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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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From: nkallen
1 Mar 2021   [#1790] In reply to [#1789]
Hi everybody,

This video walks you through how to install it on Windows. I'm encouraging people for now to use git rather than downloading zip files etc. I'll make another video for Mac users tomorrow.

Reminder that this is just a preview release. Consider it an alpha.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Mar 2021   [#1791]

From: bemfarmer
1 Mar 2021   [#1792] In reply to [#1790]
Thank you nkallen.
On Windows 10, got git installed, and did the first two steps done, the git clone... and git checkout...
Hung up on git commands.patch.

Very slow internet here. Cannot watch video until tonight.

Will try again tonight with fast internet, and watching video.
- Brian

My file explorer directory structure was temporarily messed up, I guess from git am --directory commands...
>>>After a reboot, the directory structure is back to normal. I'll have to follow the video directions for Windows 10.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
1 Mar 2021   [#1793]
The other Readme file in elephant-0.1-alpha, refers to a third patch file,
git am --ignore-whitespace elephant.patch

It is confusing.
Will try again tonight...

- Brian

The second readme also has Win instructions...
From: nkallen
1 Mar 2021   [#1794] In reply to [#1793]
Hi, I think following the video should be best, I'm still working on the README
From: bemfarmer
1 Mar 2021   [#1795] In reply to [#1794]
Fantastic project nkallen, thank you for your hard work!
- Brian
(I edited my prior posts a bit.)
From: bemfarmer
1 Mar 2021   [#1796]
By following nkallen's video I was able to install the node graph. The program seems to work.
Also I had to put in my email address, and my username.

Unfortunately I did not understand about trial/, so do not have a backup of MoI, just the altered "master". Edit incorrect statement.
I guess I'll have to reinstall MoI4...
- Brian

MoI4 successfully reinstalled.

Edit, so trial\ refers to MoI 4.0 beta, not to the git "backup".
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Mar 2021   [#1797] In reply to [#1796]
Does the result of this "new" NodeGraph is just modified Folders / FIles ?

So will be fine if we can just copy past these new Folder / Files
because this "Git" is very painful! Not yet success! Too much syntax errors, spaces, / , \ etc... a nightmare!
You lost me at video 3.2 minutes! :)
From: nkallen
1 Mar 2021   [#1798] In reply to [#1796]

The purpose of git is to keep copies of documents and manage different versions of them.

In the video when we do “git commit -m ‘Initial commit’” we make a backup of your moi folder before any changes are made. You can always go back to your initial commit no matter how many changes you make afterwards.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Mar 2021   [#1799] In reply to [#1798]
Yep but for old eyes like me it more easy to make something like this :)
for any Folders / Files who are changed by the nodegraph

NodeEditor_oldMax (so will not called by the program)
Nodegraph will called by the prog

and when i have finished I just rename
NodeEditor (so will called by the program
Nodegraph_old_nkallen (so will not called by the program)

that takes 3 seconds and not headaches! and no need to use Git :)
Of course if this sort structure is accepted by your "nodegraph" Folders / Files modified ...
and if you can provide the Folders/ Files modified!
From: nkallen
1 Mar 2021   [#1800] In reply to [#1797]
I see that this is more painful than anticipated...

In the software industry / in open source/ among hobbyists, we almost always distribute source code using a version control system like git. It allows us to safely keep backups of files, and also easily upgrade to new versions. I would strongly encourage the moi community to consider using Github or something similar rather than passing around .zip files without any version history. There is a learning curve but it is a life-saver - I swear. You can ALSO produce easy-to-install zip archives, but code is happiest (and safest) when its in version control first.

Around 3.20 in the video, what I type is just to go to different folders on your hard drive. You can type:

cd /c
cd "Program Files"
cd "MoI 4.0 trial"

(Presumably you're not using the trial but I don't know the name of the non-trial folder on windows)

I have to ask Michael if I can distribute my changes as a .zip. For example, does the license permit me to distribute a modified version of Fillet.js? So far I'm using a .patch file which allows me to share my changes without ever distributing Moi3d's original source code.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Mar 2021   [#1801] In reply to [#1800]
I understand your point of wait and see :)

during the video we have on begin Git line "1s" or "ls"... or ...other what is it exactly?

ps No trial is that in no Roaming folder

C:\Program Files\MoI 4.0
From: nkallen
1 Mar 2021   [#1802] In reply to [#1801]
I type "ls" a lot which is lowercase LS

It means "list the files in the current directory".

I'm looking around and it seems like there's a program called TortoiseGit which is popular on windows and it looks easy to use. No typing commands. I'll play around with it and investigate. In the meantime, I've asked Michael what the license permits.

I'll be around in discord to help with step-by-step instructions.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Mar 2021   [#1803] In reply to [#1802]
ok! And one mystery resolved! :)
From: nkallen
1 Mar 2021   [#1804]

Michael is ok with my distributing the source code via .zip file. (Thanks Michael!!)

I recognize this is easier than git. (But still -- git is awesome it's well worth learning even if you're not a programmer!)

You will need to download and MainWindowLayout.xml

1. Unzip into AppData.
2. Unzip into your main MoI executable folder (replacing the old commands/ folder BUT MAKE A BACKUP)
3. Replace ui/MainWindowLayout.xml with mine. BUT MAKE A BACKUP

This is I hope easier!
From: WN
2 Mar 2021   [#1805] In reply to [#1804]
Hi Nkallen.

Thank you for your plugin, very interesting!

When cloning nodes from the widgets group through the context menu of the node, the program returns an error, the application screen shows which nodes cause the error.

Still, Git is primarily focused on programming, and it's easier for most people to use files in a folder.

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From: WN
3 Mar 2021   [#1806]
Git resists ...

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Mar 2021   [#1807] In reply to [#1806]
so take the install by ZIP! :)

From: WN
3 Mar 2021   [#1808] In reply to [#1807]
Everything is simple there, with Git there is a desire to understand:)

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From: nkallen
3 Mar 2021   [#1809] In reply to [#1805]
This bug should be fixed. If you're using git, you can execute "git pull origin master" in the AppData/elephant directory. Otherwise, I'll bundle a new zip in a few days

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