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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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12 Feb 2017   [#292]

Did you know 'node' is synonymous with 'knob'?

I've PUT-OFF installing these quirky NODES for a month now - trepidation I'll ruin my beautiful mod-Moi configuration.

The possibilities with nodes! Next: Is it possible to have them 'Flow on Surface?' YIKES!
Horacio Aguascalientes

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Feb 2017   [#293]
Does this last Node's file works with the official Max Elephant or with the modified one ? (or both) ?
Sure I can test it but... :)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
12 Feb 2017   [#294] In reply to [#293]
Hello Pilou,
the modified one;-) caused by shiftDublicate, but it's possible to replace it by interp here :-) to work with the core version.
Have a nice day
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
12 Feb 2017   [#295] In reply to [#292]
Hello Ced,

your mod-UI is independent from the nodeeditor installation, so you don't have to fear about that.
And someone called Gates told us: "Allways have a backup"

By the way, a very untested flow node is present in the modified version:-)
(I hope I get you right)

Have a nice day (from far far away)
12 Feb 2017   [#296]
Yeah! I have ORGANIC surfaces, which, if the ARRAY, pattern & Fibonnaci nodes 'FLOW ON SURFACE' would make my dreams come true! I've been trying to make textures & patterns generate in matrix & double reverse matrix with SLIDER SIZING - to seamlessly FIT & WRAP.

That way I can take a sunflower head - a flat one, and flow it onto a complex network curve or lofted surface -

I'm almost caved-in to buy 3d Coat!
M C Humperdinck
From: Christian (BIRDANDCO)
12 Feb 2017   [#297]
Dear Karsten

Thank you so much for your generous time in helping me learn more about Nodebundle and for the well-described .nod file. I appreciate your help, especially given I am new around here!

Thank you, Michael, for your note, thanks for making all this possible

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
From: Christian (BIRDANDCO)
12 Feb 2017   [#298]
I wanted to share a little update, I have been playing with the file Karsten kindly created all afternoon, and found that I was able to begin adjusting the Z-coordinates on a hemisphere. I hope to eventually space the points successfully to a sphere, or other surfaces.

Image Attachments:

12 Feb 2017   [#299]
Exactly! That's exactly right: Flow to Surface!

To add sliders - or input values into a box would be ideal - what that would do is take Moi3d to a whole new level of parametric - terrazzo modeling which is piss-poor in Rhino!

There are other tools e.g., Armadillo & parametric tools, however they aren't nearly as intuitive as Moi's NODE functionality.

I'm looking into the adding a webinar functionality to this 'Behive Forum' which is without live video broadcast capabilities - sadly.

If possible I may setup a live cam forum for brainstorming & sharing scripts, shortcut keys & nodes, as well as cool tips & tricks within - is this something that the inmates of this auxiliary lunatic asylum would be interested in - participating?

Perhaps, with those added tools increasing the functionality of the foundation Michael has built, together we could add-on creative branches which would take Moi3d in a direction which would carve out a soft 'pattern parametric array glow in surface terrazzo' object - that compliments hard edged CAD.

I may be off topic - if so - I'll begin a new post on this subject: webinars
Bill Gore
From: speedy (AL2000)
13 Feb 2017   [#300]
Hi Friends
It was a long time that I wanted
I take this opportunity with the post of
Christian ....
It would be nice to have a Voronoi Node
am looking forward to
Have a nice day to all
From: speedy (AL2000)
23 Feb 2017   [#301]
Hi Friends
The Elephant goes on.......
I want to share with you
some tests on creating connections
using the tool Subd-
Have a nice day to all
From: Christian (BIRDANDCO)
23 Feb 2017   [#302]
A quick follow-up to my previous post.

Using Nodebundle > ArrayGem > Scale Array (thanks, Karsten & Michael!), I was able to produce a Phyllotaxis-like Succulent. Rendered in Keyshot.

At some point, I hope to manipulate the points in 3D (versus 2d point pattern > flow), so they space correctly over a surface as described in the Mathematica article

Image Attachments:

From: mkdm
23 Feb 2017   [#303] In reply to [#302]
Wonderful rendering Christian !!!

My compliments !!
From: speedy (AL2000)
23 Feb 2017   [#304]
Nice shot Cristian
and nice render....
Could you share with us the nod. file of your creation?
Phyllotaxis is a subject that fascinates me greatly
have a nice day
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
23 Feb 2017   [#305]
Appetizing vegetal!
From: Christian (BIRDANDCO)
23 Feb 2017   [#306]
Thanks very much!

Please see attached .nod, which simply adds the z-Coord's to Karstens original version.

I used ArrayGem to duplicate the leaf to each point, then ScaleArray to gradually increase the size of leaf.


Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2017-02-23 at 22.46.05.png 

23 Feb 2017   [#307] In reply to [#306]
Is it possible a clip how to exactly download, install & make this double-reverse helix?
I also would like to know if there is a repository where all, or most of the nodes are available.
I've got my Moi3d modded supremely with commands, scripts, shortcuts & lighting options, not to mention tricked-out the GUI & ICONS, therefore I'm not keen on destroying the beautiful setup I have now. Nevertheless, I'm looking at finding a means to download, install & build what I see nodes are capable of creating - I just don't want to guess at what to download - install - and how to configure.

I find that the general inmate population here wish to prevent Moi3d from becoming super charged, (too) populated with many sweet scripts, shortcuts, nodes, lighting options, interface skins & icons, however isn't there a way to present an install option where one could ENABLE / DISABLE add-ons during installation for those of us who would like those gems?

Why not have a questionnaire - survey ha-ha!

It's interesting understanding how 3d Coat compliments Moi3d, and how it compares to Rocket 3f.

I'm hardcore Rhino 5 & T-Splines - and trying to beef up Moi3d in order to give me every possible advantage as far as the add-ons here. The downside is that it requires a month of reading forum posts in order to
ferret out the latest & greatest complimentary tools which this pool of genius's conjure up!
From: Michael Gibson
24 Feb 2017   [#308] In reply to [#306]
It looks great Christian!

- Michael
From: speedy (AL2000)
24 Feb 2017   [#309]
Hello Cristian
thanks for your file sharing;
Excuse me, but I thought the whole building
It had been carried out using only
Elephant " feature"
thanks again and have a nice day
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Feb 2017   [#310]
Phylloz works with "Classic" Elephant or "Modified" ? ;)
From: speedy (AL2000)
28 Feb 2017   [#311]
Hi Friends
another exercise about building
a mathematical snail

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