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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

Message 7777.1174 was deleted

From: mkdm
17 Jul 2018   [#1175] In reply to [#1174]
Super AMAZING creation!!!
This is the beauty of math :)

James you're a "math painter"!
From: mkdm
17 Jul 2018   [#1176] In reply to [#1174]
P.s. now only a background music is missing!
After that we could use Moi like a DJ in a dance floor :)
From: Barry-H
21 Jul 2018   [#1177]
can someone help I am trying to get the inverse of sine for a calc within the node editor.
Is there away to do this to get the angle in degrees or radians ?
Got it used asin() function
From: James (JFH)
23 Jul 2018   [#1178] In reply to [#1153]
Hi Karsten,

Your M_PathArray node is extremely useful, however I have a thought of how it may be be made even more powerful.

If the input is a single decimal number < 1 (e.g. 0.6 as shown in attached image)
then a point would be positioned at that percentage of the curve length.

I know that something similar can now be achieve with use 0 & 1 concatenated to either side of the number; but this becomes a problem with multiprocessing multiple curves with input numarray parametrically determined by say proximity to attractor point.

Hopefully, this makes sense.

Image Attachments:

From: speedy (AL2000)
23 Jul 2018   [#1179]
Hi James, I agree with you, it would be extremely useful to be able to use
a single decimal or a decimal progression,
leaving out the concatenate with the No. 1
I hope Karsten can improve
the functionality of this Node, I do not think it's too difficult for him ...
at least I hope.....
Have a nice day
From: speedy (AL2000)
23 Jul 2018   [#1180]
HI to All,
I send you Macro_1Gear
for creating toothed wheels...
file at this link :
good depth to everyone

Message 7777.1181 was deleted

From: James (JFH)
24 Jul 2018   [#1182]
Hi All,

Another experiment with performative screening.


Image Attachments:

From: mkdm
24 Jul 2018   [#1183] In reply to [#1182]
WOW!!! Wonderful!
From: Barry-H
25 Jul 2018   [#1184]
Hi All,
created this nod after reading this thread
Having originally done the calcs on a spreadsheet I wanted to see if it could all be done with the node editor and it's
a good way for me to learn how some of the nodes work ( still lot to learn )
I have been working on 2 options the first being the one posted which adds the helix to a core this gives the slot bottom a curved shape.
Option 2 which subtracts the helix to get the slot thus the slot bottom will be flat more like it would be machined.

Globoid Cam.nod

Image Attachments:
Screenshot (119).png  Screenshot (120).png  Screenshot (121).png 

From: James (JFH)
27 Jul 2018   [#1185]
Hi All,

GEMERATOR: A fun little macro utility

Have a great weekend!

Image Attachments:

From: Finema
28 Jul 2018   [#1186] In reply to [#1185]
cool ! thanks
From: Finema
28 Jul 2018   [#1187] In reply to [#1186]
a test of this node with a keyshot render
From: James (JFH)
28 Jul 2018   [#1188] In reply to [#1187]
Beautiful render! Thanks
From: mkdm
28 Jul 2018   [#1189] In reply to [#1187]
Very very nice!

Message 7777.1190 was deleted

From: speedy (AL2000)
1 Aug 2018   [#1191]
The Hot air Balloon It is one of those objects that has always been
fascinated me, years ago, I also realized
drawings and engravings that had this subject-
I was trying to create a pattern in a sphere , when
I understood that I had laid the foundation for building
anything but .... a Hot air Balloon ...
As you will see, in fact, opening the file the object is positioned upside down,
from below to above ...
Patience, I left it just to remember
in the future, this little quirk, and, on the other hand, I had
already brought the modeling forward enough, and rotate
everything would have been, in my opinion, a useless and pedantic work-
The resulting object is a true explosion of colors ....
hope that you will communicate enjoy and freedom ...
In any case, as I have already said, I can not
to publish directly in the Forum images and files ...
so, if any of you could do it for me
I would be grateful ...
for the benefit of all useres-
Welcome your comments
Files and images at this link:
Have a nice evenig to all
From: James (JFH)
2 Aug 2018   [#1192] In reply to [#1]
Hi Karsten,

I made a submission to Pattern on a sphere post:
which was done mostly in NE. However it was necessary to break the chain at the SubD classic operation.

If you are looking for a little project; would it be possible to include this functionality in your SubD node?

All the best

Image Attachments:

From: speedy (AL2000)
2 Aug 2018   [#1193]
Hello everyone
Those interested can find this link:
files and images related to M_Exp.Polyhedron.
I think it is a utility that can be exploited well
in the future by all users
Have a nice day to all

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