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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
24 Nov 2018   [#1283]
Smart Escher pattern! :)
From: mkdm
24 Nov 2018   [#1284] In reply to [#1282]
You rock!!!
From: James (JFH)
24 Nov 2018   [#1285] In reply to [#1284]
Hi All,

For pattern to respond appropriately to an attractor, each side of 6 sided shape needs to have independent curvature necessitating rebuilding node circuit. Please find attached

And thanks Macro. Your appreciation is always appreciated

The best to all & all the best

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From: James (JFH)
29 Nov 2018   [#1286]
Hi All,

I have posted flows to triangular facets before, but it continues to interest me.

There are a few tricks to get it to work: principally that the base and target triangles need to be lofts rather than planar fills. (If planar fills the flows will be to trimmed surfaces within triangles).

Obviously, this is a lot of messing around compared to quad flows, but the beauty of triangles, of course is that they are alway planar, which can't be guaranteed with quads.

See attached


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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 Nov 2018   [#1287]
And easily articulated! :)
From: James (JFH)
29 Nov 2018   [#1288] In reply to [#1287]
Hi Pilou,

FYI I have posted to instagram a series of images to show node circuitry for generating the model.
Instagram's ability to slide multiple images, appearing as a single long image, is an elegant way of displaying process IMHO.

See most recent posting

I have set up account with strategic hashtagging to see if I can drive new users to Moi3d.
My ulterior motive is to encourage the further development of nodeEditor, by enticing new users with the promise of Moi's parametric capabilities with visual programming.

I'm hoping that students interested in parametric modelling with lots of time but little money, may investigate Moi as an alternative to more expensive solutions.

Moi already offers an intuitive approach to NURBs modelling & this coupled with the ability to visual program complex forms is the double whammy; the old one, two: knockout punch!

Followers briefly edged into triple figures before dropping again below.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
29 Nov 2018   [#1289] In reply to [#1288]
Excellent idea and so appealing site!
(i have put the link on my Node part site ;)
As you can see I am a little late... but i am waiting the new V4 for make some updates! :)

Cool lamps design!
From: mkdm
30 Nov 2018   [#1290] In reply to [#1286]
Wonderful creations!!

It's very impressive what you were able to do in this 2018!!!

Thank you very much James.
From: mkdm
30 Nov 2018   [#1291] In reply to [#1288]
I just joined your IG channel :)
From: James (JFH)
30 Nov 2018   [#1292] In reply to [#1291]
Hi Marco,

You just pushed the Follower count into triple figures.

Thanks for that & thanks for your comments

All the best
From: mkdm
30 Nov 2018   [#1293] In reply to [#1292]
It's a pleasure :)
From: Michael Gibson
30 Nov 2018   [#1294] In reply to [#1288]
Wow so much cool stuff on your instagram James!

- Michael
From: James (JFH)
30 Nov 2018   [#1295] In reply to [#1294]
Hi Michael,

Thanks for saying so.

Pretty much everything has been shown before on this forum, but I am looking to disseminate to a broader audience and hopefully in doing so, promote Moi3d.

Thanks again
From: mkdm
30 Nov 2018   [#1296] In reply to [#1294]
If only one day could be possible to have Moi running also on an iPad could be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!

I know that this is almost an impossible dream but...a man can dream :)
From: speedy (AL2000)
30 Nov 2018   [#1297]
Hello Friends ,
at this link :
another study on the genial ones
Leonardo's structures.
have nice evenig to all
From: James (JFH)
1 Dec 2018   [#1298]
A great weekend to all

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From: mkdm
2 Dec 2018   [#1299] In reply to [#1298]

Thanks James ;)
From: James (JFH)
2 Dec 2018   [#1300] In reply to [#1299]
Cheers Marco

Here's another experiment


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Message 7777.1301 was deleted

From: James (JFH)
3 Dec 2018   [#1302]
Hi All,

I have for some time had small image attached as my desktop background image,
so I decided to model it parametrically in NE. See result below

At first glance it seem very simple, & well it is, but the pertinent issue is that for
facets to remain planar the major peak meeting of 6 faces must move opposite and
relative to the minor peak meeting of 3 faces. see .nod file attached


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