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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Message 7777.1641 was deleted

From: James (JFH)
9 Jan 2020   [#1642]

In answer to your query :

please find .nod file for ImgSample to Hex Pattern.
A series of images showing node circuitry can be found here:

Let me know if this is not what you meant


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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10 Jan 2020   [#1643] In reply to [#1642]
Intricated! :)
From: AlexPolo
10 Jan 2020   [#1644]
HI James,

WOW! Thats exactly what I meant looks great thanks very much for looking into it for me a great addition to the expanding node list. Will have a play with it and post any outcomes.

Very inspirational work keep it going.
Best regards
From: James (JFH)
12 Jan 2020   [#1645]
A variation on Max's dot-screen portrait of Che:
incorporating the use of 2 of Wayne's node contributions:
ImgSampler & Spiral nodes.


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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
12 Jan 2020   [#1646] In reply to [#1645]
Pop years 60 revival!
From: mjs (MSHIDELER)
12 Jan 2020   [#1647] In reply to [#1645]
Why Che though?

He was a terrible person.
From: Mik (MIKULAS)
16 Jan 2020   [#1648] In reply to [#1647]
James, you are real NOD MASTER!
From: James (JFH)
19 Jan 2020   [#1649] In reply to [#1648]

Thank you for your kind words, but I'm but a disciple...the true masters are the node creators.
In this regard, my contributions have been very modest. Max and Karsten have been very quiet of late; but a new champion has picked up the baton: Wayne.

Here's a exercise done with Wayne's latest contribution: "voronoi" node, as well as an illustration using "voronoi" in combination with his earlier contribution: "ImgSampler" node.


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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Jan 2020   [#1650] In reply to [#1649]
Very cool New Voronoi's Node! (and thx to Wayne for all ready made for the Repository! )

The green optic effect disapears at big size! :) Statue of Liberty?
From: mkdm
19 Jan 2020   [#1651] In reply to [#1649]
Hi James.

@You : "...but I'm but a disciple...the true masters are the node creators..."

No. I disagree. Thinking abut the current stage of N.E. and Moi I think that the most exciting and awesome works are that made by you and the others great Noders :)

I think that what you're doing is AWESOME.

The student has become the master :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Jan 2020   [#1652]
Hyper cool!

From: Mik (MIKULAS)
20 Jan 2020   [#1653] In reply to [#1652]
All the guys, you are able to work with NE at such a high and creative level, have my sincere respect!

NE creators have my respect as well of course, I admire their work.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Jan 2020   [#1654]
Sorry what should do Corner 's parameter in the Node Rectangle of the Voronoï example above ?
Seems make nothing...
In the Node Voronoï itself works fine but in rectangle... ???

Message 7777.1655 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Jan 2020   [#1656] In reply to [#1655]
No problem i will be sure i don't miss something! :)
From: wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
21 Jan 2020   [#1657] In reply to [#1655]

In Max's original script, the value of the voronoi corners range from 0 to 100.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Jan 2020   [#1658] In reply to [#1657]
Good to know!

Message 7777.1659 was deleted

From: James (JFH)
20 Feb 2020   [#1660]
Hi All,

Here is a little tip for wire management when working on complex node circuits.

2 macros with inputs connected directly with outputs can be used to channel multiple wires converging into a conduit and diverging at the other end. See below

Obviously, the example above would not need measures to simplify the wiring, but some circuits can become overwhelming, especially if some time has elapsed since working on them.

Have a great weekend

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