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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: mkdm
14 Jun 2019   [#1545] In reply to [#1543]
In just one word: Poetry.

Hats off!
From: speedy (AL2000)
15 Jun 2019   [#1546] In reply to [#1545]
I add "Pure Poetry "
From: James (JFH)
16 Jun 2019   [#1547] In reply to [#1546]
Thank you Al, Marco & Brian,

I have just begun playing around with Karsten's SimpleBridge node.
It is a bit finicky, but there is really scope for making interesting forms.

Karsten, if you're there, it could be greatly improved with addition of boolean (0 or 1) input for visibility.
Also is there a way to make the selected faces to bridge between, not persist after bridging?


Latest NE folder can be found here:


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From: bemfarmer
17 Jun 2019   [#1548]
Based upon limited testing:

The Blend node does not seem to work.
The GetByName node does not seem to work for edges.

Trying to Blend the edge of an extruded star, with the edge of an extruded circle, then take cross sections for an array of a star changing to a circle.

- Brian
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
18 Jun 2019   [#1549] In reply to [#1548]
Hello Brian,

the blend node only works for two edges. I think that can be changed - I have to think about it. It's a while ago that I wrote some code.

@ James: I have to look to the code - every node in subD was written quick and dirty as a platform for the development.

I'm happy to see that some of you still uses the nodeeditor and the results are amazing!

Have a nice day
From: James (JFH)
18 Jun 2019   [#1550] In reply to [#1549]

It is so good to hear from you.

>> I have to look to the code - every node in subD was written quick and dirty as a platform for the development. <<

Rather than spend any of your valuable time looking at code of SimpleBridge, I would more value the addition of subDivClassic functionality and alternative option on SubD node (I'd be happy with it as a seperate node if it would male your life easier).

The beauty of subDivClassic is that outputs quads which are idea for using SimpleBridge between
also for populating with mFlow.

If I've piqued your interest, please let me know

All the best,
From: bemfarmer
18 Jun 2019   [#1551] In reply to [#1549]
Thank you Karsten for the Blend node information.
Regular MoI Blend of the Star edgeS to Circle edge, does work outside of the nodeeditor.

I'l have to look at the Blend code, :-)
and also have a look at getting Get_by_ name to use edges...

Get_by_style doesnt seem to recognize edges either...

(Haven't got around to the slicing part yet :-)

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
20 Jun 2019   [#1552] In reply to [#1551]
For clues about edges: There are about 9 shortcut key scripts which deal with Edges of BReps, currently available.

Karsten created BrepNameSubObjects node, as used in his Fillet.nod example assemblage,
and also there is ExtractEdges node, etc.

I think some new nodes to utilize edges would be helpful...
This time of year, my play time is limited.:-(.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
21 Jun 2019   [#1553] In reply to [#1552]
So as of v4 beta (version Feb-27-2019), there were:
"Added methods to a scene browser item:
item.find('name') - will search all children and return an item with that name or null if none present."

So maybe this could be added to Get by name node?, in order to select edges, as children of a Brep object, for input for Blend node, or Fillet node?

(I noticed that in MoI3, named edges could be selected in Scene Browser)
Also the very old Separate Objects by Name script (v2), does not work for named edges (with the same name.).

- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
21 Jun 2019   [#1554] In reply to [#1553]
Hi Brian, well that scene browser thing returns a scene browser item, not a geometry object. A scene browser item is the UI element that makes up one line in the scene browser UI structure. There are functions you can call on it like alterStatus() which is like clicking on the eye icon in the scene browser or select() which is like clicking on the selection dot.

If you have a brep and you want to get its edges, there is a brep.getEdges() function that you can call which returns an object list with all the edges in it, does that do what you need?

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
21 Jun 2019   [#1555] In reply to [#1554]
Thank you Michael.
That brep.getEdges() function is used in Karsten's ExtractEdges and BrepNameSubObject, so I'll try some modifications to the code to find a matching Edge name...

- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
21 Jun 2019   [#1556] In reply to [#1555]
Hi Brian, so looking through edges of a brep to find one with a particular name would look something like this:

var edges = brep.getEdges();

for ( var i = 0; i < edges.length; ++i )
    var edge = edges.item(i);
    if ( == 'thename' )

- Michael
From: bemfarmer
22 Jun 2019   [#1557] In reply to [#1556]
Thank you Michael.

I'll do more study in the next few days...
I finally located the existing "selectedEdges" node, which shows up in Objects2 (nodes) Menu, in the file r2d3.js.
It seems to be outputting the various types of edges as curves...

- Brian
From: James (JFH)
30 Jun 2019   [#1558]
Interwoven hexagonal meshes done in NodeEditor

Have a great weekend,

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From: mkdm
30 Jun 2019   [#1559] In reply to [#1558]
T-H-I-S I-S S-O C-O-O-L!!!

From: Mik (MIKULAS)
1 Jul 2019   [#1560] In reply to [#1559]
Node Editor together with James skills offers unbelievable possibilities.
From: James (JFH)
1 Jul 2019   [#1561] In reply to [#1560]
Thank you Mik & Marco,

I am buoyed by your gracious comments and support.

>> Node Editor.....offers unbelievable possibilities. <<
Yes, it really takes MOI3D to the next level. And great fun too!

Here's my latest experiment posted to instagram together with images showing node wiring.

There have been a number of insta-viewers intrigued as to the program used.
A number of those who have stated that they have since downloaded MoI,
and a least one has confirmed his purchase. Hopefully there will be many more!

Anyway, thanks again,

Image Attachments:

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
20 Jul 2019   [#1562]
For some training a very not refined and optimised thing! :)
Very rusted - not used that for a long time! :(

But can be used for some combinaisons :)

The 24 position of a dices in the space by step of 90°

Better for the moment to put your object at the origine in a box 5*5*5)

like this ...

PS I don't find the function Copy ??? only a "Clone" node...

Does it possible to add some letters to the list "a, b" ?
From: bemfarmer
20 Jul 2019   [#1563] In reply to [#1562]
Clone nodes can be chained or stacked.

Clone is contained in objects.js, a Max S. program.
A test mod was done, by mindlessly adding and duplicating a few lines, without full understanding of all the code, and seemed to work.

Darn, my lengthy post just vanished...
Often if I bump my logitech M510 mouse, some go_back is triggered, and work is lost. The mouse has too many buttons or something.

I think a mod should be added in the extensions folder, rather than messing up Max's code...

- Brian
From: James (JFH)
20 Jul 2019   [#1564] In reply to [#1562]
Pilou, Brian et al,

Ideally clone should be abandoned altogether. It is an impediment to workflow and incidentally responsible for excessive redundant node wiring. However, it seems we may be stuck with it until Michael delivers us with instancing (v5?).

Following is an excerpt from an earlier post ( ) :

>>Also as I understand it, Javi Agenjo imposed a limitation on nodes
that they can receive only single inputs, but may have unlimited
multiple outputs. However in node editor, nodes with object outputs
are further limited to single outputs necessitating the "clone" node.

This limitation caused by MoI's geometry database architecture. We can't use same objects with multiple nodes. So let's wait until MoI V4 beta. I hope it will support instances.

>>However it would be better to deprecate the "clone" node altogether,
and introduce unlimited multiple outputs to object out nodes as well.
Is this something that is even possible?
It possible, but it can cause significant slowdown. Anyway I'll think about it.

Brian, >> A test mod was done, by mindlessly adding and duplicating a few lines, without full understanding of all the code, and seemed to work. <<

if it was possible to resurrect this node, it would go some way towards reducing the unnecessary bottleneck.
Fingers crossed,

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