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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: speedy (AL2000)
5 Dec 2016   [#236]
Hello Karsten
If possible all the functions of Vectors :
1- Create Vector ,from Coord (xyz) ,connected to the actual node point
2-Decompose Vectot retur value of (xyz)
3-Unit Vector for x , y , z for simple placement
4-Amplitude of Vector
5-Vector between two point
6-Angle between two Vector
7-Rotate Vector on plane or on axis
8-Dot procuct
9-Cross Product
10-Line , start point , direction, Vector , and Amplitude , length
11-Measure Vector length
12-Unitize Vector
13-Reverse Vector value
14 - link with extrusion , profile along a Vector
No ask that all implements,
But the important thing it is start ...
Line, and Extrude example would be useful-

(I hope the list does not discourage you)..........

The facilitation is the ability to create oriented lines,( crease)
and subsequently to lean them to create the Movements ,
rotating or translating through simple input values
Have a nice day
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
5 Dec 2016   [#237] In reply to [#236]
Hello Al,

most of the functions are already implemented. Have a look in basicfunctions.js or in the litegraph.js (Max has thought of everything!). Only missing: wrap it in nodes. We can use pointarray as the base. Set scale to 0 it's a displacement vector:-). Scale to 1 it's a local vector ->arraypoint (Homogeneous coordinates). You've done the vector math stuff manually with the splitPts, (chapeau - a lot of work ) but yes we should make nodes for that. It will take a while and I have to think about some details, but it's possible.
Thanks for the impressive example!

Have a nice evening
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5 Dec 2016   [#238]
Does the resolve of the concept (not the animation) can be replicated to any start number drawing of "flat" Valley (s) / Mountain(s)
Supposed that each little surface resulting are plane for the moment! :)
Difficuly will surely to take any start form of drawing!

@Al : works like a charm! Bravo for the effort!

Nodes'Image of the "white" folding example! :)

From: speedy (AL2000)
6 Dec 2016   [#239]
Hello My Friends
another exercise, move on and invert
which brings me back a lot through the years
..... to my childhood
a Wind-Whell
Have a nice day to all
Ps -File stored here

Message 7777.240 was deleted

From: speedy (AL2000)
12 Dec 2016   [#241]
Hi Friends
another test on Move elements,
in this case , Hoberman Varaible Structure
Ps- for watch the files this is the link
From: speedy (AL2000)
13 Dec 2016   [#242]
Hello Karsten and Friends
Great Work with the new Vectors Nodes.......amazing
I'm starting to use them to test them ,
then , surely , you will need clarification ,
for now thank you for your commitment.
Take this opportunity to send a new test
on Fold / Unfold
Have a nice day to all
Ps- to see the file access links
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
13 Dec 2016   [#243] In reply to [#242]
Hello Al,

thanks for sharing! I can't test it at the moment -I hope in the evening, but the pictures a very promising:-)

Have a nice day

p.s.: Please, tell me more details about uncertainties with the vector nodes.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
13 Dec 2016   [#244]
Cool continuation!

From: speedy (AL2000)
14 Dec 2016   [#245]
Hello Karsten and Friends

Doing an experiment of manipulation coordinate point
inserting a point attractor, I found out that Point Ex Node
It does not return the sorted values in order to create curves in U
or V-
Wanting to act with idx select point, I can not utomatizzare
the insertion indices
to be able to sort and group the points and have them ready for
create curves ...
I have to do it one by one?
I believe that this problem must be solved ...
We should get out put what we get
using Poin or Point Math
ie, through ConvertPoint-(set of curves)
separate curves ..
I can not add attachments
then the file is available at the link
best to all

Ps - would not hurt to add a node
Point to Point Distance .....
I hope so
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
14 Dec 2016   [#246] In reply to [#245]
Hello Al,

the problem is that I made the node for other things and so some meta informations (xlength,ylength and zlength) are lost between split and ext. But you don't need it. Maxs math points can do the job already.
Nevertheless I can add the meta informations also.

Have a look in the file.

Have a nice evening
From: James (JFH)
14 Dec 2016   [#247] In reply to [#246]
Hi Karsten,

Although in this instance the desired result could be achieved with a maths formula; there are many situations where it would be useful to insert truncation points into a point array to break it into multiple discreet point arrays for the generation of discreet curves for lofting.

Perhaps "idxSelect" could have an "TruncPt"mode and Curve node may also need to have multiprocess functionality (mCurve)

Keep up the good work
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
14 Dec 2016   [#248] In reply to [#247]
Hello James,

Yes you're right - a good idea. It would help in some situations to have the infos (xlength ... ) inside the output of idxSelect. I have to think about how to implement it.

Thanks and have a nice day
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
15 Dec 2016   [#249] In reply to [#247]
p.s.: Curve has this feature already ...
From: speedy (AL2000)
15 Dec 2016   [#250]
Hello Karsten
thanks for the prompt response, but perhaps I did not explain
It is clear that using a formula can
to influence the formation of the surface ...
even if as in this case very " brainy " ;
but what I wanted to achieve is that simply by
the changes were driven by the position
of a point we call " Attractor ";
the variation of its cordinates, you'll have different distances
from the points of the grid ..
therefore taking advantage of the variation of this
parameter I want to vary the surface
That's why I think it is necessary that idx select
maintaining the incoming structure, and therefore also the output
of data relating to the points ....
I hope you can take action
Have a nice day
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
15 Dec 2016   [#251] In reply to [#250]
Hello Al,

sorry that I get you wrong. I added the meta infos in split and pointext. So please replace the files with the attached ones and try again.

Have a nice day


Message 7777.252 was deleted

From: speedy (AL2000)
16 Dec 2016   [#253]
Good Mornig Karsten.
truly unpayable as always
thank you....
I try, but I think now it's OK
good work
From: speedy (AL2000)
16 Dec 2016   [#254]
Hello Karsten
I was too optimistic
I can not understand exactly how link
Split node to Ex Point node-
Can you give me an example on my file
thank you
From: James (JFH)
16 Dec 2016   [#255] In reply to [#254]
Hi Al

>>Can you give me an example on my file<<

I assume this is what you wanted (see attached)


Image Attachments:
CP-Know Sine Attractor Point-3.jpg 

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