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Full Version: Nodebundle for playing with nodes

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Thread Split: Some posts in this thread have been moved here

From: James (JFH)
28 Jun 2018   [#1139] In reply to [#1138]
Hello Alberto,

Wow, I was not expecting that...really amazing animation
Keep up the great work
From: speedy (AL2000)
28 Jun 2018   [#1140]
Good Morning James ,
I have to say the same thing for you ,
sincerely the Voxel file is "unsettling"
(in italiano , direi spiazzante)
Bravo, and original .....
have a nice day
From: Barry-H
28 Jun 2018   [#1141] In reply to [#1129]
Hi James,
I have downloaded your remap nod file but getting this error ( ReferenceError: Can't find variable: magnitude)
So not sure if I have all the latest additions to extensions. (I have added the one's posted by Karsten)
Any Idea's what I'm missing.
From: James (JFH)
28 Jun 2018   [#1142] In reply to [#1141]
Hi Barry,

I just reviewed the reMapNode.nod file :

and there is no recent extension nodes that you might be missing. Though, I have only tried it with MoiV4, perhaps it has backward compatibility issues.

I'm sorry that I cannot more helpful
From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
28 Jun 2018   [#1143] In reply to [#1141]
Hello Barry,

please check if basicfunctions. js is missing in extensions/libs.

Have a nice day
From: Barry-H
28 Jun 2018   [#1144] In reply to [#1143]
Hi Karsten/James,
correct the basicfunctions.js was missing from my node editor version in Moi V4
All's working well again.
Many thanks.
From: speedy (AL2000)
29 Jun 2018   [#1145]
Hi Friends ,
a Torciglione whose execution
it is entrusted to the Macro Helix, and to the subsequent adaptation
to a reference curve-
As usual, the file at this link:
Have a nice Week-end to all

Message 7777.1146 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
1 Jul 2018   [#1147]
Ocean's waves! :)

Message 7777.1148 was deleted

Message 7777.1149 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4 Jul 2018   [#1150] In reply to [#1149]
Any relation with GEB ?

From: mkdm
4 Jul 2018   [#1151] In reply to [#1150]
Hi Pilou!

...what is it "GEB"?
From: James (JFH)
4 Jul 2018   [#1152] In reply to [#1150]
Hi Pilou,

Yes actually I was referencing Douglas Hofstadter's intriguing book.

From: Karsten (KMRQUS)
4 Jul 2018   [#1153] In reply to [#1151]

G: Kurt Gödel -> destroys the hope of closed axiomatic mathematics - Cantor and Hilbert were crying:-(
E: M.C. Escher is not a DJ
B: Johann Sebastian Bach would Need a DJ
From: mkdm
4 Jul 2018   [#1154] In reply to [#1153]
LOL :)
From: Barry-H
5 Jul 2018   [#1155]
Hi All,
need a bit of basic advice.
I want to create a nod to divide a curve and apply a twist for the given sections.
This will give a variable pitch helix but a constant pitch radially.
Not sure if I need to create the sections individually or if I can produce the curve
then divide (trim) it into sections but then how do I index thro the sections.

Image Attachments:
Screenshot (105).png 

From: speedy (AL2000)
6 Jul 2018   [#1156]
Hi Barry and Friends
this is my last reflection about
the exact execution of a Globoid Worm Gear ...
1- first of all we must start from the gear wheel we want
be moved
2- we draw the wheel with the Max Plug, asking for output
also the Pitch Circle
3- we extract the profiles of the teeth and reposition them in a manner
fair to the outside, considering them as teeth
of the rotating helical shaft
4- We create an arc of circle that has as referents the centers of the various
sections of the teeth of the shaft
5- We create a Sweept that has the teeth as profiles and as rail
the spiral formed with reference to the circle arc
6- join the section of the Shaft at Swwept

Work completed
at this link :
the files and some pictures
From: Barry-H
6 Jul 2018   [#1157] In reply to [#1156]
Hi Alberto,
thanks for posting your nod file but I think the sweep is not giving the correct result.
I projected a line onto the worm to get a cross section and found the tooth profile on the left not correct.
Perhaps a 2 rail sweep would correct it ?
Many thanks

Image Attachments:
Screenshot (106).png 

From: speedy (AL2000)
9 Jul 2018   [#1158]
Hi Barry and Friends
I saw your post in response yesterday , I double-checked and actually
the profiles positioned on the rail did not maintain the angular relationship
(usually, using Catia, I have this default option
for the Rib ... tool in Ambient Part Design)
but Moi is another thing ...,
so, I changed the method, I increased the profiles positioned
along the rail, positioning them consistently in the four axes ...
I think the result is satisfying ...
I tried to do a little animation too
file at this link:
Have a nice day to all

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