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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
30 Mar 2020   [#1677] In reply to [#1675]
Hello Brian,

If I remeber right, the effect happens when an objectlist is still pointing to such objects. It is a while ago that I look to the code. The vector things are created in a very short time with my limited skills in js - so it is possible that there are side effect by using a particular sequence. As I remember - I didn't planned to keep the vector objects - they should have only the purpose to visualize.

I hope that I find some time to have a look.

Have a nice day
From: bemfarmer
30 Mar 2020   [#1678] In reply to [#1676]
Hi Michael,
Thank you for taking a look.

After pushing the Run Button, I push the Apply button, which makes the arrows stay on the MoI screen after nodeeditor is closed.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
30 Mar 2020   [#1679] In reply to [#1677]
Hi Karsten,

Thank you for all of your past, present, and future work and help, and taking a look at the code.

- Brian

So maybe an objectlist needs to be closed upon exit?
From: Michael Gibson
30 Mar 2020   [#1680] In reply to [#1678]
Hi Brian, thanks I can reproduce it now. It looks like the problem is the same objects are getting added to the geometry database multiple times, when Run is pushed there are 9 objects added to the geometry database, then when Apply is pushed the same 9 objects are added again but they are in the geometry database already.

I can update MoI so that it can tolerate this situation better, but it can also be fixed in vector.js in the applyVec() function, try this updated applyVec function:

function applyVec(that){var i;for(i=0;i<that.tempvec.length;i++) { var obj = that.tempvec.item(i);
if ( obj.databaseState != 2 /*2 = ObjectDatabaseState_InDatabase*/ ) moi.geometryDatabase.addObject(obj);} }

This version will check if it is already in the geometry database and not add it again if so. The obj.databaseState property returns a numeric value which means:

0: ObjectDatabaseState_Unknown
1: ObjectDatabaseState_Unattached
2: ObjectDatabaseState_InDatabase
3: ObjectDatabaseState_Deleted

For the next beta I'll update geometryDatabase::addObject() so if an object that is already in the database is attempted to be added again it will ignore it instead of getting things corrupted.

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
31 Mar 2020   [#1681] In reply to [#1680]
Hi Michael,
Thank you very much for your corrections. I'll try it out later today.

As far as your updating modifying addObject(), that is your area of expertise.
I lack a lot of understanding, but have vague concerns about some adverse side effects.
For example, if I were "stick framing" a tetrahedron with duplicate edges for the 4 triangular sides, would
it no longer be possible to have two lines on top of each other?

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
31 Mar 2020   [#1682] In reply to [#1680]
OK, I plugged Michael's correction to [function applyVec.......] ~ line 50 of vector.js, and replaced vector.js in
nodeeditor extensions (saving old vector.js as vector.BAK).

Now, running a Vector node, Adds the vector(s) to the screen.

Now, (apparently), pressing the APPLY button no longer adds the vector(s) to MoI's geometry database.
(APPLY does not cause the vectors to remain, after nodeeditor is closed.)
When nodeeditor is closed, the vectors go away. This is apparently Karsten's intention, that the vectors be temporary.

(This behavior is not the same as say creating a circle, where pressing the APPLY button causes the circle to remain, after nodeeditor is closed.)

If the user wants to keep the Vector(s), simply do a MoI copy of them before closing nodeeditor. The manual copies remain,
and behave normally in MoI.

- Brian :-)


From: Michael Gibson
31 Mar 2020   [#1683] In reply to [#1681]
Hi Brian,

> For example, if I were "stick framing" a tetrahedron with duplicate edges for the 4 triangular sides, would
> it no longer be possible to have two lines on top of each other?

That will still work fine. The situation that it would guard against is having the same one single object listed multiple times in the geometry database (not copies of the object, the same object reference listed multiple times) which would always be an error.

Previously it put up an assert dialog to warn about this happening but then still let it happen. A couple of betas ago release mode asserts were turned off though so it then became more difficult to know what was going wrong.

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
31 Mar 2020   [#1684] In reply to [#1682]
After Loading a node, such as a Vector node program, and JUST pushing APPLY, without having pushed run,
causes the vectors to appear.
Selecting the vectors, and doing a Nudge, causes the vectors to remain after nodeeditor is closed.

- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
31 Mar 2020   [#1685] In reply to [#1684]
Hi Brian,

> Selecting the vectors, and doing a Nudge, causes the vectors to remain after nodeeditor is closed.

Yes, when you do the Nudge the nudged objects are new objects that the nodeeditor does not know about and so they won't be affected when the nodeeditor is closed.

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
31 Mar 2020   [#1686] In reply to [#1685]
Thanks for the explanation Michael.

The Nudge effect, (and likely some other actions), is a little nuance that I had not noticed before.

Something for Pilou to document :-)

- Brian
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
31 Mar 2020   [#1687] In reply to [#1686]
Alas not yet for the moment but remind me that when I will restart a new race! ;)
From: bemfarmer
1 Apr 2020   [#1688]
Perhaps someone could modify vector.js node menu to use Michael's arrows:

I may try in a week or a month or so...too busy now.

- Brian
From: James (JFH)
4 Apr 2020   [#1689]
Recent NE experiment: Voronoi Pattern with points dynamically attracted to curve.

Stay safe,

From: Mik (MIKULAS)
10 Apr 2020   [#1690] In reply to [#1689]
Really cool. Superb!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8 May 2020   [#1691]
Little return after a big break - confinemented so some many rusted!

You can of course play with it and improve it!

From: Konni
16 May 2020   [#1692] In reply to [#1689]
Hi James,
Your art works are super cool :) Like a lot
Wanted to create some parametric designs and learn Grasshopper3D, but thanks God at right time found YOURS art here ^_^
I'm Moi3D user just love this software. So would be super cool to make/create such random parametric forms in Moi.
Could you ... would be super uber cool if you could release some gumroad video on how to use node editor and make such cool forms. Or some step by step screen shots. Would buy these. Mine node editor screen does not work. Im V4 Beta Oct-10-2019 Win10
I know only how to use Voronoi. And its cool :)
Thank you :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
16 May 2020   [#1693] In reply to [#1692]
Use the beta of the Beta V4 of 22 january : Node editor works inside without any problem! ;)

And you can take a look at my Elephant repository where there are some examples of uses differents nodes ;)
French / English
From: Konni
17 May 2020   [#1694] In reply to [#1693]
Thank you Frenchy Pilou :)
From: James (JFH)
17 May 2020   [#1695] In reply to [#1692]

Thank you for your kind remarks.

I'm not aware of "gumroad", but sometime down the track I may look at making an instructional video, but for now it would be better if you could let me know what result you are trying to achieve and I'll see if I can do a step by step annotated screenshot series to walk you through the process.
If you have a look at my instagram:
most of the post show the node wiring for generating the geometry of posted image (3D form or 2D pattern). I know that these would be bewildering to a novice but once you get your head around the process they will start to make sense.

Also as Pilou says, look at his "Elephant Repository: to see how individual nodes operate.

Anyway, start with something simple & I'll see if I can talk you through it...
& then if you are still keen, we can tackle something more complex.
Post an image of something akin to what you want to do.

From: James (JFH)
19 May 2020   [#1696]
Hi All,

Attached is a node circuit containing a macro for generating geodesic spheres
of variable resolution (0 = icosohedron up to 4 subdivisions*) with all vertices at equal distance from origin. Essentially, it subdivides an icosohedron, then spherizes the result.


* If you want to reduce or increase limit on allowable subdivisions, you can go into macro and change MAX.subDivs node shown in RED. Beware that a number higher than 4 however will likely hang your computer.

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