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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: MO (MO_TE)
2 Apr 2023   [#1856] In reply to [#1855]
I'm glad you liked it.
I did take a look at "Knob" node.
It looks a bit scary to be honest! :)
Maybe I can add a "step" property, but not sure.
From: MO (MO_TE)
3 Apr 2023   [#1857]
Unfortunately I couldn't find a decent way to do this, But somehow I managed to reach a result.
I added a "step" property.(Default: 1 But it can be negative too)
It can increment by step number, but the incremental mode works only with mouse wheel.
I post it here in case someone wants to use or improve it.


From: MO (MO_TE)
4 Apr 2023   [#1858]
"ArrayGem" node
Object: Objects + an optional base circle
Path: curve/curves
Surface: To set objects orientation (optional)



From: MO (MO_TE)
8 Apr 2023   [#1859]
"SurfaceNormals" node
Moved here

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