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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Feb 2019   [#1358] In reply to [#1357]
THX for the efforts! ;)
From: anto matkovic (AMM)
4 Mar 2019   [#1359]
a few beginner's questions:
- is there a node bundle that works with latest beta, of February 26. Exactly, I'd like to get fillets. During this weekend I've tried to combine the code of node editor v.1.0.rc3.2018.03.09 which works nicely, together with code from construct2.js files downloaded from this thread, however only with limited success, MoI 4 beta is complaining about minimum fillet radius, sub-object naming node is missing. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, here.
- is it possible to have a node, able to import something directly from hard disk, like 3dm file or new subd from obj file into MoI. If so, we'll have a sort of usable referencing system.
- any plans for commercial version of these nodes - once such system will be enabled to work smoothly, I'd believe it will be able to dramatically improve the strength of MoI.
From: bemfarmer
4 Mar 2019   [#1360] In reply to [#1359]
Hi anto,
It may be helpful if you are able to post your .nod program, so that someone proficient may see the areas of concern.

I have not seen much activity in the nodeeditor arena the past few months, what with vacations, the season, and other interests.
But Max did make some much appreciated improvements, a short time ago!

The Objects/ Get-by-style node enables the entry of a .3dm file that is already in MoI, into nodeeditor, by color-style. Set the objects color-style to a unique color,
then open the .nod with the node.
There is also Objects/ Get-by-name.

I do not know how to script, or if it is possible to script, importing and exporting in a node. (???)

Sub-object naming node?

- Brian
From: anto matkovic (AMM)
4 Mar 2019   [#1361] In reply to [#1360]
Honestly I don't have any usable node tree, yet. I'm just looking for a way to get fillets into node editor in MOI 4, as they are definitively not present into ''official'' version, I suppose that is v.1.0.rc3.2018.03.09 . The rest of node editor is looking really easy to understand for anyone who already played with similar solutions, don't see general problems. I hope I'll find a way for these fillets, eventually.
Thank you for answer!
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
5 Mar 2019   [#1362] In reply to [#1361]
Hello Anto,

here are my last extensions for NE. Put all the files directly under extensions - don't forget the basicfunction file in the libs directory. Fillet is difficult in NE. If you want to fillet a BRep use BrepNameSubObjects from Objects2 and wire it. Run the NE and the Brep will be displayed. Select the edges you want to fillet and use fillet from construct2. Construct2 stores the names given by BrepNameSubObjects. Wire the node. Switch of the visibility in BrepNameSubObjects. Example in the attachment.

@all: New nodes are in vector, objects2, construct2, ponts2, infonodes, curves2

Have a nice day


From: bemfarmer
5 Mar 2019   [#1363] In reply to [#1362]
Thank you Karsten for this update.
Please consider the attached modification of objects:separate, which will pass on to the output objects which are not separable.

I needed such objects to be passed on, for mapping.

Or maybe have two modes? Or a second version"

- Brian


From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
5 Mar 2019   [#1364] In reply to [#1363]
Hello Brian,

I've added the node to objects2. And replaced the attachement in the previous email.

@all: I've placed an old version of the R2D3.js in the previous attachement and forgot the stream.js file. Now I hope everything is up to date.

Sorry for that.

p.s.: A good moment to place your Torus node here;-)

Message 7777.1365 was deleted

Message 7777.1366 was deleted

From: bemfarmer
5 Mar 2019   [#1367] In reply to [#1364]

Note, smiley emoji causes deletion of message.
From: James (JFH)
5 Mar 2019   [#1368] In reply to [#1362]
Hello Karsten,

Thank you for new extensions.
I notice that your version of Flip is relegated to Curves2 menu,
however the functionality also applies to faces, as seen here:

Having said that, I think for the time being it is an acceptable home for the node,
but ideally this node should IMHO be folded into a general "Flip" node, together with Marco's "ArrayFlipper", as well as function for flipping num arrays.

With a view to this, I submit here, for your consideration: "FlipNumArray".

I have posted this before, albeit with a different name "arrayRev"

Below is an image of its use, which is simply to reverse the order of a num array.

I have also included an "ArraySort" node for sorting num arrays into ascending order,
which may have some application with managing data flows.

Please find attached your arraayExt.js with inclusion of 2 new nodes


PS I wonder if there would be value in initiating a new menu heading: "General"

Within in this category could go all the multiMode nodes
(those that have separate functions for numArrays, ptArrays, curves & surfaces etc).

Apart from a multimode "Flip" node; another example a node that would be at home
in a "General" menu would be a proposed "Extract2" node that would have, at once,
the functionality of Max's "Extract" node with "Numbers" & "Points" modes in addition
to 2 further modes: "ExtractPts" & "ExtractEdges"

Your thoughts?

Image Attachments:

From: James (JFH)
5 Mar 2019   [#1369] In reply to [#1364]
Hello Karsten,

I would also like to submit for your consideration another node: "Extend".
Again this is a node that I have already posted:

However previously I had it in the Construct2 menu but now IMHO, it would be more logically placed in the curves2 menu. Here is an anime of it in use:

Attached is Curves2.js with Extend node included, and nod file for testing.


Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Mar 2019   [#1370] In reply to [#1369]
Hello James,
thank you for the review. While making new nodes, I forgot to integrate some of the nodes - especially contributed once and nodes that I wrote for a special request . Maybe it's also a problem that I tried to test nodes with different versions of the NE and picked up then the wrong files - I don't know. I will take your email and pick up all the missing nodes and integrate them in a first step at the known positions in the menu. That will keep the node files working. I think it would be better in the future, that new nodes contributed, go to a special file, but in a given menu, it would be easier to maintain and avoid the lost of nodes.

Nevertheless a bigger review is necessary, but I can't do that, because I don't know how useful some of they are, how they fit in a concept, sometimes what they do - especially for foreign nodes. Some of them have the same or a similar function, you've already shown. So I can answer special questions and solve smaller problems, but I can't maintain a bigger concept. And we should never forget - the thread is not the base for a straight forward commercial product - it's for playing with software, mathematics and ideas - with no restrictions. I think that Max has the same intention only with much better skills and a higher aspiration to the quality of his work. And I think he has also a problem that we all have - time. Max has recognized the problem in an early stage, as he told us, that that he don't want to make all possible functionality - nevertheless, he gave us a very solid and broad base and the right direction.

At the end I've lost the overview;-)

a nice day to you
and all the node players
From: Barry-H
6 Mar 2019   [#1371] In reply to [#1362]
Hi Karsten,
thanks for posting the extensions and I see some new nodes have been added since my last update.
The fillet and blend nodes if applied to 2 open ended curves or lines is it possible to control which ends it is applied to ?
Normally when modelling it depends on the end the pick is made so can the curve start and end points be identified and thus used to denote the ends to be filleted or blended ?
Last question is about the loopinit node have you a basic example how to use it ?
Many thanks
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Mar 2019   [#1372] In reply to [#1371]
Hello Barry,

at the moment its not possible to control the ends of the curve. It's a question I have to ask Michael. It's an input of the factory which takes a list, but I don't know what kind of type it needs. So the factory takes the closer ends. As a workaround you can trim the curves so you get the closer ends where you want it and use idxSelect to get the right curves - then blend or fillet.

LoopInit - damned it's an unfinished idea, I had a while ago - please remove Basic2.js

Thank's for the reply!

I will remove it in the extensions and place Brians Torus for that:-)
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
6 Mar 2019   [#1373] In reply to [#1372]
Okay - done.

removed the useless Basic2.js
added Brians Torus Mapping

added flip to construct2
added ArrayRev, arraySort, Gate, FlipNumArray to arrayExt
added Extend to curves2

Hopefully everything is right now!
From: James (JFH)
6 Mar 2019   [#1374] In reply to [#1370]
Hello Karsten,

>> Nevertheless a bigger review is necessary, but I can't do that....
.....Some of [the nodes] have the same or a similar function, <<

I think you are right that the starting point is to pare down the extensions by removing redundant nodes, before rationalising them into agreed menus.

With a view to that I have a couple of questions:

1) Does new node Points2/PTS2pts perform any functions beyond Objects/ObjtoArray?

2) Are Transform2/FlowObj & Transform2/mFlowObj now fully redundant since Max's version Transform/Flow?

3) Is Objects2/intersectObj now redundant since new Objects2/intersectObjMP?

4) Does Points2/Path_Array do anything not already done by Points2/mPath_Array?

5) Was Construct2/mLoft made redundant by the addition of Construct2/mLoft2?

6) Is Construct2/Project now redundant since new Construct2/ProjectMP?

7) Wasn't Objects2/Concat2 made redundant by Max's updated Basic/Concat?

Generally, I already think I know the answers to all these questions, but I need your verification in case I missed something.

I need also to do some analysis of r2d3 nodes before posing similar questions for Raif (AKA r2d3), but ultimately as part of a rationalisation, we need IMHO to move any of his non-redundant nodes into the relevant menus.

Once that is done, I will post a full listing of node menus for comment, and if agreed upon post new extensions.js

I recognise that this will create issues of backwards compatibility but it is IMHO a necessary step to promote greater adoption of NE

Thank you for your enduring support
From: Barry-H
7 Mar 2019   [#1375] In reply to [#1364]
Hi Brian,
I came across your script for the Airfoil and was wondering if the conic and tail fillets could be made into separate nodes ?
From: bemfarmer
7 Mar 2019   [#1376] In reply to [#1375]
Hi Barry,

It is hard to believe that 7 years have passed...
The leading edge conicFactory, and the trailing edge arcFactory2 are located at lines 191 through 210.

Making them into separate nodes should be possible, IMHO.

- Brian
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
8 Mar 2019   [#1377] In reply to [#1374]
Hello James,

Thank you!

1) Does new node Points2/PTS2pts perform any functions beyond Objects/ObjtoArray?
Yes, but I like the name and it wasn't clear for me at the time I wrote it:-)

2) Are Transform2/FlowObj & Transform2/mFlowObj now fully redundant since Max's version Transform/Flow?

3) Is Objects2/intersectObj now redundant since new Objects2/intersectObjMP?

4) Does Points2/Path_Array do anything not already done by Points2/mPath_Array?

5) Was Construct2/mLoft made redundant by the addition of Construct2/mLoft2?

6) Is Construct2/Project now redundant since new Construct2/ProjectMP?

7) Wasn't Objects2/Concat2 made redundant by Max's updated Basic/Concat?
At the end - yes.

Okay - we can now delete the redundant nodes, but which name for the left one?
Or place them in an compatibility file?

By the way - I think about a small documentation - a small html files for every node, you can call by the RMB. My problem: I don't have any html skills. Netbeans alerts to me " use CSS" okay???. Could you or someone else make some tests and give me some tips or create a template?

For testing you have to replace basicfunctions.js in the libs folder - construct2.js and create a folder under extensions\Documentation\EN\ and place the sweep.html into it. Language setting in Moi should be English. When you insert the sweep node in NE, you should find then a info under the RMB.

Thanks in advance
and have a nice day


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