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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: speedy (AL2000)
13 Feb 2017   [#300]
Hi Friends
It was a long time that I wanted
I take this opportunity with the post of
Christian ....
It would be nice to have a Voronoi Node
am looking forward to
Have a nice day to all
From: speedy (AL2000)
23 Feb 2017   [#301]
Hi Friends
The Elephant goes on.......
I want to share with you
some tests on creating connections
using the tool Subd-
Have a nice day to all
From: Christian (BIRDANDCO)
23 Feb 2017   [#302]
A quick follow-up to my previous post.

Using Nodebundle > ArrayGem > Scale Array (thanks, Karsten & Michael!), I was able to produce a Phyllotaxis-like Succulent. Rendered in Keyshot.

At some point, I hope to manipulate the points in 3D (versus 2d point pattern > flow), so they space correctly over a surface as described in the Mathematica article

Image Attachments:

From: mkdm
23 Feb 2017   [#303] In reply to [#302]
Wonderful rendering Christian !!!

My compliments !!
From: speedy (AL2000)
23 Feb 2017   [#304]
Nice shot Cristian
and nice render....
Could you share with us the nod. file of your creation?
Phyllotaxis is a subject that fascinates me greatly
have a nice day
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Feb 2017   [#305]
Appetizing vegetal!
From: Christian (BIRDANDCO)
23 Feb 2017   [#306]
Thanks very much!

Please see attached .nod, which simply adds the z-Coord's to Karstens original version.

I used ArrayGem to duplicate the leaf to each point, then ScaleArray to gradually increase the size of leaf.


Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2017-02-23 at 22.46.05.png 

23 Feb 2017   [#307] In reply to [#306]
Is it possible a clip how to exactly download, install & make this double-reverse helix?
I also would like to know if there is a repository where all, or most of the nodes are available.
I've got my Moi3d modded supremely with commands, scripts, shortcuts & lighting options, not to mention tricked-out the GUI & ICONS, therefore I'm not keen on destroying the beautiful setup I have now. Nevertheless, I'm looking at finding a means to download, install & build what I see nodes are capable of creating - I just don't want to guess at what to download - install - and how to configure.

I find that the general inmate population here wish to prevent Moi3d from becoming super charged, (too) populated with many sweet scripts, shortcuts, nodes, lighting options, interface skins & icons, however isn't there a way to present an install option where one could ENABLE / DISABLE add-ons during installation for those of us who would like those gems?

Why not have a questionnaire - survey ha-ha!

It's interesting understanding how 3d Coat compliments Moi3d, and how it compares to Rocket 3f.

I'm hardcore Rhino 5 & T-Splines - and trying to beef up Moi3d in order to give me every possible advantage as far as the add-ons here. The downside is that it requires a month of reading forum posts in order to
ferret out the latest & greatest complimentary tools which this pool of genius's conjure up!
From: Michael Gibson
24 Feb 2017   [#308] In reply to [#306]
It looks great Christian!

- Michael
From: speedy (AL2000)
24 Feb 2017   [#309]
Hello Cristian
thanks for your file sharing;
Excuse me, but I thought the whole building
It had been carried out using only
Elephant " feature"
thanks again and have a nice day
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Feb 2017   [#310]
Phylloz works with "Classic" Elephant or "Modified" ? ;)
From: speedy (AL2000)
28 Feb 2017   [#311]
Hi Friends
another exercise about building
a mathematical snail
From: speedy (AL2000)
7 Mar 2017   [#312]
Hi Friends
Some transformation test and Morph on Surfaces
using isocurves which shows instability in maintaining
the name chosen-
So if you launched the file the result will look different from the one
which you can see in the attached images ,
you have to set the right edges in tool Isocurve -
The second file Morph 3 , and skied with only the result Polygon
because despite many efforts to apply Sub I could not
It closes the program-
Maybe it depends on the power of my computer
Have a nice day to all

From: speedy (AL2000)
14 Mar 2017   [#313]
Hi Friends
I want to share with us
this task :
an Helicoidal Staircase -
I hope it can help any of
you, as a start.......
Have a nice day to all
file ( v.0.93 + Karst/tools)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 Mar 2017   [#314]
Inspiration :)

From: speedy (AL2000)
16 Mar 2017   [#315]
Hi Pilou
What show in the video, in a future ,
not too far , I think we can succeed
to do even with Elephant-
The important thing is that Max and Companions
implement a " Cluster Node "
as in Grasshopper , which allows to group
a series of operations , made with traditional nodes
they accept as various inputs (Slider)
those delegates to make the changes.....
for instance......
Scale, n ° pt, etc etc-
The Cluster will have as output the result
of all the manipulations carried out
through inputs into Entrance-
Grasshopper did you implement this system
from long ago
and I must say it works perfectly-
So we hope that Max & Co
create something similar, maybe improving it
We just have to hope-
From: speedy (AL2000)
4 Apr 2017   [#316]
Hello Friends
I want to share with you, this......
I saw this video,very interesting, about the construction
Scenic for Dance, curated by architect, Calatrava
I rebuilt everything with Moi-Eleph-
I redid the same exercise with GH
aside the fewest number of nodes and the different
handling the result is the same-
I believe that the current level achieved despite
many improvements is remarkable.
Thanks again to Max, and others
are contributing to the improvement
of this fantastic tool-
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Apr 2017   [#317]
Excellent : i believe that you can make the same with LineWeb! ;)

else you can embeded the video! ;)

Architecture of Dance Santiago Calatrava Grasshopper Animation from qiaoqin on Vimeo.
From: speedy (AL2000)
4 Apr 2017   [#318]
Pardon me Pilou, for replication .......
of course, in normal use could Moi
lineweb used to build the structured wire-
But here , we are in the n the "Parametric World"
the construction thus realized (from a glance at File)
It has many parameters manipulated,
therefore everything can be reconsidered, correct, etc. etc.
And this is the TRUE POWER ...........
On the other hand no one has yet implemented
lineweb Node in Elephant
Have a nice day
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Apr 2017   [#319] In reply to [#318]
Sure it's the power of the parametric world!
It was just a note! ;)

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