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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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From: James (JFH)
5 Mar 2019   [#1369] In reply to [#1364]
Hello Karsten,

I would also like to submit for your consideration another node: "Extend".
Again this is a node that I have already posted:

However previously I had it in the Construct2 menu but now IMHO, it would be more logically placed in the curves2 menu. Here is an anime of it in use:

Attached is Curves2.js with Extend node included, and nod file for testing.


Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Mar 2019   [#1370] In reply to [#1369]
Hello James,
thank you for the review. While making new nodes, I forgot to integrate some of the nodes - especially contributed once and nodes that I wrote for a special request . Maybe it's also a problem that I tried to test nodes with different versions of the NE and picked up then the wrong files - I don't know. I will take your email and pick up all the missing nodes and integrate them in a first step at the known positions in the menu. That will keep the node files working. I think it would be better in the future, that new nodes contributed, go to a special file, but in a given menu, it would be easier to maintain and avoid the lost of nodes.

Nevertheless a bigger review is necessary, but I can't do that, because I don't know how useful some of they are, how they fit in a concept, sometimes what they do - especially for foreign nodes. Some of them have the same or a similar function, you've already shown. So I can answer special questions and solve smaller problems, but I can't maintain a bigger concept. And we should never forget - the thread is not the base for a straight forward commercial product - it's for playing with software, mathematics and ideas - with no restrictions. I think that Max has the same intention only with much better skills and a higher aspiration to the quality of his work. And I think he has also a problem that we all have - time. Max has recognized the problem in an early stage, as he told us, that that he don't want to make all possible functionality - nevertheless, he gave us a very solid and broad base and the right direction.

At the end I've lost the overview;-)

a nice day to you
and all the node players
From: Barry-H
6 Mar 2019   [#1371] In reply to [#1362]
Hi Karsten,
thanks for posting the extensions and I see some new nodes have been added since my last update.
The fillet and blend nodes if applied to 2 open ended curves or lines is it possible to control which ends it is applied to ?
Normally when modelling it depends on the end the pick is made so can the curve start and end points be identified and thus used to denote the ends to be filleted or blended ?
Last question is about the loopinit node have you a basic example how to use it ?
Many thanks
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Mar 2019   [#1372] In reply to [#1371]
Hello Barry,

at the moment its not possible to control the ends of the curve. It's a question I have to ask Michael. It's an input of the factory which takes a list, but I don't know what kind of type it needs. So the factory takes the closer ends. As a workaround you can trim the curves so you get the closer ends where you want it and use idxSelect to get the right curves - then blend or fillet.

LoopInit - damned it's an unfinished idea, I had a while ago - please remove Basic2.js

Thank's for the reply!

I will remove it in the extensions and place Brians Torus for that:-)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Mar 2019   [#1373] In reply to [#1372]
Okay - done.

removed the useless Basic2.js
added Brians Torus Mapping

added flip to construct2
added ArrayRev, arraySort, Gate, FlipNumArray to arrayExt
added Extend to curves2

Hopefully everything is right now!
From: James (JFH)
6 Mar 2019   [#1374] In reply to [#1370]
Hello Karsten,

>> Nevertheless a bigger review is necessary, but I can't do that....
.....Some of [the nodes] have the same or a similar function, <<

I think you are right that the starting point is to pare down the extensions by removing redundant nodes, before rationalising them into agreed menus.

With a view to that I have a couple of questions:

1) Does new node Points2/PTS2pts perform any functions beyond Objects/ObjtoArray?

2) Are Transform2/FlowObj & Transform2/mFlowObj now fully redundant since Max's version Transform/Flow?

3) Is Objects2/intersectObj now redundant since new Objects2/intersectObjMP?

4) Does Points2/Path_Array do anything not already done by Points2/mPath_Array?

5) Was Construct2/mLoft made redundant by the addition of Construct2/mLoft2?

6) Is Construct2/Project now redundant since new Construct2/ProjectMP?

7) Wasn't Objects2/Concat2 made redundant by Max's updated Basic/Concat?

Generally, I already think I know the answers to all these questions, but I need your verification in case I missed something.

I need also to do some analysis of r2d3 nodes before posing similar questions for Raif (AKA r2d3), but ultimately as part of a rationalisation, we need IMHO to move any of his non-redundant nodes into the relevant menus.

Once that is done, I will post a full listing of node menus for comment, and if agreed upon post new extensions.js

I recognise that this will create issues of backwards compatibility but it is IMHO a necessary step to promote greater adoption of NE

Thank you for your enduring support
From: Barry-H
7 Mar 2019   [#1375] In reply to [#1364]
Hi Brian,
I came across your script for the Airfoil and was wondering if the conic and tail fillets could be made into separate nodes ?
From: bemfarmer
7 Mar 2019   [#1376] In reply to [#1375]
Hi Barry,

It is hard to believe that 7 years have passed...
The leading edge conicFactory, and the trailing edge arcFactory2 are located at lines 191 through 210.

Making them into separate nodes should be possible, IMHO.

- Brian
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
8 Mar 2019   [#1377] In reply to [#1374]
Hello James,

Thank you!

1) Does new node Points2/PTS2pts perform any functions beyond Objects/ObjtoArray?
Yes, but I like the name and it wasn't clear for me at the time I wrote it:-)

2) Are Transform2/FlowObj & Transform2/mFlowObj now fully redundant since Max's version Transform/Flow?

3) Is Objects2/intersectObj now redundant since new Objects2/intersectObjMP?

4) Does Points2/Path_Array do anything not already done by Points2/mPath_Array?

5) Was Construct2/mLoft made redundant by the addition of Construct2/mLoft2?

6) Is Construct2/Project now redundant since new Construct2/ProjectMP?

7) Wasn't Objects2/Concat2 made redundant by Max's updated Basic/Concat?
At the end - yes.

Okay - we can now delete the redundant nodes, but which name for the left one?
Or place them in an compatibility file?

By the way - I think about a small documentation - a small html files for every node, you can call by the RMB. My problem: I don't have any html skills. Netbeans alerts to me " use CSS" okay???. Could you or someone else make some tests and give me some tips or create a template?

For testing you have to replace basicfunctions.js in the libs folder - construct2.js and create a folder under extensions\Documentation\EN\ and place the sweep.html into it. Language setting in Moi should be English. When you insert the sweep node in NE, you should find then a info under the RMB.

Thanks in advance
and have a nice day


From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
8 Mar 2019   [#1378]

I found a bug in Infonodes.js. The geometric center calculated in stlVolume gives wrong values for the input of multiple bodies. Now it should work. Find attached the fixed file. The file is also replaced in the earlier posted

Sorry for that!


From: James (JFH)
9 Mar 2019   [#1379] In reply to [#1377]
Hello Karsten,

>> By the way - I think about a small documentation - a small html files for every node, you can call by the RMB. My problem: I don't have any html skills. <<

To tell the truth, it has been years since I have done any html work, but I want to pull my weight, so I'll happily take this on.

I have attached example of info dialog with text headings arranged as accordion menu: directory path extensions\Documentation\EN\Sweep.html
It needs some finessing, but I am still in the process of refamiliarization.

Anyway I have posted it for testing.
I only have moi on a Mac, so please let me know how it appears in Windows version.

Great weekend to all,
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
10 Mar 2019   [#1380] In reply to [#1379]
Hello James,

looks very good - I like the clear design. Does the code works on a Mac? - I don't have one to to test. Please let me know.

Many thanks!

Message 7777.1381 was deleted

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
10 Mar 2019   [#1382] In reply to [#1381]
Something to play :-)


From: bemfarmer
10 Mar 2019   [#1383] In reply to [#1382]
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
11 Mar 2019   [#1384] In reply to [#1383]
Hello Brian,

It's a draft. Untested - limited to one loop. Any criticism or suggestion is welcome. The place in the menu is also in question. Is feedback not the right word for that? Response better?
Please let me know
and have a nice day
From: bemfarmer
11 Mar 2019   [#1385] In reply to [#1384]
Hi Karsten,
I've yet to study your loop node, so can make no comments yet.
(Hoopsnake is a grasshopper component.)
- Brian
From: bemfarmer
11 Mar 2019   [#1386]
Hi James and Karsten.
The Sweep.html looks very nice in Windows 10 file explorer.
Where is the RMB pushed to see the html in nodeeditor?

(The html has been placed in the extensions/Documentation/EN folder, and basicfunctions.js updated.)

- Brian
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
11 Mar 2019   [#1387] In reply to [#1386]
Hello Brian,

Sorry for the unclear post.

please place also the posted construct2.js in the extensions folder. Place a sweep node into the canvas. Then you will find an info option by pressing the Right Mouse Button on the sweep node.

Hopefully it works for you also - let me know!

Have a nice day
From: bemfarmer
11 Mar 2019   [#1388] In reply to [#1387]
Thank you Karsten.

I've been making a lot of blunders getting everything in the correct various directories, my fault.

So for Windows 10, The RMB on the displayed Sweep node now works to display the Sweep.htm, for the standard "DARK" display mode of nodeeditor.

For the "LIGHT" display mode of nodeeditor, only a very small white vertical rectangle, with X in it, is displayed. I have yet to investigate any of the code.

- Brian

Also, either html box persists on top of the MoI screen, when the nodeeditor is closed. So maybe a small cleanup should be done when closing nodeeditor.

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