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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Message 7777.538 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Sep 2017   [#539]
<< I'm not sure if this is what you mean,
<< or indeed even if you were addressing me.

an image like an ellipsoïd, torus or any object result of a use node(s)!
for give desire to use (or not) these or that node(s)! ;)

Image of node itself is the technical part!
Practical only if you want use this node for made the image(s) above!

Message 7777.540 was deleted

From: Mike (MGG942)
18 Sep 2017   [#541] In reply to [#531]
Very nice.
From: speedy (AL2000)
18 Sep 2017   [#542]
Hello friends
First of all thanks to Brain for approval my Work concerninn node. SuperToroid,
I'll try it with Super Cyclides, but it's not like that discounted the result .......
I continue exploring the Minimal Surfaces ,
now is the turn of Schoen FRD- module-
always molded in Low Poly-
For those interested find the file on this link:
Happy continuation at all
From: Mike (MGG942)
18 Sep 2017   [#543] In reply to [#542]
Oh my goodness me.
That is so complex, Al.
Wonderful result.
From: speedy (AL2000)
21 Sep 2017   [#544]
Hello Friends
Now is the turn of another Minimal sur-Cattalan, beyond
to the canonical surface
I created a strip using the edges of the surface ..
how many interested people find the file at this link :
Have a nice day to all
PS ( many tanks Mike)
From: mkdm
21 Sep 2017   [#545] In reply to [#544]
Hi AL2000.

Does it work with the latest official version of P. Elephant that Max published some days ago ?

Thanks and have a nice day.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Sep 2017   [#546]
Please post a simple screen of the GEOMETRIC RESULT! (animated image will be a must but a still image will be also sufficient)
(the node one also will be a must but the geometric is INDISPENSABLE for the reader of this thread! )

Here for example LinePoly by James

Geometric on the Top, node(s) on the Bottom

Complete version of the node LinePoly here in French! ;)

From: Michael Gibson
21 Sep 2017   [#547] In reply to [#546]
Hi Pilou, although it certainly is nice it also takes extra work to generate images like that. You just can't expect that every time someone shares some of their node work that they should be required to do even more additional work if they don't have a lot of time available or if they just don't happen to like to do those extra steps.

If you want to see what it does in a visual way, why not just download it and run it so you can see it right there on your own screen?

- Michael
From: mkdm
21 Sep 2017   [#548] In reply to [#544]
Ok AL2000.

I have downloaded and I've seen that it works with latest version of P. Elephant.

From: mkdm
21 Sep 2017   [#549]
Hi everyone!

After a very long time I'm back to play with P. Elephant.
I forgot almost everything... :)

Just to make a warm lap I did this very simple "pseudo bolt" generator.

It works with latest version of P. Elephant (get it at

This is the .nod file :

Check this video :

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
21 Sep 2017   [#550] In reply to [#549]
Hello Marco,

thanks for sharing the Video. It will help People to start with the nodeeditor - and the Project is it worth that more People use it.

Have a nice day
From: mkdm
21 Sep 2017   [#551] In reply to [#550]
You're welcome!

I hope to find some spare times in the next days to translate my old PointArray utility nodes for the 0.94 version of Elephant.
But, as I said....I remember almost anything of Elephant :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Sep 2017   [#552] In reply to [#547]
<< why not just download it and run it so you can see it right there on your own screen?

Sure but I suppose that a creator of node must run its node for test it! :)

So no more add work to reccord it with something like that...

and for a reader of the tread it's more easy to know what is the visual subject of something than darky words like
Minimal surface-Cattalan :)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
21 Sep 2017   [#553] In reply to [#551]
Hello Marco,

all additional nodes of v0.93 should work in V0.94 also - at the Moment I can't see changes in the internal function of the nodes - as Max mentioned it a while ago.

@Pilou: Sometimes it is more fascination to explore something with a Little suspense or a suprise, than to know the result at first.

So a nice day to all
From: mkdm
21 Sep 2017   [#554] In reply to [#553]

@You : "...all additional nodes of v0.93 should work in V0.94 also.."

Thanks for the info.

The problem is that I wrote my utility nodes long time before v0.93 so I don't know is they work.
I have to check.

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
21 Sep 2017   [#555] In reply to [#554]
I consider all additional nodes as our little babies - regardless of their origin - so I've taken care of yours too;-) But nevertheless It's a Little bit difficult to check them all.
From: mkdm
21 Sep 2017   [#556] In reply to [#555]
@You : " I've taken care of yours too..."

Thanks a lot Karsten!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Sep 2017   [#557] In reply to [#553]
<< Sometimes it is more fascination to explore something with a Little suspense or a suprise, than to know the result at first.

Sure ... but can be dangerous for emotive people! :)

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