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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: bemfarmer
6 Aug 2020   [#1745]
I was puzzling over the German "mit -KGV(n,m) * PI <= t <= KGV(n,m) * PI".

So, in English math the German KGV(n,m) is the Least Common Multiple of m and n.
LCM(n,m) is lcm(n,m) in Javascript. (n and m are integers in this example.)

German ggt(n,m) is the Greatest (Largest) Common Divisor, (Javascript gcd(n,m).
(Translatable to English.)

(I do not speak German.)

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
13 Aug 2020   [#1746]
In Max's latest version of nodeeditor, unused node dot circles are NOT colored.
I prefer them all to be colored, pink gold and teal.
Does anyone else have this behavior?
I've re-installed different versions of nodeeditor several times...

- Brian
From: James (JFH)
13 Aug 2020   [#1747] In reply to [#1746]

AFAIK the Current NODE EDITOR folder has this behaviour.

From: bemfarmer
13 Aug 2020   [#1748] In reply to [#1747]
Hi James,

I was referring to the July 2020 update of Max:

- Brian
From: WN
14 Aug 2020   [#1749]
In the file "colors.js", from the "core " directory, line 38 has a property, 'io_highlight': false //, replace its value with true, node nodes will become colored.
From: bemfarmer
14 Aug 2020   [#1750] In reply to [#1749]
That works. Thank you WN.
Default setting should be "true", IMHO.

Setting io_text_highlight to "true" as well seems nice.
Edit: From Max, 2018: Alt+Left click on Info button to change highlight of io_text.

MoI4 beta must be re-opened for settings to take effect.

- Brian
From: Mindset (IGNITER)
9 Oct 2020   [#1751] In reply to [#731]
Hello Y'all,

Is there a Truchet node?
I can't find it.

From: James (JFH)
10 Oct 2020   [#1752] In reply to [#1751]

There is no Truchet node, but can be constructed quite easily
with an array of randomly oriented square tiles.
Try the .nod file attached.

Have a great weekend


From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Oct 2020   [#1753]
Sorry what is the meaning of "truchet" ?
That is from Sébastien Truchet ?ébastien_Truchet
a random geometric tilling process ? So your nod ?

From: stefano (LIGHTWAVE)
10 Oct 2020   [#1754] In reply to [#1753]
Interesting read that Frenchy, he goes from fonts to tiles...genius.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Oct 2020   [#1755] In reply to [#1754]
OK! You have also this cool one! ;)
Kite & Dart by Roger Penrose (Periodic, Aperiodic etc...)

From: stefano (LIGHTWAVE)
10 Oct 2020   [#1756] In reply to [#1755]
You might like this or get some node ideas maybe...leads onto "3d tiling".
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Oct 2020   [#1757] In reply to [#1756]
Look this post and aespecialy Muqarnas ;)
From: bemfarmer
23 Oct 2020   [#1758]
Made a helicoid node.
The v curves made with the stock Curve factory to not pass through the helical points.
The convertPts2 node uses MoI's Interpcurve factory so the curves pass through the points.
Max's Curve node has other versions of Interp., but the u and v points are not separated for inputs...

If network does not create the surface, or takes too long, a radial curve may be swept along the inner and outer helical curves.

- Brian

Javascript cosh(x) and sinh(x) are not part of ecmascript5.


From: bemfarmer
1 Nov 2020   [#1759]
The generalized formula for the monkey saddle surfaces is given here:

The binomial coefficients (N K) (vertical), for each order N saddle, are given in a row in pascal's triangle, using alternate entries.
For example, the Monkey saddle, with 3 dips, has coefficients 1 and 3.
The Octopus saddle, with 8 arm dips, has coefficients 1, 28, 70, 28, and 1.
Or the binomial coefficients can be easily calculated with factorials.
The formula for each order N, uses the Even values of K = 0, 2, ... (N for even N, N-1 for odd N).
The formula is the sum from K=0 to K=N of the binomial coefficient (N K) * x to the power(N-K) * y to the power(K),
* even powers of i, for a +/- factor.
Note that the .nod files use ConvertPts2 node, which can be downloaded elsewhere on the forum.

Network can be done on the curves, and the surfaces may be trimmed at a +/- z value.

The smelt petal is a trimmed Monkey saddle, with the Monkey saddle z-axis passing through the origin, and (1,1,1)

The z = f(u,v) in MathPoints may be easily done for 4, 6, and 7 arm_leg_tail dip surfaces.

- Brian


From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
1 Nov 2020   [#1760] In reply to [#1759]
Hi Brian,

Great work! Converting formulas to programs is very challenging.

From: bemfarmer
10 Nov 2020   [#1761]
Is there some way to add functions to MathPts node?
For example, perlinnoisefn.js, delaunator.js, and basicFunctions.js have functions used by other programs.

A very simple example would be say ellipticfn.js containing several functions, including
this.cosh = function(a,x)
var y = (a/2) * ( Math.exp(x/a) + Math.exp(-x/a));
return y;

Is there some way to get MathPts f(u,v) to be able to use cosh(a,u) with say elliptic.cosh(a,u)?

(Of course the catenary equation (a/2)* )exp(u/a) + exp(-u/a)) can be used in MathPts directly, but some other
desired functions are very much more complicated, with dozens of lines of code.)

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
14 Nov 2020   [#1762]
Trying to debug a node program.
Is there some way to add an alert message to a node program?


function alert( msg )
moi.ui.commandUI.alert( msg );

alert( 'a = \t' + a + '\n\n' + ' b = \t' + b );

- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
14 Nov 2020   [#1763] In reply to [#1762]
Hi Brian, try moi.ui.alert( 'msg' );

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
14 Nov 2020   [#1764] In reply to [#1763]
Thank you Michael.
Now the alert works. Each pass through the for loop creates a new alert.
The script probably has minor errors.

- Brian

Include code around and/or in the for loop to show multiple progressive results for each variable.
In a row/column format. One row per variable. Each column is another pass through the for loop.
Say batch 10 alerts into one...
(My other projects have higher priority:-)

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