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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: bemfarmer
28 Jan 2019   [#1341] In reply to [#1339]
Loading a node assemblage with an obsolete node, and then saving the node assemblage from the nodeeditor canvas, may result in a node assemblage which will not work, even after the updated interface.js node has been added to the nodeeditor nodes directory.
The defective node (and assemblage) may look exactly like the good node. Re-upload the node assemblage from its original source.

Thank you James.
I had not updated the interface.js on Home computer.
I'd saved your cog node, from the nodeeditor canvas, making my copy defective.
Updated interface.js.
Defective node still would not work.
Downloaded your cog node AGAIN, from your forum post.
Now the cog node works fine.

- Brian
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
30 Jan 2019   [#1342] In reply to [#1341]
Hello Brian,

maybe caused by JSON. If the Infos for the node are not completly availiable while saving?

Have a nice day
From: bemfarmer
8 Feb 2019   [#1343]
Circles projected to sphere by stereographic projection are not closed. (Nor for conformal map to torus.)
Maybe an isclosed check, and if so a close command...

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
9 Feb 2019   [#1344]
The node "separateObj" seems to have a bug.
The node is blocking passage of circles and ellipses, which are closed curves, in a demo of ConformalMapT

It was fairly easy to get the conformal mapping of circles and ellipses to be closed.

- Brian
From: bemfarmer
9 Feb 2019   [#1345] In reply to [#1344]
The Separate factory only produces output for curves which can be separated.

The separate node needs to be altered, to pass on closed curves which are made up of only one segment, (including elementary circles and ellipses, etc.)
Closed polygons should be separated for the conformal mapping. (and stereo project?)
So test for isClosed, and also check for crv.getSubObjects().length ==1.

Is there a test to tell when a curve can be separated?
EDIT: Michaels previous answer from:
"The segments of a curve are returned by the getSubObjects() method which is available on every object type in MoI. A curve always has at least one segment. To see if it's made up of multiple segments you could do crv.getSubObjects().length > 1."

- Brian

Message 7777.1346 was deleted

From: bemfarmer
13 Feb 2019   [#1347] In reply to [#1345]
After study of Karsten and James code from last December, here is my modification of the
"Separate" node. The code belongs in the objects2.js file of nodeeditor.

    function separateObj()
        this.addInput("In", "objectlist");
        this.addOutput("Out", "objectlist");

    separateObj.title = "separateObj";
    separateObj.desc = "separateObj";

    separateObj.prototype.onExecute = function ()
		var inObj = this.getInputData(0, moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList());
        var out = moi.geometryDatabase.createObjectList();

        if (inObj.length > 0)
            out = factory('separate', inObj); // Segments of Multi Subsegment curves.
        	for ( var i = 0; i < inObj.length; i++)
				if ( inObj.item(i).getSubObjects().length === 1)
					out.addObject(inObj.item(i)); // Single SubSegment curves.
        this.setOutputData(0, out);

    LiteGraph.registerNodeType("Objects2/separateObj", separateObj);

I think that the problem is that the Separate factory only works on geometry objects in the geometry database.
Separate will work on the InObj array of objects, as ONE entity, but not on each curve item in the array, (without more programming).
The above code outputs, to out_slot, the results of the Separate factory, consisting of the segments of curves with more than one sub_segment.
Each inObj object in the input slot is then tested to see if it has only one sub_segment, and if so, said curve is added to the output out_slot.
(This likely does change the order of the curves.)

The conformal mapping is now working well with various input curves. I'm back to Normals...
- Brian
From: Barry-H
15 Feb 2019   [#1348]
is there a way of producing an isect node or a way of extracting the edges from the surface I have produced using
the intersection node.

Image Attachments:
Screenshot (314).png 

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
15 Feb 2019   [#1349] In reply to [#1348]
Hello Barry,


Have a nice day
From: Barry-H
15 Feb 2019   [#1350] In reply to [#1349]
Hi Karsten,
your faster than Usain Bolt.
Many thanks
From: bemfarmer
15 Feb 2019   [#1351]
One of these days, an updated set of extension nodes, which can be found:-), would be nice.
I'm still doing some very minor "tweeking" on a few nodes...
- Brian
From: James (JFH)
16 Feb 2019   [#1352]
Hi All,

I've done a psy-code-lic little gyro to trip out to.
(with extra degree of freedom to anim below)

Bigger version at

Haves a great weekend

Image Attachments:

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
17 Feb 2019   [#1353] In reply to [#1352]
Hello James,

That's a really cool effect, with only a few nodes - more or less. Good to see you are back!

Have a nice day
From: bemfarmer
17 Feb 2019   [#1354]
What I really need is a heated mouse, or a heated mouse box :-)
Maybe a mini heat pad...
- Brian

Maybe the Gyro node could be modified to take as input "Get by Style" node, or similar node?

Message 7777.1355 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Feb 2019   [#1356]
Does it possible to make this sort of thing with Elephant ?

A bridge between 2 faces with a sort of variable adaptaion?
(and of course if the 2 faces are different that will be a must! !)

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
26 Feb 2019   [#1357] In reply to [#1356]
Hello Pilou,
no it's not possible. I've started some subD nodes in the past, but they are all outdated and dosen't work at the moment.
Furthermore the node Editor has not the Level of interaction like such a software.
Have a nice day
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Feb 2019   [#1358] In reply to [#1357]
THX for the efforts! ;)
From: anto matkovic (AMM)
4 Mar 2019   [#1359]
a few beginner's questions:
- is there a node bundle that works with latest beta, of February 26. Exactly, I'd like to get fillets. During this weekend I've tried to combine the code of node editor v.1.0.rc3.2018.03.09 which works nicely, together with code from construct2.js files downloaded from this thread, however only with limited success, MoI 4 beta is complaining about minimum fillet radius, sub-object naming node is missing. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, here.
- is it possible to have a node, able to import something directly from hard disk, like 3dm file or new subd from obj file into MoI. If so, we'll have a sort of usable referencing system.
- any plans for commercial version of these nodes - once such system will be enabled to work smoothly, I'd believe it will be able to dramatically improve the strength of MoI.
From: bemfarmer
4 Mar 2019   [#1360] In reply to [#1359]
Hi anto,
It may be helpful if you are able to post your .nod program, so that someone proficient may see the areas of concern.

I have not seen much activity in the nodeeditor arena the past few months, what with vacations, the season, and other interests.
But Max did make some much appreciated improvements, a short time ago!

The Objects/ Get-by-style node enables the entry of a .3dm file that is already in MoI, into nodeeditor, by color-style. Set the objects color-style to a unique color,
then open the .nod with the node.
There is also Objects/ Get-by-name.

I do not know how to script, or if it is possible to script, importing and exporting in a node. (???)

Sub-object naming node?

- Brian

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