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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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From: Mike (MGG942)
23 Oct 2017   [#646] In reply to [#642]
Thanks, James.

I'd already started to dig down in your original mobius.nod so this will help.

My late mother started me on this obsession by carving this in wood:

Not bad for someone who took up carving at 70!

From: Michael Gibson
23 Oct 2017   [#647] In reply to [#645]
Hi Marco, so the problem is that as I wrote earlier it's far more difficult to write multi-core code than single core code. Along with that difficulty comes many many many more chances for bugs. And not just regular bugs, multi-threading bugs are particularly bad since they are related to timing conditions and can be very difficult to reproduce.

So you might not be aware of the "bundle deal" that you're asking for - along with full time use of multiple cores for every single kind of operation there would also come an overall general lack of stability.

Some algorithms also inherently use a sequential chain of dependent operations and are just not feasible to break up into separate isolated task units which have no intertwined connections.

So there are some good reasons why all software doesn't just automatically use all cores for every operation that it's trying to do. Some things like ray tracing for example tend to lend themselves more naturally to it though because they happen to have more isolation.

- Michael
From: mkdm
23 Oct 2017   [#648] In reply to [#647]
Hi Michael.

@You : "...Hi Marco, so the problem is that as I wrote earlier it's far more difficult to write multi-core code than single core code..."

Ok. I really didn't want to start a "philosophical" debate on "why" multi core operation are really a hard thing to treat in the computer science in general.

Anyway, clearly, I agree with you and with your clarification although I already knew these things.

Thanks anyway.
It's always a pleasure for me to talk to you about software developing :)

It's true (unfortunately) that the intrinsic structure of many operation is not easily compatible with a multi core environment and it's really hard to brake their "atomic" structure.

Fortunately there are some kind of operations that, even in a "consumer" software, can be easily crunched by the modern GPU in a "super multi core" fashioned way.

Just to close this interesting topic with a "developing" curiosity...

I don't know if you already know this, but some times ago the guys at "Solid Iris", (the author of TheaRender now aquired by Altair)
were able to create a very efficient UNBIASED render algorithm that runs superfast on both CPU and GPU simultaneously.
This is one of the very rare cases where you can buy a software that will use ALL the computing power of your PC and in this case
for example really worth to buy a superfast multicore CPU and a powerful GPU and you will not waste not even a "penny" :)

I have TheaRender and it's a pleasure to see how it crunches data simultaneously with my i7-7700K and the Gtx 1080 Ti at the maximum speed.

Just a final side note....some times ago I was studying a really interesting programming language called "Erlang", a language that is especially designed
for developing scalable systems. Anyway I think it's not very suitable for developing "desktop" CG software. The unique software that I know that uses Erlang is Wings3D.

Have a nice day and thanks a lot for giving me the chance to talk about these things.


Marco (mkdm)
From: James (JFH)
24 Oct 2017   [#649] In reply to [#634]
Hi All,

It seems that I was mistaken about the reason for long generation time for my last .nod file.

As it turns out the culprit was excessive number of boolean operations.
By instead using mLoft2 node it was possible to dramatically reduce waiting time.
This substantially more complex form draws to screen in just a few seconds.



Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
24 Oct 2017   [#650] In reply to [#649]

Greate Job!

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Oct 2017   [#651]
This structure has it's mesh truly intersected ? (no edges ("tubes") intersected)
From: James (JFH)
24 Oct 2017   [#652] In reply to [#650]

It hardly needs to be said, but it was your mLoft2 node that resolved it.

Are you working on anything...node-wise?

I don't want to sound like I'm never satisfied, but I was hoping for
a couple of new nodes after to you posted the following:

<<Yep! It seems that we are missing a Network node;-)
And rebuild curve would also help for a complete toolchain!>>

And of course you work on form-finding is beyond my wildest dreams
<<these are the things that drive me>>

So back to you: Respect!
:) James
From: James (JFH)
24 Oct 2017   [#653] In reply to [#651]

Can you please rephrase; I don't understand your question.

:) James
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
24 Oct 2017   [#654] In reply to [#652]
Hello James,

At the Moment I don't work on nodes. I've already written a Network node, but it's very unstable caused by the orientation of the Input curves. I didn't figured out how the Standard function solves this Problem. It's the same Problem like the radius factory.
For the form finding I figured out the stability Problem, but it will take some time to solve it. The code is quick and dirty and the biggest issue was the meshing. Maybe I have to rewrite alot of things in it. I'm not a Software developer and in the past sometimes I used C/C++ for short programms. With this Background JavaScript is sometimes a mystery for me.

Have a nice day

p.s.:And I have still some private Problems.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Oct 2017   [#655] In reply to [#653]
As you can see there is no intersection of the material itself! :)

here with 2 grides surfaces intersection but that will be the same with volumes!

Image by JPP (from the "Topo the World" (Topolgicon) :
a very interesting Scientific comics free books in some subjects of Sciences (Maths Geometry etc...!!! (40 books PDF !!! --- 36 languages )

From: James (JFH)
24 Oct 2017   [#656] In reply to [#651]
Hi Pilou,

<<This structure has it's mesh truly intersected ?>>

The grids do not intersect, it is just a pattern mapped to surface of the solid.
If you run the .nod file, you'll see that any appearance of intersection is an
optical illusion in portraying 3d model in 2d image.

Does this make sense?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Oct 2017   [#657] In reply to [#656]
Yes perfectly! :)
From: mkdm
24 Oct 2017   [#658] In reply to [#649]
Hi James!

Thanks a lot for this amazing node !!

Had some fun with it...

(the 3dm file is pretty big...almost 80MB)

The picture is from a Moi screen export at 3x the original screen size and retouched in Affinity Photo, then scaled down.


Marco (mkdm)
From: James (JFH)
24 Oct 2017   [#659] In reply to [#658]
WOW! Marco,

Your graphic is beautiful!
Did you apply subD & shell prior to export to Affinity?

Thanks for sharing
From: James (JFH)
24 Oct 2017   [#660] In reply to [#655]
Hi Pilou,

Thank you for the link:

At first I did not pay the website any regard, because the layout/design is so appalling.
However I did return to it & am glad I did.

It is a wonderful resource, and right up my alley.
My favourite topics delivered for easy consumption (comic form) for the lazy geek.

Thanks again
From: mkdm
24 Oct 2017   [#661] In reply to [#659]
Hi James!

@You : "...Did you apply subD & shell prior to export to Affinity?..."

Oh yeah James!

It took a consistent amount of time to compute on my i7-7700K and I almost get Moi blown up reaching up to 3.5 GB of used memory !!!

:) LOL !

From: speedy (AL2000)
25 Oct 2017   [#662]
Hi Friends ,
this is an exploration of the various surfaces
Topologically related to that of the Taurus-
I think the Height Torus and some variations are
very interesting
how many interested in the subject find the file available
at this link;
Good in-depth
Have a nice day to all
From: mkdm
25 Oct 2017   [#663] In reply to [#662]
Ciao Alberto.

What a wanderful node!!

You rock!!!

I would really like to have your math skill :)

But...unfortunately this wasn't my area of expertise... :(


ASAP I will make some CG elaboration with your node...

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
25 Oct 2017   [#664]

would someone post Al's last nodefile - Mediafire isn't working for me at the Moment.

Thanks in advance!
From: mkdm
25 Oct 2017   [#665] In reply to [#664]
Hi Karsten.

Here is the file :

It is a modified version of the node based on your indications found in "Deviations.xls" that you posted of some days ago.

It works for me.


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