-) SubDiv is only a wrapped version of Max great SubDiv skript!
From: mkdm
28 Oct 2016   [#87] In reply to [#85]
Thank you VERY much Karsten !!

Now all works fine!

P.S. Is becoming increasingly difficult to keep organized the original Max's Project Elephant "supercharged" with all new nodes written by the community.

Thanks again and good evening to everyone.

From: speedy (AL2000)
28 Oct 2016   [#88]
Hi Karsten
Currently I have installed in my folder Nodeeditor your version 0.85
of 7/10/2016 ...
To install one today ,
I remove the contents of the Nodeeditior and I put this
last ....
give me an answer
I would not create a chaos
I'm sorry
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Oct 2016   [#89] In reply to [#87]
Hello Marco,

it is also difficult for me - as mentioned, my intention is not to develop perfect code (because, I can't do that). And a lot of the code I have written is obsolete with every new version. Nodes that stands the test of time has to be rewritten or updated with every new version. Nothing was perfect and it isn't still perfect, but it helps to find new ideas and concepts - and that's important.

Have a nice evening

p.s.: I saw a menuitem in your installation that was new for me ObjectsExt - new nodes?
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Oct 2016   [#90] In reply to [#88]
Hallo Al,

you can extract the folder e.g. to the Desktop and rename it to e.g. nodeeditor085mod3. Copy or move this folder to your UI directory. You don't have to delete the old one. Now you can setup a modified shortcut in Moi under options-> shortcutkeys. Copy the the shortcutkey for the nodeeditor - Add a new one - paste your copy and change the directory to e.g. nodeeditor085mod3. Now you can use both versions.

If you deleted the old one already, no problem - most of your posted nod-files should work with the new version or can be updated by replacing the changed nodes - if you have problems with that, please tell us - 8,9mb are still free for me on Michaels server:-)

Have a nice weekend

Image Attachments:

From: mkdm
28 Oct 2016   [#91] In reply to [#89]
Hi Karsten,

> "I saw a menuitem in your installation that was new for me ObjectsExt - new nodes?"

Yes, some times ago I wrote "SelectedObjExt" a tiny upgrade of Max's "SelectedObj" node, with a little but very very useful feature.
It's enable to specify the order of the objectList : "By Selection" or "By Creation".

For example "By Creation" mode is very useful when you generate for example a bunch of points in Moi,
using one of the math scripts written by the community.
Well...with "By Creation" you can preserve the logical and mathematical order with whom that points were generated.

You can try it by yourself.

Playing with both modes ("By Selection" or "By Creation") gives very different results.

Simply add this code to your "index.html" file presents into the root folder of Project Elephant.
In attachment you can pick my node.

<script type="text/javascript" src="nodes/objectsExt.js"></script>

> "it is also difficult for me - as mentioned, my intention is not to develop perfect code (because, I can't do that). And a lot of the code I have written is obsolete with every new version"

Oh yeah...I can understand you.

I hope that ASAP Max will release it's first official stable verison.

P.S. hello Max! How are you ? I hope fine!



From: Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
28 Oct 2016   [#92] In reply to [#91]
Hi Marco!

Everything is OK, but I haven't free time right now for scripting. I didn't write anything since 0.85 release.
From: mkdm
28 Oct 2016   [#93] In reply to [#92]
Hello Max!

> "Everything is OK"

It's good to know you're all right.

> "but I haven't free time right now for scripting"

Well, I understand that too! ...Take your time.


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