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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Aug 2019   [#1591]
Does exist a "Loop" (?) for make "x" times the same thing ?
For avoid to write 100 times the same thing! :)

The Node "Box" (?) "Cube" (?) ... is always absent ?
From: James (JFH)
2 Aug 2019   [#1592] In reply to [#1591]

Many nodes are multiprocessing, so in example of circle node, will take multiple inputs of radii
& output multiple circles.


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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Aug 2019   [#1593] In reply to [#1592]
@ James Yes but write 100 constants or more are some painful! :)

I have seen that , does this "Loop" that I wish ?

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Aug 2019   [#1594]
Reread the more 1500 posts for found something about Loop !

find post 1382... not very explicit for me but...i found the root! :)

Ps @ Michael : an object (say a solid) created by Elephant ( Elephant stopped or not) is just selectable by "box selection" and not by a simple click!

From: Michael Gibson
2 Aug 2019   [#1595] In reply to [#1594]
Hi Pilou,

> Ps @ Michael : an object (say a solid) created by Elephant ( Elephant stopped or not) is
> just selectable by "box selection" and not by a simple click!

The object probably has hit testing turned off, there is a .setHitTest(bool) method on objects that can turn it on or off. Some geometry factories probably set it to off so that you won't start snapping on to the objects that have just been generated. That's for stuff like in the Extrude command you don't want to get object snaps on the object generated from your last mouse move.

If you run this script and do something to redraw the view (like zoom/pan/rotate) it should go back to normal behavior:

script: var objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects(); for ( var i = 0; i < objs.length; ++i ) { var obj = objs.item(i); obj.setHitTest( true ); }

It's probably something that the node editor should do automatically on its output objects.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Aug 2019   [#1596] In reply to [#1595]
Thx for the info!
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Aug 2019   [#1597]
There is only the csv file for import / give massive datas ? (here for example the 7 X positions center of a cylinder)

No Node Array along a curve ?

I see an "Object to Array" but how works it? :)
There is a patent miss of mini example of each node for the noob like me! ;)
From: James (JFH)
2 Aug 2019   [#1598]
UPDATED: SOLVED (problem was "sweep" node mode setting, not bundleArray)

Hello Karsten,

I hope you new well.

I don't know that this is a bug as such, but I encounter a recurring issue with bundleArray node.
When bundling arrays, the item is dropped. This can usually be worked around by idxSelecting the last array item
& concatenating to the end of bundled array. In this instance (shown) the work around does not seem to work.

Can you please let me know if this is a bug or a feature, and if the former whether it would be a difficult fix



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From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
5 Aug 2019   [#1599] In reply to [#1598]
Hello James,
bundleArray was made to bundle the points to cross eg. curves. So it limits the output to the shortest input array. In your example the splitted arrays have length 180 and 183?? - so the output is 360 long. I have tried to make numarrays with 14 and - 14 (progression node) much longer as needed, bundled these - splitted the points/pointsext and injected the angle rz. Then used transform-rotation to orient your pathes and avoid that problem, but without success. So the problem seems to be somewhere else. I am very busy at the moment, so I can not have adeeper look. Sorry for that.
@Pilou: Please have a look to the progression node to generate your numarrays. After that also to the math node.

A nice day to all
From: James (JFH)
5 Aug 2019   [#1600] In reply to [#1599]
Hello Karsten,

>> I am very busy at the moment....<<

Thank you so much for taking the time to get back to me, & for the explanation.

As it turns out the usual solution (that I described in my earlier post) of appending the dropped item
to the end of the bundled array, did indeed work....the issue was the sweep node option set to "union" rather than "long".

I reattached .nod file to my previous post:

Although the work around is not difficult, it would be good to have a long option builtin to the bundleArray node.

Great to hear from you

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From: Apophis
5 Aug 2019   [#1601]

Is there a description for each node?

Regards from Bavarian
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
19 Aug 2019   [#1602] In reply to [#1601]
<< Is there a description for each node?

That's i must make at the beginning of september!
Native Elephant - Extension
French / English ( + inside the node editor itself
that is 75% made for the French part and of course 100% yet made for the English part! ;)
From: Apophis
21 Aug 2019   [#1603]
cool :-)
From: bemfarmer
28 Aug 2019   [#1604]
If node.js code were modified so that a regular node could be opened up like a macro, to show its output label as an output slot, than the user could change the output slot label of the node to " " (space) ...

- Brian

Or else add the ability to change the output label to the information box...
From: James (JFH)
28 Aug 2019   [#1605] In reply to [#1604]

I don't see much advantage in making the output label editable, after-all the colours indicate the type of data outputted and the nodes themselves have editable titles which could serve any explanatory role. In instances where the outputs require specific labelling, these should most definitely be retained (& IMHO should remain un-editable)

However, I think the idea would have great merit for inputs.

Often I find myself translating equations so that they have alphabetised variables. It can be a quite counterintuitive process of letter substitution. It would be ideal if the "maths" and "mathsPts" nodes allowed editing of the inputs, like shown:

Also adding new inputs ATM is a 2 step process: first RMB clicking "Inputs" then selecting submenu button denoting next letter. This second step could be removed.

Getting back to "Out" labels. Perhaps we could do an experiment. I could post an alternative nodeEditor folder with all unnecessary labels removed, and those that want to trial it could then report back whether or not they thought the removal of labels had an impact on their user experience.


Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2019-08-29 at 7.46.gif 

From: James (JFH)
28 Aug 2019   [#1606] In reply to [#1604]

Although as I said before, that the colour of the output dot indicates the data type, there are a few nodes with more than 1 output of a particular datatype. These cases may require labelling to distinguish between them, but often, as in the case of your "Centroid" node, an extra object output is the same as the object input. This output is useful because it means that a "Clone" node can be avoided. However if nodes could have multiple Obj outputs (similar to Num & Pt datatypes), these extra outputs would then be superfluous. The node may then be like this:

I'm not suggesting you alter your "Centroid" node, I'm only reinforcing the point that node title itself often has all the descriptive content needed to explain the nature of outputs.


PS Switch node is a beautifully elegant node that demonstrates that the absence of I/O labelling is not necessarily an impediment to comprehension and usage.....quite the opposite!

Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2019-08-30 at 7.39.20 am.png  _centroid.gif 

From: James (JFH)
24 Sep 2019   [#1607]
Hi All,

It has been a while since I've posted an experiment in NE here,
though I have been regularly posting them to my instagram gallery of node play.

I thought I might post this, (see below) because it was a real labour of love.
It took hours & hours to finally get it to work.


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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Sep 2019   [#1608] In reply to [#1607]
Cool result!

Was only minutes in TopMod! ;)

From: James (JFH)
24 Sep 2019   [#1609] In reply to [#1608]
Thanks Pilou,

>> only minutes in TopMod. <<

Yes I watched similar youtube video, to work out the procedure to articulate in NE:

& although it took a long time to create, once done it is possible to adjust thickness, tapers and
even move the 5 way connectors to the interior, so that 3 way junctions are on the exterior.
Unlimited variation: as is the nature of parametric design.

Thanks again,
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Sep 2019   [#1610] In reply to [#1609]
Yes i just seen something about real spiraling Shells : it uses only Scale, Rotation, Twist! :)

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