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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

Message 7777.252 was deleted

From: speedy (AL2000)
16 Dec 2016   [#253]
Good Mornig Karsten.
truly unpayable as always
thank you....
I try, but I think now it's OK
good work
From: speedy (AL2000)
16 Dec 2016   [#254]
Hello Karsten
I was too optimistic
I can not understand exactly how link
Split node to Ex Point node-
Can you give me an example on my file
thank you
From: James (JFH)
16 Dec 2016   [#255] In reply to [#254]
Hi Al

>>Can you give me an example on my file<<

I assume this is what you wanted (see attached)


Image Attachments:
CP-Know Sine Attractor Point-3.jpg 

From: speedy (AL2000)
19 Dec 2016   [#256]
Hello James
Thanks for your help
I had not connected all the new output on
SplitPoint node ...
Now works fine-
The sense of experiment is that by varying the
position of the point attractor in the grid ,
the changes are reflected on the surface .....
Try to modify , I think is interesting to
also manipulate the formation of curves.
thanks again
From: James (JFH)
19 Dec 2016   [#257] In reply to [#256]
Sì, è tecnica molto utile per patterning variegata determinata dalla vicinanza.

Image Attachments:
attractor.jpg  attractor2.jpg 

From: speedy (AL2000)
20 Dec 2016   [#258] In reply to [#257]
Good afternoon James ,
Your answer in my language and very
appreciated by me, and a considerable effort for you ...
thank you-
I wanted to share with you and the friends that my test
on Attractor point on a grid of surfaces
planar ....
By changing the parameters of the point Attractor , and
mathematical formula of deformation points
in some places of the planar mesh
It has holes.....
when it fails to meet the requirements
flatness ...
At least I think so

ps - link -
From: James (JFH)
20 Dec 2016   [#259] In reply to [#258]
Hi Al,

>>in some places of the planar mesh has holes.....
when it fails to meet the requirements: flatness ...<<

Planar is very strict in its application. An alternative approach to satisfy your requirements is to select (patternSelectArray) 3 points (rather than 4) of the facets, using the 1st & 2nd points to define a profile and the 2nd & 3rd to define a rail then Sweep. Voila! planar surfaces with no holes: see attached

.>>Your answer in my language and very appreciated by me, and a considerable effort<<

It was no effort at all. I am soon to embark on trip to Cuba, and had been using "" in my dealings with various accomodations, so I simply did one more.

As an native English speaker it is I that is appreciative of your efforts and those of others (Karsten, Marco, Pilou et al).

So thank you, James
From: speedy (AL2000)
22 Dec 2016   [#260] In reply to [#259]
Hello James
I know how to build Loft or Sweep
instead of Surf Planar.....
I just wanted to say, and perhaps I expressed myself badly,
to create of surfaces Planar can serve to test
the subdivision of a surface, into sub-units
which have precisely these requirements ...
In this way, you can see how many modules
fulfill that condition
Make a good Holiday
From: speedy (AL2000)
23 Dec 2016   [#261]
Hello Friends
I want to share with you
the latter test Fold / Unfold -
Merry Christmas to All
and do resend after theHolidays
Ps-Files link:
From: speedy (AL2000)
28 Dec 2016   [#262]
Hello Karsten
first of all friend
I hope you had a Marry Christmas....

Some clarifications on Vectors, recently implemented ,
I think it is necessary that we should have in the output vector
a choice :
1- End point of the vector calculated in combine with the base point
3-Vector-visible and not

That would save a lot of redundant mathematical calculations
to define curve and they point applications

Also , it would be nice, to have a node for
Rotate Vector...
- Base point of rotation
- Vector reference
- Radians or Degrees _ ( ) / [ ]
like above

I started testing today the Vectors
and at the moment these are the observations
the most important that I wanted to notify you
I can not send files and images,in the traditional way ,
so I refer you to the following link
have a nice day
From: speedy (AL2000)
30 Dec 2016   [#263]
I wanted to make a Happy New Year I wish to all ,
especially to friends who share
Elephant-Moi with me ;
Karsten, James, Marco, Pilou and the great Max.
We hope that 2017 is a great year to be remembered,
as for Wine
A little exercise with the theme "Pop Up New Year"
again wishes
From: mkdm
30 Dec 2016   [#264] In reply to [#263]
Thanks a lot Al for all and best wishes for you too!!

In Italian : Buon tutto e forza!! Voi e la vostra terra tenete duro! Non siete soli!! Ciao.

Best wishes to everyone!!

- Marco (mkdm)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
31 Dec 2016   [#265] In reply to [#262]
Hello Al,

I have added a rotate function to the vectors. I hope that it fits to your minds, but I didn't get you with "2 Curve" - please explain more detailed. The option for visible is/was under the info panel or do you mean something different? The endpoint option isn't available at the moment, but the point is already internal calculated and I will add it in the future. For the rotation is not a basepoint the center of rotation, rather than a vector. I haven't much time at the moment, so I will post an example later.

Have a nice day and best wishes for the new year to all!

p.s.: And thanks to all for all the interesting and inspirational contributions in this forum!
From: speedy (AL2000)
11 Jan 2017   [#266]
Hello Karsten
I saw the great work you've done on vectors
Ok vector rotate, is exactly what I was wondering ,
Ok dist point to point, but it would be best to read the eventually find
obtained in the icon of the node, as you have done for the Node
Curve length ...

----- I would say that this applies to all icons that read values
and lengths of objects and I would say on Math nodes
I think it is a great help to check the result before,
without the need to connect to other nodes --------

I'm using them to become familiar with them-
It is known to give very useful if you could implement :
1-vector between two points
2- Move vector from point to point
to avoid boring and redundant mathematical calculations-

I'm working an exercise on a structure (Hoberman Poly)
just completed the share with you-
Good start Year and good continuation to all
From: speedy (AL2000)
12 Jan 2017   [#267]
Hello Karsten and Friends
as mentioned sending the file concerning
an expandable structure
that helped me to test some new nodes
Vector- Separate Trim etc. etc.
I hope it is helpful
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
17 Jan 2017   [#268] In reply to [#267]
Hello Al,

thanks for sharing! Very interessting field, but difficult to solve with the nodeeditor - nevertheless I allways impressed how persistent you work on a problem. Maybe we will find a solution in the future - like loop backs for an iterative soulution or something else - I don't know ...

Let us keep our curiosity and fun!

Have a nice day
From: speedy (AL2000)
20 Jan 2017   [#269]
Hello Karsten and Friends
another test
on a expandable polygonal structure
where I used massively
various nodes Vector
I hope it is helpful
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
21 Jan 2017   [#270] In reply to [#269]
Hello Al,

that's a really cool mechanism. Now it's clear for me that vectors can really help;-)
I've made the nodes without an understanding how to really use it and got my motivation by the possibility to display vector fields, but your examples are the right starting point for me to study what is possible in the context of Moi and mechanism.
thanks for sharing!

- Karsten
29 Jan 2017   [#271]

Warning! In order to 'not' get banned I need anyone who finds my posts offensive, or has an anxiety attack - to please stop THIS POST reading immediately.


Alright! Question for the GENIUS BAR - and it must be happy hour?

Seeing how Moi3d is like a buffet - and you go along the table (forum) helping yourself to every course - nodes, scripts, hotkeys, icons, jpg's, png's, zip's, txt and 3dm files freely - hoping you're getting something 'fresh' as opposed to 'rotton' i.e. an old version - the big question is: How do you install all this without screwing up your already custom UI (or anything else!)?

Why can't we have an option? A STANDARD or CUSTOM optional install feature when you download & install your purchase? Then you could simply CHOOSE from the CHECKBOXES which options you'd like to install, and then have a SAVE WORKSPACE AS option - and various GUI SKINS to choose from - as well as ICONS?

See attached items, e.g. the CUSTOM INTERFACE I have which is easy on the eyes, the downloaded NODES which I'm about to install - gingerly - and all the whistle's and bells which are gleaned from the FORUM JUNKPILE:

Image Attachments:
image4.png  loadedGUI2.jpg  ModdedGui.jpg  nodeInstall.png  sideBySide.png 

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