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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Message 7777.1210 was deleted

From: James (JFH)
25 Aug 2018   [#1211]
Thanks Pilou, Al & Marco,

I have now posted FishEye.nod to my previous post:

UPDATED:with 2D/3D switch

Have a great weekend

Image Attachments:

Message 7777.1212 was deleted

From: mkdm
26 Aug 2018   [#1213] In reply to [#1211]
James you're becoming a "true master" of this kind of "mathematical art"!


In this period of my life honestly this is not a CG topic that's so much interesting to me, but I want to tell you that your contribution to this particular area of Moi, the NodeEditor, is really amazing!
I think it's (almost) on the same level of what Max did with all his amazing scripts.

Thanks for your passion!
From: Mik (MIKULAS)
26 Aug 2018   [#1214] In reply to [#1213]
I can sign Marco's words!


From: James (JFH)
26 Aug 2018   [#1215] In reply to [#1213]
Hi Marco,

I have been buoyed by your kind words, although I don't
believe I am deserving of comparison with Max on any level.
Nevertheless, I'm greatly appreciative of your encouragement.

Thank you (& Mik)
From: mkdm
27 Aug 2018   [#1216] In reply to [#1215]
You're welcome James! I think that you deserve due recognition :)

From: speedy (AL2000)
11 Sep 2018   [#1217]
Hello Friends
how many interested people find this link:
the famous Dutch Folding Chair ...
I hope it is of interest to you
Have a nice day to all
From: James (JFH)
11 Sep 2018   [#1218] In reply to [#1217]
Hi Al,


Keep up the great work
From: speedy (AL2000)
11 Sep 2018   [#1219]
Hi James
Many many Thanks
From: speedy (AL2000)
12 Sep 2018   [#1220]
Hello Friends
An exploration, I think quite interesting,
of a fascinating and particular surface in my opinion, Dupin Cyclide Ring -
how many interested people find the file at this link:
Good depth to everyone
Have a nice day to all
From: speedy (AL2000)
21 Sep 2018   [#1221]
Hi Friends ,
Continuing the most particular knowledge
Polyhedra world , of those interested will find here:
a Macro that I think can be useful ..
at least I hope..
-Pipe Frame and Knot on Polyhedron -

Have a nice weekend everyone

Message 7777.1222 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
21 Sep 2018   [#1223]
I see a rugby ball and a dog bone! :)
From: speedy (AL2000)
25 Sep 2018   [#1224]
Hello Friends
Those interested find here:
the file related to the movement of a particular
door (Austrian author-KlemensTorggler),view long ago in the Web....
Have a nice day to all
From: James (JFH)
25 Sep 2018   [#1225] In reply to [#1224]
Hi Al et al,

That's very cool. I was impressed by door mechanism video on dezeen:
but even better to see it animated in NE. Great work.

Maybe you can help me with a problem.
I have been trying to get my head around voronoi tessellation.
(I recognise that this may be a redundant exercise if/when Max converts his script to a node)

I have started with a mesh of triangles*, applied planar, extracted edges,
getStframe, generate 3ptCircle and find centers with BoundingBox node.

Now it is a matter of drawing lines between centers.
This involves incrementally taking pointDist for each point with the rest
and drawing the shortest (extract Min - compare - split),
then repeating for new minimum distance (2nd shortest) & again for 3rd shortest.

I have not included the nod file because frankly it is not even close to working as I desire.
Perhaps this is beyond NE as is, but I thought you or someone else might have an idea of how to proceed.


*Ideally, what I want to do is input a field of points and apply a Delaunay triangulation as my starting point;
though if that was possible, the same code could probably achieve voronoi meshing as well.
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Sep 2018   [#1226]
Very cool door!
From: speedy (AL2000)
26 Sep 2018   [#1227]
Hello James
Many Thank you for your appreciation .... -

About Voronoi, I also tried to do something,
but I did not go further than you ...
My problem is that I can not sort with a logic (that is
very special), the points obtained as centers of the Circles
circumscribed to the source triangles, to obtain the ngon poly ...
I saw on the web the creation of the progressive field using
Lloyd's algorithm ... I have to say real poetry, almost magic
but all of this higher mathematica ..... unfortunately very far from my level-
I hope that Max or Karsten can soon give us this Node
Have a nice evening
From: amur (STEFAN)
26 Sep 2018   [#1228]
This Delaunay and Voronoi stuff could be interesting in the future imho,
in case you could process also images with that in MoI, based on a point

I played today with some old tools on my Mac and came up with the
idea to laser cut those Delaunay / Voronoi Designs, because i have
found a service which is imho pretty cheap and has lot's of materials
to choose from.

free photo hosting


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